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Wrasslin' Thread 20XX |OT| New Age WrestleGAF


I think Impact has monetized its video library fairly effectively over the last few years. That and they've been pretty smart with costs and such. As an 'old school' TNA fan I hope they can continue on. Lethal had some big moments in TNA. I'm not sure why he left. I'm guessing he wanted to be a main event player and management didn't see that. Even though he beat Angle and things like that.

My other guess would be they let him go because of budget cuts after Hogan and his cronies drained them.
I hope they continue on too. I mean they've been a lot better since about 2015'ish or so. It's just they ratings are so tiny these days I'm amazed they're still around even though I like them. (Especially Eddie Edwards, TJP, Moose and Ace Austin. I'm definitely a shill for those 4.)


This thread has been rather quiet. Guessing I'm not the only one who thinks it was a mistake to take the belt off Omega. Hopefully this will be a quick transition to MJF getting it.

Naked Lunch

This thread has been rather quiet. Guessing I'm not the only one who thinks it was a mistake to take the belt off Omega. Hopefully this will be a quick transition to MJF getting it.
Apparently Kenny was all jacked up injured for a while now - which makes his run this past year, in AEW and all those different promotions, even more impressive. I guess hes going to take a break and maybe get surgery.

Interesting take about MJF. Looks like its going to be a quick transition to Danielson which I dont like. Im tired of Punk and Danielson already. AEW is pretty good with mixing it up after PPVs though.


Apparently Kenny was all jacked up injured for a while now - which makes his run this past year, in AEW and all those different promotions, even more impressive. I guess hes going to take a break and maybe get surgery.

Interesting take about MJF. Looks like its going to be a quick transition to Danielson which I dont like. Im tired of Punk and Danielson already. AEW is pretty good with mixing it up after PPVs though.
I didn't realize he was injured. Makes a lot more sense now.

Bullet Club



Naked Lunch

Def one of the better Dynamites this week.
I just posted I was sick of Daniel and Punk - but with one show post the PPV theyre relauched into great new storylines. Brian heel already, and Punk is going to have his first loss against MJF. Brilliant.
Pretty much all of the matches were tops. Even the Nyla v Shida was great.
Lethal v Sammy match was Grade A stuff - I always enjoy a handshake before and after match.


I wish they would get rid of Nyla.......
Here's the problem with Nyla..... the whole story of being a trans wrestler is fantastic, but the fact male/female whatever you want to call it she's an unhealthy fat bitch that forces her to always be a Heel because you're not looking at a female, you're looking at a fat dude beating up females, calling it what it is.

How do you sell Nyla has a Face when she's the size of a dinosaur compared to the other 'female' contemporaries in the ring.

"Against all odds! Despite being twice the size of her competition, BAH GOD WHAT A VICTORY"

I'm all for supporting the transwrestler movement and her journey, but the character itself is extremely limited



Hit Row made it to the main roster just to be released.

And Maverick got released a second time and Morrison got released right after his wife. Just wow. If I'm K.O. I'm leaving when my contract is up. (Since they'll probably release him after giving him a new contract.)

Kagey K

Got tickets to Monday Night Raw coming up in Jan for my son for Xmas.

He hasn't watched anything modern except AJ vs Undertaker and the Firefly Funhouse.

In order to catch him up on who's who, I should start at Crown Jewel since the draft stuff happens the next night?

We are currently just past WM 15 so he knows Edge (and loves The Brood) and Rey, also Goldberg and Rock, and knows Cena from the memes.
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Just saw the news and this shit is insanity. Swerve, Spud, Morrison this time. Who the hell is next at this pace? I really do believe more and more with this continuing that they are gearing up to sell the company. It just doesn't make any sense why they're letting so many great talents go.


not tag worthy
Anybody want to take a guess on how long it will be before Undisputed Era reunites in AEW? I'm going with July 2022.
Vince should just leave and let Shane,Steph and Paul take over.
bit he won’t
In other bets How long before RoH is bought by AEW? By that I mean the tape library and also the roster.


Got tickets to a Raw taping coming up in Jan for my son for Xmas.

He hasn't watched anything modern except AJ vs Undertaker and the Firefly Funhouse.

In order to catch him up on who's who, I should start at Crown Jewel since the draft stuff happens the next night?

We are currently just past WM 15 so he knows Edge (and loves The Brood) and Rey, also Goldberg and Rock, and knows Cena from the memes.
Well no point given how the WWE is going since whomever you tell him about probably won't be there. Admittedly Edge, Rey, Goldberg, Rock, Jeff Hardy and Cena will probably still be there.
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Just saw the news and this shit is insanity. Swerve, Spud, Morrison this time. Who the hell is next at this pace? I really do believe more and more with this continuing that they are gearing up to sell the company. It just doesn't make any sense why they're letting so many great talents go.
Well as I always say I'm surprised Rick Boogs is still there since he's so terrible.(As in nails across the chalkboard, makes you fast forward through everything he's in terrible.) I'll guess besides KO that some of the next people to go will be Moss, Apolo Crews, Commander Disease, Doudrop, Roderick Strong, Kyle O'Reily, and Captain Caveman Von Wagner.


