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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
You can rerun any non-story mission(nodes on the planets) as much as you want. Try mars if you can. Usually lots of ppl run infested invasions so you should be able to find a squad. You can rerun vor on mercury too though I'm not sure off hand if he drops morphics or not.


Can I get a invite back to the clan(PSN:NyPrince)? I'm playing again and finished the story missions and now lost with what to do next. So many new stuff and trees I have know idea about like what Syndicates should I choose.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Invite sent. Welcome back. You can have positive rep with up to 3 (4 with some micromanaging) syndicates at a time. Each one has an ally, an enemy and another it dislikes. It'll show you when you go over the menu. Pick one that has something you want and pledge to them for a sigil you can equip to gain rep with them.


Invite sent. Welcome back. You can have positive rep with up to 3 (4 with some micromanaging) syndicates at a time. Each one has an ally, an enemy and another it dislikes. It'll show you when you go over the menu. Pick one that has something you want and pledge to them for a sigil you can equip to gain rep with them.

Thanks. What are the go to places to lvl up weapons/frames now and place to farm void keys? I forgot everything because of the new UI, the level selection seems more confusing.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Alright, think I've got enough of a handle on the game mechanics to go ahead and request a clan invite. Everything I'm currently using is at max rank, I've combined some mods, done a whole bunch of missions, made some weapons, etc. Want to aim for a new frame soon but I've got a while to go before that happens.

But yeah, I'd love a clan invite if possible. PSN's SeraphisCain. Thanks!

Oh yeah, almost forgot. I've got about 8 hours left in my credit boost I got from the PS+ Starter Pack. I'd like to make as much use of the remaining time as possible. What should I be looking at doing to get as many credits as possible?

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Most ppl lvl at draco, ceres(interception) but it's high lvl enemies so it helps if you're just leveling weapons or have maxed out weapons and a cc frame. I usually just drop in pub games with loki prime and spam radial disarm. Great xp, got 3 lvs on my newly formad tonkor in <10 sec XD. Lower tier void stuff or dark sectors are good too for low levels.

For keys I'm not too sure but spy can give keys, excavation, survival, def, etc It's mostly lvl based obviously. Higher levels higher tier keys. I hear good things about triton, neptune or the pluto dark sector excavation. Spy also can give the old elemental event mods. Most of em anyway.

I'm sure some of the regulars have more, better ideas for lvl/keys too.

@Seraphis dark sector stuff give decent credits. I'll send you an invite tonight after the nucks game if no one else has by then


Anyone to help me with the Hijack mission trophy, guys? I'm really weak in this game and I'm having trouble even getting to the mission in the later planets, having no idea where to improve my stats the amount I actually need.

For Nightmare missions, I have cleared all of Venus nodes, but no Nightmare missions showed up. What else do I need to do?

Also, I can pay with whatever is transferable in game. Thanks. :)


Anyone to help me with the Hijack mission trophy, guys? I'm really weak in this game and I'm having trouble even getting to the mission in the later planets, having no idea where to improve my stats the amount I actually need.

For Nightmare missions, I have cleared all of Venus nodes, but no Nightmare missions showed up. What else do I need to do?

Also, I can pay with whatever is transferable in game. Thanks. :)

I'm sure many of the clan guys would be happy to help, and if any of them charged you for it, I'd be inclined to create a whole new clan rank just for them! With the right frames, hijack is a cakewalk.

Nightmare missions move randomly around the solar system every 6 hours, so some should show up on Venus periodically.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Got a Valkyr cooking in the foundry (well, the individual pieces, at least). Really excited to try her out. From what I've been reading she's a great melee frame, and melee's what I've been focusing on with Excal so it sounds like she'd fit my playstyle perfectly.

Just gotta get the 3 1/2 day wait out of the way first. :lol
Got a Valkyr cooking in the foundry (well, the individual pieces, at least). Really excited to try her out. From what I've been reading she's a great melee frame, and melee's what I've been focusing on with Excal so it sounds like she'd fit my playstyle perfectly.

Just gotta get the 3 1/2 day wait out of the way first. :lol
Took me the longest to get comfortable with Valkyr, mostly because thanks to Halo and other games the idea and sound of shields being depleted has been ingrained into my mind as an emergency. And an emergency that should have you booking for the nearest cover to hide behind until those shields are restored. That isn't really how it works with her.

She's armored to the teeth, has plenty of health, and can buff her armor, attack speed and heal through her abilities. Make sure you've got a melee weapon with the Life Strike mod (life steal when channeling) and you're a frenetic, unstoppable tank from hell.

