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NPD June 2011 Sales Results [Update5: Most HW in, Infamous 2]


CadetMahoney said:
To be fair it was universally accepted that the PS3 was never going to catch the 360 in the total NPD's, so ppl refer to worldwide all the time now.

Yeah it's been enar forever that people talked about worldwide when they talk about the PS3 catching the 360, since year 1-2 basically.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Stumpokapow said:
there's a secret symbol encoded into the barcode so stores know to give out the refurb 360s.

Wait your telling me my 360 isn't Kosher or Halaal....Oh noes!
Stumpokapow said:
PS2 launched in October 2000 -> 6th full calendar year would be 2006.
360 launched in November 2005 -> 6th full calendar year would be 2011.
Hope the one month offset in initial launch doesn't prejudice using a calendar year comparison.

PS2 2006 -> 360 2011:
January 272,4xx -> 381,xxx (360 beats ps2)
February 309,2xx -> 535,xxx (360 beats ps2)
March 276,8xx -> 433,xxx (360 beats ps2)
April 206,9xx -> 297,xxx (360 beats ps2)
May 231,6xx -> 270,xxx (360 beats ps2)
June 311,9xx -> 507,xxx (360 beats ps2)
July 241,9xx
August 262,4xx
Sep 306,5xx
Oct 235,0xx
Nov 664,xxx
Dec 1,394,xxx

So, uh, yeah.

Holy shitballs MS.
EagleEyes said:
It makes for great entertainment. Speaking of 6th year, is the 360 selling better than the PS2 did in its 6th year? Curious to see if the 360 is in unprecedented territory at this point.

In North America,

June 2006 NPD analysis said:
On the hardware front, June 2006 saw $297.8 million in sales, far above the $200.7 million in sales in June 2005. The Xbox 360 came back from its May slump, with monthly sales increasing 26 percent to reach 277,000 units. But while the 360 shortages are now a thing of the past, the PlayStation 2 remained the best-selling console for the month--it sold over 311,900 units at $129.99 a pop.


The 360 is selling much, much better than the PS2 at similar points. Of course, this is offset by the fact that the PS2 sold much, much better earlier on.
walking fiend said:
<25K combined.

Stumpokapow said:
Less dismal, ~35,000.

It is always a jarring experience to know how few of us there are. Us, what shall we call ourselves, game hipsters? The old core? Whichever way you chose to name it is clear that we are but a handful.

A damn shame it is too, I sure am going to miss getting new games like Child of Eden etc. etc. in the future. But, hey, there is always older games and eBay, right gentlemen?
Stumpokapow said:
<Unexpected data galore>
That's all well and good (and surprising) but what made the ps2 such a beast was the global domination. But, you gotta figure the unfairness of such a comparison. The cards were stacked for Sony in that regard.
It is always a jarring experience to know how few of us there are. Us, what shall we call ourselves, game hipsters? The old core? Whichever way you chose to name it is clear that we are but a handful.

A damn shame it is too, I sure am going to miss getting new games like Children of Eden etc. etc. in the future. But, hey, there is always older games an eBay, right gentlemen?
This gen, I have been a happy Wii only gamer that got two Suda games and will do so for the next on Wii U.

btw, Wii is not the current market leader, because it doesn't move software and apparently people aren't playing much on it. HD consoles are selling triple the Wii combined, double at least.


ScionOfTheRisingSun said:
It is always a jarring experience to know how few of us there are. Us, what shall we call ourselves, game hipsters? The old core? Whichever way you chose to name it is clear that we are but a handful.

A damn shame it is too, I sure am going to miss getting new games like Children of Eden etc. etc. in the future. But, hey, there is always older games an eBay, right gentlemen?

You can call yourselves... The PS2 generation.
ScionOfTheRisingSun said:
It is always a jarring experience to know how few of us there are. Us, what shall we call ourselves, game hipsters? The old core? Whichever way you chose to name it is clear that we are but a handful.

A damn shame it is too, I sure am going to miss getting new games like Children of Eden etc. etc. in the future. But, hey, there is always older games an eBay, right gentlemen?

With Steam, GoG, XBLA, PSN, WiiWare, and even Games on Demand obscure games are never going to go out of print anymore. Embrace your DD future.
Gravijah said:
You can call yourselves... The PS2 generation.

But we've been around since the Atari.

