bitmap please tell DE and sony to release the update today
I have had multiple defense levels glitch on me lately. Getting random spawns under maps or in inaccessible areas and have to abort. Still getting the upload error of course. Maybe they are trying to ensure there are no more bugs
Argh, I keep getting those defense glitches too. Even on Mobile they will spawn under the floor. Drives me nuts. I just want to level and then forma my ignis.
Argh, I keep getting those defense glitches too. Even on Mobile they will spawn under the floor. Drives me nuts. I just want to level and then forma my ignis.
+/+ mods (Nightmare Mods) like Constitution are earned through completing nightmare mode missions or the occasional alert. If you really don't want the grind, you can also get many of those mods cheap through the purchase tab/user market.
Certain +/+ mods, such as Toxic Barrage will remain exclusive to those who participated in earlier events. Those mods will most likely be made available to players in the long distant future, similar to ammo mutation mods. Again, can be purchased through the market.
+/- mods (Corrupt Mods) like Narrow Minded can only be obtained through the Orokin Vault. The Vault is a special room that is only accessible through ODExtermination, ODSurvival, ODCapture missions (not in Defense or Assassination.) To open the vault, you must have 3 other teammates and make sure everyone carry a unique Dragon Key of their own. The game will randomly select one of the 4 keys to be the vault key. The usual advice regarding Vault runs is to do ODE -> find the vault room -> have the vault key holder stay at the vault room but not take the mod -> clear out all enemies -> take mod -> complete mission. The reason for the order is that 1) harder enemies will spawn after you take the mod, 2) extermination missions do not spawn enemies after mission objective is completed.To a certain extent, some may find it easier to just buy these mods through the market.
Slinging fireballs and making it rain fire is pretty satisfying.
Where can I find duplicate ability cards for ember? I always seem to find tailwind I have like 90 dups of that one.
My ignis will be finished when i get home from work. Hows that gun is it a keeper?
Today is our last hope for the update this week since I guess they don't put the updates out on the weekends?
That's what I heard atleast
bitmap works for DE as an undercover community manager. You should ask him for details.
Official word (posted 30 mins ago) is they're still waiting on Sony to finish the certification process, no ETA available either.
Patch is today! Fuck yessssss!
Patch is today! Fuck yessssss!
When does the patch deploy anyway? I need decide whether or not to drop Mag for Hydroid.
I will probably delete Loki for that frame
Some content updates could not be downloaded from our servers. Please restart Warframe to try again.
stable framerate?Is this a significant game update? Will it have a more stable framerate?
Oh God, she's beautiful!