Bonus to not relying upon shields? Iced over levels aren't really a hazard, and impact weapons don't care you nearly as easily. Enjoy, she's a crazy brutal and fun frame.

But hey, if you have an augmented Trinity around with you who can overclock your shields, you're just that much tougher. Its actually pretty insane.

And speaking of cook times, just got the final component for Ivara in the oven right now. That was a fun hunt, but I've loved the Spy missions and tinkering to find the perfect build to infiltrate and exfiltrate without anybody being the wiser. Was nice to be able to put Limbo and the Vektis prime to great use.
Got a Valkyr cooking in the foundry (well, the individual pieces, at least). Really excited to try her out. From what I've been reading she's a great melee frame, and melee's what I've been focusing on with Excal so it sounds like she'd fit my playstyle perfectly.

Just gotta get the 3 1/2 day wait out of the way first. :lol

V-valkyr master race?

She is amazing, equip her with your best melee weapon and use Warcry, everything will melt in a matter of seconds, or you can use her stun ability to instant kill enemies, one by one, or be spidermand and pull in distant enemies.

And of course her main ability hysteria whichs makes you invulnerable and starts a storm of melee kills for you


Can someone explain damage to me? I know that sounds dumb but sometimes I can use my Frost Ult to kill everything in the room but then the same enemies at the same level will suddenly just take little to no damage. It feels so inconsistant. Like at one point I wiped out an entire room of 50s but then couldn't do the same with 30s.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Damage should be consistent given no change in variables. Avalance strips enemy armour. Were you killing them in one shot before or after using it? It could be due to buffs/debuffs from teammates or enemies buffing each other.


Damage should be consistent given no change in variables. Avalance strips enemy armour. Were you killing them in one shot before or after using it? It could be due to buffs/debuffs from teammates or enemies buffing each other.

Most of the time it's outright. Which is why I'm more confused as to why it sometimes kills them outright and then other times does minimal damage. Like... I can't tell if I'm ready for 30+ stuff because at times, 30 stuff is hard and then other times I can do higher level shit without too much difficulty.


So how DOES the raid run on PS4? Considering the lower levels of FPS I get in survival with just 3 people at like 15 ~ 40 mins... I'd imagine adding 5 people would make the FPS go to a crawl.


So how DOES the raid run on PS4? Considering the lower levels of FPS I get in survival with just 3 people at like 15 ~ 40 mins... I'd imagine adding 5 people would make the FPS go to a crawl.

I find that performance is affected more by the host than anything else. Secondary to that, survival and defense can be slightly more susceptible to dips, and certain frames and weapons can cause some problems.

I find that the raid (or at least Law of Retribution) runs pretty solidly with a good host.

And I would think host latency would be a problem on any platform.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
DE mentioned in their forums that a fix for the framerate issues was sent for cert (maybe it includes update 18.2?), good stuff. Now I can try sorties again!

Love DE and how fast they react to fan feedback. Other dev studios should take note...

So how DOES the raid run on PS4? Considering the lower levels of FPS I get in survival with just 3 people at like 15 ~ 40 mins... I'd imagine adding 5 people would make the FPS go to a crawl.
I ran some void survival missions for 40 minutes before update 18 and it wasn't anywhere this bad, framerate dropped (void missions levels are so large that the ps4 can't keep up it seems) but it was nowhere near the shitshow that it is now. Update 18 was poorly optimized, they wanted to get it out before christmas which is definitely a cool thing from them, but that haste made for a poorly optimized build that made certain modes unplayable sorties being one of those modes.


Is there a way to farm Syndicate ranks fast? I was getting points from Ceres Draco, but now I don't get any points. I'm trying to raise Cephalon Suda.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
There's a daily cap on syndicate rep of 1000 + another 1000 per mastery rank lvl. You can also do the daily missions for them and turn in the medallions, both of which don't count towards the cap.


After 6 million years of putting it off, I finally went and started to do other faction missions besides steel meridian and added hexis and suda to the list so I can actually expand the amount of syndicate weapons I can peddle on the market.

Also, If no one else has already added you the clan KLoWNM, ill do that within 5 minutes of this post.


Took some time off around the release of Vauban. Now, I'm picking the game up again. Can I get an invite to the clan? Ingame name Eyerox.

Wow - there have been alot of changes!
Took some time off around the release of Vauban. Now, I'm picking the game up again. Can I get an invite to the clan? Ingame name Eyerox.