Sho_Nuff82 said:
With Steam, GoG, XBLA, PSN, WiiWare, and even Games on Demand obscure games are never going to go out of print anymore. Embrace your DD future.

I like physical copies for now, and will do so until I have no possible alternative. As for the indie scene and console DD, let us just say so far these movements have produced but a single game that has not left me cold, Cave Story, so I am not holding my breath.


Sho_Nuff82 said:
In North America,

The 360 is selling much, much better than the PS2 at similar points. Of course, this is offset by the fact that the PS2 sold much, much better earlier on.
Which shows that a slow start (in 360's case) doesn't mean it won't be a successful platform. 360's no PS2 either way, but I think it may achieve 80M lifetime sales or perhaps even more. Microsoft's persistence to attract 3rd parties paid off big time.


Stumpokapow said:
PS2 launched in October 2000 -> 6th full calendar year would be 2006.
360 launched in November 2005 -> 6th full calendar year would be 2011.
Hope the one month offset in initial launch doesn't prejudice using a calendar year comparison.

PS2 2006 -> 360 2011:
January 272,4xx -> 381,xxx (360 beats ps2)
February 309,2xx -> 535,xxx (360 beats ps2)
March 276,8xx -> 433,xxx (360 beats ps2)
April 206,9xx -> 297,xxx (360 beats ps2)
May 231,6xx -> 270,xxx (360 beats ps2)
June 311,9xx -> 507,xxx (360 beats ps2)
July 241,9xx
August 262,4xx
Sep 306,5xx
Oct 235,0xx
Nov 664,xxx
Dec 1,394,xxx

So, uh, yeah.

Not too surprising given that in 2006 there was a new console on the market that was much more powerful than the PS2. The 360 doesn't face that kind of competition.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
With Steam, GoG, XBLA, PSN, WiiWare, and even Games on Demand obscure games are never going to go out of print anymore. Embrace your DD future.
I wonder how do WiiWare developers survive, does people actually buy game on it?


listen to the mad man
Curufinwe said:
Not too surprising given that in 2006 there was a new console on the market that was much more powerful than the PS2. The 360 doesn't face that kind of competition.

But in 2006 that new console was the 360 and it significantly undersold the PS2 in 2006. The 360's competition in 2011 is significantly stronger than the PS2's competition in 2006 was.


Curufinwe said:
Not too surprising given that in 2006 there was a new console on the market that was much more powerful than the PS2. The 360 doesn't face that kind of competition.

Yes, no competition at all.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Anyone freaked out with the System Wars heating up sales-wise

I wouldn't be surprised by this holiday if this becomes the pricing standard:

PS3 - $199.99
PS3 Move Bundle - $249.99 or $299.99

Xbox360 Slim 4GB version - $129.99 (hell maybe even $99.99) (without Kinnect)
Xbox360 Slim 250GB version with Kinnect - $199.99

Wii - $99.99 or something (no clue on this)

3DS - $179.99 or less (they have to drop the price ASAP)


Meisadragon said:
Yes, no competition at all.

Strawman arguments are lame.

The PS2 selling around 250,000 units per month in the first six months of its sixth full calendar year is not surprising given the next gen had already started and two more new consoles were going to be released at the end of that year.

The 360's sales for 2006 are extremely impressive, I just don't think the fact they are higher than PS2 sales in the corresponding period of its life cycle is a shock.
Stumpokapow said:
From an earlier post in the thread (don't blame you for missing it, thread is huge):


360 27,818,373
PS3 17,153,921
Wii 35,894,494
Yes this thread moves fast. Thanks for the numbers.

Im a sony fan but can't really hate on the 360. Almost at 30mill now. Damn. We'll see what a $249/$199 PS3 does for sony. What do you think?


Stumpokapow said:
PS2 launched in October 2000 -> 6th full calendar year would be 2006.
360 launched in November 2005 -> 6th full calendar year would be 2011.
Hope the one month offset in initial launch doesn't prejudice using a calendar year comparison.