BTW for the hell of it I just looked under the alumni section of WWE. Did anybody else notice Cody Rhodes isn't listed as Cody Rhodes? He's listed as Stardust.(That's got to be insulting.)


Punk and MJF caught me by surprise, and I am really looking forward to this feud.

The new champ though, I'm just not feeling it. I'm hoping BD takes the belt off him quickly. Let Bray show up, turn the Dark Order against Page to keep him from losing clean, and then they can feud. And maybe let the Dark Order go to TNA or something. They just seem so pointless, like half goth versions of Doink the Clown's minions.


Punk and MJF caught me by surprise, and I am really looking forward to this feud.

The new champ though, I'm just not feeling it. I'm hoping BD takes the belt off him quickly. Let Bray show up, turn the Dark Order against Page to keep him from losing clean, and then they can feud. And maybe let the Dark Order go to TNA or something. They just seem so pointless, like half goth versions of Doink the Clown's minions.
You expect them, after 2.5 years of building up to Hangman becoming champ, to just drop it after like a month? How is it not immediately obvious to you that ain't happening? This isn't WWE with the kneejerk script ripping.

Plus Page and DO are actually over. If you don't like, at least have the self awareness you're in the minority.


You expect them, after 2.5 years of building up to Hangman becoming champ, to just drop it after like a month? How is it not immediately obvious to you that ain't happening? This isn't WWE with the kneejerk script ripping.

Plus Page and DO are actually over. If you don't like, at least have the self awareness you're in the minority.
Why so much animosity? Are you in the DO or something?

Anyway, I don't expect anything. I just posted what I would like to see happen.

And if you think the majority opinion should affect mine, go pound sand.


I like the fact that Bryan is going to "punish" the Dark Order, whether or not he will wrestle them all.

Bryan genuinely looked like he was having fun.

CM Punk vs MJF, could be Punks first loss with loads of the usual outside shenanigans, wouldn't harm either. Hopefully it's a slow burn

With Moxley and Omega resting, it's good to see the new guys elevating the long standing roster.
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Lol, imagine thinking being over is a measuring stick of who should be champ. I guess I forgot about 10x world champion Steve Blackman, and hall of famer Al Snow…

Losimg the title in his first defense actually fits the character, and they do need someone to bite the bullet of transitional champion. Not every champion can be a 7+ month holder, or you begin tocondition the audience to tune out of feuds since there is no chance of a title change. Page was over without the belt, thanks to the worst catchphrase in recent times.

Heel Bryan destroying the Jobber Order on his way to Page makes for an interesting opposite take on the face going through the heel faction to get to the leader. Bryan has a great non chickenshit heel run til you decide on where to go from there. Could drop to Punk to drop to MJF, could wait out returning face Omega for their rematch. Way more options with a heel champion right now then a face. Sorry Hangman marks


Dark Order were key in building up Page's self-esteem so he believed in himself enough to win the title. Bryan targeting them to weaken Page's support structure makes sense.


Biggest impression from Survivor Series for how hard Vince bent over and took that golden egg shoved up his ass for a movie produced by a wrestler he primarily hyped for the event and DIDN'T EVEN SHOW.

Only match with any juice started off the show and ended in a poor fashion. The amount of ham-fisted commercials taking over the importance of the event that might just be my nail in the coffin on watching WWE PPV's

The show itself was fine but if I can watch just as many commercials on Sunday Night Football, not sure what the fuck Vince is doing other than trying to really disrespect his own product


advanced basic bitch
They're going to do a women's ultimate x match in impact. I hope they can pull it off. Those matches really only worked when you had supreme workers and athletes in there.

Kagey K

Reminds me of that time in Edmonton when a fan jumped in and pushed over the ladder when Eddie was on top.

At least Eddie landed on his feet though.

Or bash at the beach.
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Kagey K


Wasn't that part of the deal? Like if you went and fucked with a wrestler in the bar Meng would have ripped your throat out.

You had to be tougher than those around you.

Seth kind of flailed under that guy and did nothing to get leverage or control, when he should have basic knowledge, he got him in a reverse headlock and the fell over instead of capitalizing on the situation and coming out on top.

For people that practice these moves all day, that should have been easy.
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Bullet Club

The dude came sprinting in from the side, so I think Seth did OK. And there's not much he could have done due to potentially being sued.

Bill Watts would still fire him though.


Watching Survivor Series and...

are they paying people to start "this is awesome" chants?
What I found more noticeable was that in some cases the chants which happened a few times throughout the night were triggered on completely uninspiring activity in the ring that didn't correlate to the crowd excitement

It's also my biggest problem with WWE announcers trying to sound so overly serious it comes across more like hyperbole. Everything can't be the most exciting, everything can't give you chills on your neck or nothing does!

Cancelled my peacock sub after thinking about how much the Egg stuff pissed me off going into Monday, other than Roman and Sasha Banks I don't know that I like much anything else left on either show
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First 20 minutes of Dynamite tonight was 🔥

lmao at the fan who threw Cody's belt back into the ring
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