Wow - there have been alot of changes!

Hah, yeah. I don't remember exactly when I quit but I got on Saturday and it's nuts. Getting back into it pretty heavy, though. So many characters to build!


Saint Nic
So how do Void missions work? Do I need a key for any of them?

And is it common to run solo or find a group? Looking for ways to quickly level a new frame.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Void missions need keys yeah. As for solo or not it depends, mostly on your gear. It can also be good to do with others as if you all have a key you have 4 chances to get what you want rather than 1. Rng can be a bitch at times.
One of my favorite things to do in Warframe are solo survival missions. Endless action, tons of affinity. You really get to see how well your powers and weapons take you when the shit hits the fan.

So far Warframe has kept to being a very solo friendly game, but there's even more there when running as a group, even if only two players.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
If you have great gear and DE decides not to nerf your gear than sure it's solo friendly. I play mostly solo too and got screwed by nerfs at least twice now. Wouldn't be such a big deal if it didn't take forever to get end game ready. Forma, catalysts, maxed mods etc. Takes a while.
If you have great gear and DE decides not to nerf your gear than sure it's solo friendly. I play mostly solo too and got screwed by nerfs at least twice now. Wouldn't be such a big deal if it didn't take forever to get end game ready. Forma, catalysts, maxed mods etc. Takes a while.
What nerfs?

Curious because that's never stopped me, but I have been playing pretty regularly since PS4 launch and so have a large collection of frames and gear now. All of it was acquired the hard/fun way though and I've never even felt a single nerf directly except for Trinity's blessing no longer being endless and unlimited.

The long progression is a plus. Its fucking endless, but that's actually what I'm looking for. A game that is fun on its own merits that is always adding more stuff and new ways to play over time and reinventing itself.

Hell, I remember when I first started and needed to get a handful of control modules so I could start a second Warframe. Took me weeks of missions across the star map before I had even a handful of the things. Was fun as hell though, and hard as nails back then to solo the later planets with starter gear.

By 'end-game ready' do you mean the raids? Still haven't even touched one of those yet.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Mesa was nerfed when I was looking to use her to farm, then excaliber's rj, then synoid gammacor before i managed to farm enough rep to use it etc. Viver was nerfed e-gate etc.

Then you add on all the bs they've added in time gates, keys for frames, argon, alertium etc. They're making rng worse when they don't need to. They talk about bring fair and reducing grind all the time then add more. It's uneccessary, they have tons of content now.

I agree the game is fun when it's new but once you have a decent arsenal it becomes a massive grind. I've done 40+ 40min runs for prime parts and got nothing while some frames/weapons I get without trying. Adding in crap like nullifies and sapping ospreys or infested mutilisks just make the game more tedious. The shine wore off a long time ago.

I also don't like stances or how gimped melee is without them, primed mods shouldn't exist if they really cared about balance/power creep but heh they sell for plat so DE makes that cheddar. Baro should sell 3-4 prime parts per visit for tons of ducats etc There's tons they could do to improve this game.

I've never done the raid either I was more talking t4 or sorties. The difference between going 40min or getting shredded is a lot of forma. And that's means yet more grinding for xp, resources etc.

I'm just sick or working towards something only for the meta to change or have to grind out something else. Or spend days leveling shit (I know just do Draco).

Getting gear isn't the fun part for me it's using it, figuring out builds etc and it's frustrating always feeling like I'm behind or can't compete/belong or being worried the wrapon/frame I just spent weeks on is useless cuz it got too popular or wasn't being used "as DE intended".
I also don't like stances or how gimped melee is without them, primed mods shouldn't exist if they really cared about balance/power creep but heh they sell for plat so DE makes that cheddar. Baro should sell 3-4 prime parts per visit for tons of ducats etc There's tons they could do to improve this game.
You're not wrong, and I'm sure the game will go through a bunch of tweaks and new systems and overhauls this year as they do every year, and hopefully they don't fuck it up. There's been a lot of ideas on how to improve things in this thread, along with gripes about some of the half-baked systems.

But honestly, the best solution I know for avoiding the grind is not to grind. Instead of doing forty runs of some void mission, do three, or five, max, and only if you're feeling it. Then do something else and come back for another set of that stuff down the line when you're in the mood, or don't if that mood never ends up striking you.