PS2 2006 -> 360 2011:
January 272,4xx -> 381,xxx (360 beats ps2)
February 309,2xx -> 535,xxx (360 beats ps2)
March 276,8xx -> 433,xxx (360 beats ps2)
April 206,9xx -> 297,xxx (360 beats ps2)
May 231,6xx -> 270,xxx (360 beats ps2)
June 311,9xx -> 507,xxx (360 beats ps2)
July 241,9xx
August 262,4xx
Sep 306,5xx
Oct 235,0xx
Nov 664,xxx
Dec 1,394,xxx

So, uh, yeah.
Wow, thats awesome that you put that together so quick. Thanks.
GraveRobberX said:
Anyone freaked out with the System Wars heating up sales-wise

I wouldn't be surprised by this holiday if this becomes the pricing standard:

PS3 - $199.99
PS3 Move Bundle - $249.99 or $299.99

Xbox360 Slim 4GB version - $129.99 (hell maybe even $99.99) (without Kinnect)
Xbox360 Slim 250GB version with Kinnect - $199.99

Wii - $99.99 or something (no clue on this)

3DS - $179.99 or less (they have to drop the price ASAP)
shinnn said:
Xbox 360 2010 vs 2011:
      2010   2011    YoY
Jan   333K   381K   + 14%
Feb   422K   535K   + 27%
Mar   338K   433K   + 28%
Apr   185K   297K   + 61%
May   195K   270K   + 38%
[B]Jun   452K   507K   + 12%[/B]
That settles that then.

Zen said:
Yeah it's been near forever that people talked about worldwide when they talk about the PS3 catching the 360, since year 1-2 basically.
In NPD threads? Referring to worldwide figures in an NPD thread used to be frowned upon I'm sure.


walking fiend said:
I wonder how do WiiWare developers survive, does people actually buy game on it?

Only low budget developers survive there, thus there won't be any high profile releases in future.


y'all should be ashamed
GraveRobberX said:
Anyone freaked out with the System Wars heating up sales-wise

I wouldn't be surprised by this holiday if this becomes the pricing standard:

PS3 - $199.99
PS3 Move Bundle - $249.99 or $299.99

Xbox360 Slim 4GB version - $129.99 (hell maybe even $99.99) (without Kinnect)
Xbox360 Slim 250GB version with Kinnect - $199.99

Wii - $99.99 or something (no clue on this)

3DS - $179.99 or less (they have to drop the price ASAP)
Again, there is no way Sony or MS are gonna cut prices when their systems are doing so well so late in their lifespan. Noooooooooooooo way.

Well, maybe Sony will do a $50 cut, but that's the max.
Well, impressive sales performance by MS. Child of Eden really should be on the fast track to GoD as well as Shadows of the Damned. (CoE really should have been an Arcade release.)


venne said:

Never heard of it until this thread. Watched the trailer and thought it looked like dog shit.
Yeah, not surprising. The HD Twins had a great games comeing out during that month that the game was quite buried.

Another shout for ''Should have been on the Wii''

Mikami is not crying though, he is well backed up by Bethesda. Can't wait for his next game.
Shiggy said:
Only low budget developers survive there, thus there won't be any high profile releases in future.
Shinen is how budget or hight?

I mean, why don't they develop for PS3/XBLA/Steam instead? Aren't those much better markets?


Not to downplay the 360 results, but a big difference is that this generation is still getting massive, and the only, support in its 6th year.

The Ps2 was pretty much a wrap in 2006. They were and are still being made and sold but most of the big guys in the industry had moved their IP's to the next generation already.
Karma said:
How do you know it didnt work for Sony? They have ran the free promo far more times than Microsoft. Do you know how many FREE PS3s they have given away?

you don't really see the PS3 ever hit 500,000. Seems like the 360 got a bigger push from it.
nincompoop said:
Well whatever the case is, I really doubt they would increase their production by a significant amount just so they could give a bunch of consoles away. The fact still remains that they wouldn't run a promotion like this if they didn't have a ton of excess supply for whatever reason that they needed to get rid of, and hence it would be unrealistic for Sony or Nintendo to run a similar promotion if they don't have excess supply themselves.
Did you ever stop to think that this promotion had little to do with the 360's and had a lot more to do with selling Windows PC's to a demographic that has been trending towards apple products lately?

They are basically giving a 200 discount on computers but instead of just giving cash they figure they might as well give away a 200 product that can give them future revenue.
Lagspike_exe said:
Unless Sony is purposely underestimating sales expectations, current expectations for this FY aren't indicating $100 pricecut.

They might do a 50 price cut , still i think sony might just ride it out to ps4 with the least amount of price cuts as possible .
Then Vita also coming this year so that might change things .


