I would like to see changing mission types within the same episode. Start off as invasion, then reach a goal at which point it can switch to survival, followed by VIP escort to the escape. But not in determined patterns. Say you reach the prisoner room, if you don't destroy the doors and escape in time, do a few waves of survival before you can try again. That way you have incentives to syat together, work together and focus together rather than rush rush rush.
This is what I am talking about. Or start out as defense and then move the defense point to somewhere else, make it there in time, defend that spot then flip to survival until evac is available. They could escalate the rewards for each objective completed.
And throw in some bosses. Stalker and whatnot are really cool but so rare. Throw in a Hyena or two. Keep people on their toes. Maybe have optional side objectives ("Tenno, a rare gun blueprint has been detected at a location marked on your map. Extract it if you can."). There is so much they could do as they have all the building blocks already.
Technically they already have this. I've played a couple of data mining, spy, and rescue missions that turn into an exterminate mission and deception mission, or an invasion where the corpus show up. I've actually experienced a mission wherein both the Harvester and the G3 showed up in one mission (and promptly dropped nothing of note....).
I do agree with you guys though. For a loot whore game there's quite a lack of differentiation in the mission types. Exterminate missions are some of my most hated in the game at this point due to the rush, rush, rush nature of it all. I think the 5 best mission types for me are Mobile Defense, Defense, Survival, solo Rescue missions where I stealth the whole way through, and those upload missions where I stealth the whole way through-I think they're called Deception?
In my opinion there's also quite a lack stealth mission as well, which is surprising considering this is a game about ninja's in space. It's my understanding they're working on that part but time will tell if it bears any fruit-and I don't see how they'll do it considering maybe 3 frames (Ash, Loki, Banshee) can actually stealth outside of the Shade sentinel.
I think the biggest thing that worries me right now though is this next update. For the most part melee pre-update 13 is worthless outside of the random charge attack or zorencoptering. The thing that worries me the most about it all is will there be enough momentum and reach per swing in the new melee system to make it worth while. That to me is the biggest problem in this game concerning swinging the sword. As it stands right now most melee weapons don't provide you with enough forward momentum during each swing to make melee viable at all even if your physically moving forward at the targets your trying to hit. You just never catch up. I was hoping the next update would be something similar to Devil May Cry or Dynasty Warriors where normal melee provides you with enough forward momentum that you don't have to constantly push forward on the stick to close the distance.
Maybe someone on the PC side would care to comment, but I've been watching Mogamu videos (particularly the Dragon Nikana and Dual Ichor re-review), and I can't tell if he's using normal swings or quick attacks but it doesn't look like normal melee swings are closing the distance.
On a lighter note I missed the Kara helm once again because reasons