Warframe isn't a game suited to brute force bingeing your way to each item, though plenty of people seem to play it that way. I feel like the odd man out whenever I talk about it, but I'm also never bored or burned with game from RNG either because there's a ton of mission variety. There's always another mode to play, and another piece of gear waiting behind it, and you lose nothing by taking a break for a few days or a week or months.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Oh I've taken breaks, some on purpose others not so much and I agree with just playing, I try to but it still gets old. I dunno I'm the type that does everything but usually only once bar games built for replay like souls, binding of issac etc I'm kind of out of stuff to lvl or work towards bar some prime stuff, archwing(meh), and the other syndicate weapons which I'm working towards. I dunno maybe I should try pvp or something. It's just frustrating cuz I'm making progress so slowly.

Not having much else play doesn't help either. BOI expansion is still no where near sight, fallout was boring and divinity I'm almost done. I need a pc so bad lol.


I pretty much have given up on hard grinding. In fact, most of what they've been doing is to introduce content that cannot be farmed. They've been getting rid of grind, but not in the way the playerbase asked for. They've started falling hard on RNG again, making it impossible to grind for some of the new stuff. No amount of grinding will get you a mesa or a vauban because it's a random alert that may or may not happen when you're able to play and the same goes for nitain and now nezha being tied to sorties. What the players meant reducing grind by that is a measurable amount of effort towards a goal. We know exactly what you have to do to get a limbo or chroma or mirage. People don't like the idea of getting fusion cores for their troubles while being forced to endure at least 2 extended endless missions that last 15-20 mins each with lvl 50-100 mobs with buffs or debuffs on the player,snor do they like getting the same parts over and over for their troubles. At least they've talking about the token system, but with the way ducats turned out ill reserve my judgement and await the final solution here.

I also hope they'd actually rethink the way they've done sniper rifles. Sniper rifles as a class have completely lacked utility and the adjustments made are either counter intuitive to what they should be doing or making them outright worse.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah exactly. I can tolerate grind(to a degree) if I know I'll eventually get what I'm after. I've actually had decent luck with those kind of things(3 for 3 on mesa, 4 or 5 for hydroid) but the grind to get the parts for the keys sucked. Adding rng on rng and time gates sucks. This game already feels like a job, having to be home at a given time and planning my schedule around a game is bs I'd expect from a shitty phone game not a proper game.

I understand if they want ppl just playing the game but they have to A) have fair drop rates then and B) understand some of us have 900+hrs in this game. I only have so much stuff to look for and most of the stuff I need are rare drops from rare enemies so I have to metagame where they appear most and try to farm them. Keeping an out for rare mobs distracts from just playing and frankly I did that when I was a newbie. I don't wanna do pubs cuz I ruin their fun nuking everything looking for scorpions or whoever and just playing gets me nothing I don't already have, or not as efficiently as farming anyway.

I have a redeemer, two whip blades and those nunchuks taking up space in my inventory cuz I haven't found their stance yet and therefore can't evaluate whether they're worth keeping as their moveset is locked out till I find one.

And I wouldn't actually mind core if they were like 100-200 but only cuz you need so damn many to max mods. Which is just yet more timegating of progress.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Mesa was nerfed when I was looking to use her to farm, then excaliber's rj, then synoid gammacor before i managed to farm enough rep to use it etc. Viver was nerfed e-gate etc.

Then you add on all the bs they've added in time gates, keys for frames, argon, alertium etc. They're making rng worse when they don't need to. They talk about bring fair and reducing grind all the time then add more. It's uneccessary, they have tons of content now.

I agree the game is fun when it's new but once you have a decent arsenal it becomes a massive grind. I've done 40+ 40min runs for prime parts and got nothing while some frames/weapons I get without trying. Adding in crap like nullifies and sapping ospreys or infested mutilisks just make the game more tedious. The shine wore off a long time ago.

I also don't like stances or how gimped melee is without them, primed mods shouldn't exist if they really cared about balance/power creep but heh they sell for plat so DE makes that cheddar. Baro should sell 3-4 prime parts per visit for tons of ducats etc There's tons they could do to improve this game.

I've never done the raid either I was more talking t4 or sorties. The difference between going 40min or getting shredded is a lot of forma. And that's means yet more grinding for xp, resources etc.

I'm just sick or working towards something only for the meta to change or have to grind out something else. Or spend days leveling shit (I know just do Draco).

Getting gear isn't the fun part for me it's using it, figuring out builds etc and it's frustrating always feeling like I'm behind or can't compete/belong or being worried the wrapon/frame I just spent weeks on is useless cuz it got too popular or wasn't being used "as DE intended".
I'm try not to rely on drops for prime farming. I usually get one or two parts from void missions and the others I trade/buy.