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
chubigans said:
Ubisoft wouldn't release Child of Eden on the PS3 in Sept. at $60 after seeing these sales...would they?

They will, with a -100% marketing budget behind it
(Yes a negative %, COE will be paying Ubisoft back)

a Master Ninja said:
And they were concurrent! For $299 you got a 160 PS3, Black Ops, and a $50 giftcard.

+ First COD:BLOPS DLC on the house (First Strike, I think)


chubigans said:
Ubisoft wouldn't release Child of Eden on the PS3 in Sept. at $60 after seeing these sales...would they?
Do we have the numbers for child of eden? The game doesn't look like it a great amount of budget anyway. I think they would be happy with 100k LTD.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Stumpokapow said:
But in 2006 that new console was the 360 and it significantly undersold the PS2 in 2006. The 360's competition in 2011 is significantly stronger than the PS2's competition in 2006 was.

Well, I guess in 2006 PS2 sales were naturally declining due to the PS3 being announced and ready to go on sale and the 360 being the new hotness.

Doesn't really matter that it was underselling. We were amid a console generation shift in 2006. Hardly the same situation as 2011.
Barkley's Justice said:
i have to say, i'm surprised by the infamous 2 numbers. because, after all...infamous 2. know what i mean? huh-huh?? *nudge nudge*

A good game gets good sales. What's so hard to understand?
chubigans said:
Again, there is no way Sony or MS are gonna cut prices when their systems are doing so well so late in their lifespan. Noooooooooooooo way.

Well, maybe Sony will do a $50 cut, but that's the max.

I just don't see why Sony would cut their PS3 price at all except for desperation to attempt to win second place this generation from Microsoft.

1) They had the most recent pricecut of the HD twins. When MS announced slim they announced it at the same price of the old elite/arcades. MS still haven't dropped from the 300/200 combo even though they make much more profit than Sony.

2) They're still in debt, PSN is in the red, and the whole PSN hack situation cost them even more millions. Why cut the price now when PS3 is selling better than ever before?

3) Didn't they just start to make money off of PS3's sold not that long ago? Even if cutting off $50 garnishes them a very small profit luckily, why not just keep selling it the way it is now? It's not like it's having trouble selling. Again, why cut the price when PS3 is selling better than ever before?

I just dont find it logical except if they're doing it just to outsell X360 this gen, which would be yet another stupid Sony move profit-wise.

Also, with Sony's vision of PS3 being PS2 sales wise (lol), I expect them to cut out BC on the PS4 and sell PS3's for cheap, so people will buy both. Anyone think this, ,too?


chubigans said:
Again, there is no way Sony or MS are gonna cut prices when their systems are doing so well so late in their lifespan. Noooooooooooooo way.

Well, maybe Sony will do a $50 cut, but that's the max.
PS3 hasn't had a price drop since 2009, and according to the numbers parminedes posted, it's actually selling a lot WW, so I don't think Sony is feeling pressured right now. They haven't increased their fiscal year projection as well, so yeah, $50 price cut max. They need to do something about the US market, though. Right now it is slipping away from them.


Holy shit SotD uber bomba. I mean I knew it wasn't going to do well but I did expect it to at least come close to 100k. But under 25k combined. :lol

And 360 with monster sales.


Curufinwe said:
Not too surprising given that in 2006 there was a new console on the market that was much more powerful than the PS2. The 360 doesn't face that kind of competition.

How about 2004?

Jan/2004 340,000 -> 381,xxx (360 beats ps2)
Feb/2004 360,000 -> 535,xxx (360 beats ps2)
Mar/2004 290,000 -> 433,xxx (360 beats ps2)
Apr/2004 180,000 -> 297,xxx (360 beats ps2)
May/2004 250,000 -> 270,xxx (360 beats ps2)
Jun/2004 430,000 -> 507,xxx (360 beats ps2)

Meisadragon said:
PS3 hasn't had a price drop since 2009, and according to the numbers parminedes posted, it's actually selling a lot WW, so I don't think Sony is feeling pressured right now. They haven't increased their fiscal year projection as well, so yeah, $50 price cut max. They need to do something about the US market, though. Right now it is slipping away from them.

360 hasnt dropped since 2008 and has sold 600,000 more WW than the PS3 the last 2 Quarters.
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