I sell parts that I have in abundance to amass sufficient plat then buy the parts I need. That's for Prime stuff. Did that for Nova Prime and Frost Prime, it cuts down on the frustration rng gives a lot.

For stuff like Ivara, I understand. The grind is pretty bad IMO. But the Prime stuff doesn't bother me when there's the alternative of the trade channel.

Maybe you are getting burn out on the game and need some time off. I takes breaks from time to time, I still log in but don't play for hours.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I know lots of ppl use trade chat. I hate it though. I hate dealing with scammers, spammers, ppl asking too much, figuring out what everything is worth etc. I want an ebay like system. Let me put up my shit, set a price range with instant sale at or above X amount. Search function etc The way trade is now only works for the ppl who do nothing but that and DE as they get more plat out of it.

Now I have obviously done some trades with clan ppl and on the forums but I am not getting involved with all the bs and drama of trade chat. I have enough stress don't need random stalkers and salty ppl bitching at me. Sucks cuz I have plenty of stuff I could sell too.

Oh speaking of was it you (Error) who need a paris prime upper limb? I have an extra one if you do.


Snipers are worthless based on the style in which warframe is created. Even if you solo rescue missions they are still not viable. The rest of the mission types throw wave after wave of enemies at you.

I've taken a small break and am only logging in to keep up my daily tribute. I do want the karak wraith for collection and mastery but I'm not doing anymore sortie's until Nezha and the focus system doesn't particularly interest me.


Snipers are worthless based on the style in which warframe is created. Even if you solo rescue missions they are still not viable. The rest of the mission types throw wave after wave of enemies at you.

I've taken a small break and am only logging in to keep up my daily tribute. I do want the karak wraith for collection and mastery but I'm not doing anymore sortie's until Nezha and the focus system doesn't particularly interest me.

The thing is, yes they largely are worthless because of the traits innate to that class of weaponry:

-2 to 3 seconds long reload times
-most maps will have encounters within 20 or so meters the zoom is too high for this game because targets won't even spawn that far away in most tiles
-only the Lanka has penetration
-is literally impossible now to use the weapon unscoped after U18
-have to wait to fire until the gun is FULLY zoomed or your shot will inherit the "unscoped" property and your shot will veer off wildly
-the combo system introduces a mechanism that makes you shoot everything to get the most damage, instead of having you pick and choose carefully the highest priority targets instead of which are the most important targets to shoot with the tiny clips these rifles have.
-the combo system again asks you to shoot everything as fast as possible instead of being methodical or lose the damage bonuses leading to wildly inconsistent damage output with every gun except vectis (only one shot in the clip)

things generally the community asked for:
-Improved scopes
-consistent damage output
-innate penetration
-to be the anti-heavy unit /nullifier weapon
-suite of mods that grant bonus effects on headshot/weakpoints

Essentially,a bunch of utility stuff that gives them a place in the game that makes them powerful when used correctly but weak when used outside of its intended role.
Got my Valkyr, been trying her out today, and...holy shiiiiiiiiit Hysteria. It's SO GOOD.
Now give her a fast, high critical melee weapon, and that critical chance and damage will carry over into her Hysteria too.


things generally the community asked for:
-Improved scopes
-consistent damage output
-innate penetration
-to be the anti-heavy unit /nullifier weapon
-suite of mods that grant bonus effects on headshot/weakpoints

Essentially,a bunch of utility stuff that gives them a place in the game that makes them powerful when used correctly but weak when used outside of its intended role.
Really like the bolded idea.

Snipers are weird. Bows have them beat in every way, but I have to admit, bows, and the way bows work in Warframe are far more fun than using a sniper rifle will ever be.

Maybe up their damage to stupid amounts and super penetration but limit their max ammo, or put their ammo on a cooldown so you only have two or three shots per mission (or objective, or something along those lines). Something to really put them into their own class with their own strengths.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Now give her a fast, high critical melee weapon, and that critical chance and damage will carry over into her Hysteria too.


I just did 40 minutes in Survival with a full party. Got 748 kills, just shy of the player with the most kills (a bit over 800). And for context, he was a max rank Excal with 400+ hours of playtime using a bunch of Prime equipment. And I'm sitting here barely rank 20, none of my equipment is maxed yet, with maybe 30-35 hours of playtime.

Hysteria is INSANE.

EDIT: Holy shit, I just realized after looking at how much I leveled from that survival run. I only started playing Valkyr this morning and she's already at Rank 25. Wow.

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