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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


So what would be the fastest frame to solo OD's? I'm usually on at odd times and I figure if I can run to and find the vault I could maybe have the correct dragon key and get some OD mods that I want. What would be the best frame to do this with?
rhino, nova, saryn, ember. anyone, really. the enemies aren't particularly difficult.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Galatine - I have this one and it's great, but I just don't see the point in using a potato on a melee weapon right now.

Synapse - I was going to make this soon, but I somehow became incredibly credit poor.

Soma - I actually have this one potatoed. Probably my 2nd favorite weapon so far.

Dread - didn't like this one too much, but I don't have the mod that gives it an explosion effect.

Gorgon Wraith? - leveling it ATM but I don't like it too much.

Akmagnus - making one right now, actually.

Only other weapon I have potatoed is Sobek I think. Sobek is my favorite gun in the game right now.

You like the sobek? do yourself a favor and farm a boar prime. It''s an insane fully automatic damage shotgun straight from the heavens. Might wanna try the drakgoon as well.


First off when I get asked a snide question I will respond with a equally dickish answer.
Secondly, contrary to how you framed your question. I didnt say anything about bringing in randoms.
Thirdly this is "our" clan so Bitmap neither I would reject a suggestion outright from anyone.

The only reason Molnizzle(was), Bitmapfrogs, Das_Mookid and I are in a position of leadership is because it was defaulted to us. The jackass who started the clan didnt do anything so someone needed to intervene. Or we would have been screwed with clan progression/research. The point of my statement was to define the only two options we have. We either just rank up to Moutain Clan and invite anyone and everyone and not worry about activity nor bother with competition of the present and future. Or we go back with a fine tooth comb and trim the fat. Inactivity will obviously become worse as time progresses and investing alot of time and effort without placing in the top three would be a waste when you can score the bare minimum and still get all the rewards.

Not that my vote counts more than anyone else's, but I think our smartest play would be to stay in Storm division until the rainbow bridge is built. When (if?) that happens, we can take another look at Mountain division and weigh our odds.

Either way, we should probably be looking into potential alliances for the solar rail stuff.
I just tried this game today and had no clue what the fuck I was doing. I found a planet to play and I just randomly ran around with a few people until we were done. Confusing, but I like the gameplay. It's clunky in a good way.

What are the cards you can use fusion and shit on in the menus? Looks like a relevant system, but I had no idea what do to in the menu.


Grimløck;107545517 said:
rhino, nova, saryn, ember. anyone, really. the enemies aren't particularly difficult.

Cool I heard that Loki is the fastest frame is that true? I was thinking maybe Loki or Ash for invisibility or w/e just run thru find the vault and get out type thing.


I just tried this game today and had no clue what the fuck I was doing. I found a planet to play and I just randomly ran around with a few people until we were done. Confusing, but I like the gameplay. It's clunky in a good way.

What are the cards you can use fusion and shit on in the menus? Looks like a relevant system, but I had no idea what do to in the menu.
I suggest you take a look at the Training section in the Codex. The game does a poor job at explaining itself, but you can learn about the basics there.


I just tried this game today and had no clue what the fuck I was doing. I found a planet to play and I just randomly ran around with a few people until we were done. Confusing, but I like the gameplay. It's clunky in a good way.

What are the cards you can use fusion and shit on in the menus? Looks like a relevant system, but I had no idea what do to in the menu.

Heh, you're me two weeks ago. It's tough to figure things out at first because everyone just rushes so fast through the levels for some reason.

Basically just go through the Mercury planet and do the Laire mission a bunch of times to get resources and mods and level up. Then move on to Venus and so forth.

The cards are Mods. You apply those to your warframe, your primary weapon, your secondary weapon, and your melee weapon, and eventually your Sentinel as well.

Fusion is a way to 'rank' up your mods, or make them more potent. So like a +10% bonus would turn into a +15% bonus for instances. The Transmutation thing seems to be not worth it, basically you put 4 mod cards you have and then click the button and you get 1 new mod card out of it. Seems too expensive and I never really got anything worth while out of doing that. Maybe people a bit more familiar with the game can say otherwise.

To apply the mods to your weapons and warframe go to your arsenal and click the triangle button which is labeled as upgrade for a weapon or warframe. Starting off you might want to do the auto apply which is done by pushing L3 and then scrolling over to the right one option to where it says auto.

Always make sure to press the Triangle button when you are done changing up your mods though. Triangle is the apply button and if you just press circle to back out of the screen it won't save your changes. Dunno if that was just me but I missed that at first a bunch of times and always wondered why each time I went into the upgrade screen my previous changes weren't still there. Gotta apply your changes.

I play during the evenings on weekdays if you ever want to party up and have someone to go through the levels with at a more learning pace. PSN is Hoodbury. My problem with learning the game at the start was everyone rushes so fast so it took awhile to figure things out on my own.


Heh, you're me two weeks ago. It's tough to figure things out at first because everyone just rushes so fast through the levels for some reason.

I mainly think those are people getting resources or w/e. You figure if your high level you can knock that stage out faster or accomplish the goal quickly and move on to the next one.
I mainly think those are people getting resources or w/e. You figure if your high level you can knock that stage out faster or accomplish the goal quickly and move on to the next one.
Which I can understand as I do the same all the time - but I do them solo so I don't rush through somebody else's game while they're learning the ropes or quit the mission while they're still scouring containers or having shootouts. Rushers were a big problem for me when first starting out and soured me on the community as a whole.

Nowadays I'm mostly solo or play with friends and only jump into public games for survivals and defense and the occasional alert mission.


I mainly think those are people getting resources or w/e. You figure if your high level you can knock that stage out faster or accomplish the goal quickly and move on to the next one.

Hmm, I'm not going to disagree completely with you but I kinda think it's almost taken over the culture of this game. Because it almost seems contradictory to speed through a low level mission if you're going there for resources in the first place doesn't it?

I'm still fairly new at the game and am not someone who normally likes to rush through things but in this game I do that now too. You pretty much have to if you want to actually do anything. My starter warframe was Loki which is a fast one and I could at least keep up with people and shoot the bad guys but couldn't do any big damaging power attacks. Now I have my second warframe and it's the Rhino which is much slower and now I'm finding even though I have the big aoe attacks and big defense where I can get in the thick of things, I can't do that much either because someone or everyone just rushes out so fast that I can't catch up to them. By the time I get to where the fighting is, everything is already dead. It's even worse if I stop to loot one locker or chest. If I do that, I'll never even see a bad guy and then just hope I can find the extraction point in time.

And now I'm confused on what happens if you don't make it to extraction before the 1 minute countdown finishes. A few days ago I didn't make it and I got a mission failure. Then last night I didn't make it and I still got a mission success.

So what is it? What's the point of that countdown?


And now I'm confused on what happens if you don't make it to extraction before the 1 minute countdown finishes. A few days ago I didn't make it and I got a mission failure. Then last night I didn't make it and I still got a mission success.

So what is it? What's the point of that countdown?

The extraction timer will only start counting down once at least half of your team is there (this wasn't the case in earlier builds), so in a full squad one player can't rush all the way, there must be a minimum of two players at the extraction point. The exception to this is if there are dead players, as they're not considered active players so you can still succeed with three dead players and just one at extraction.

Also, if you're not at the extraction you only miss out on the credit reward for the mission, you still get all the loot and any potential mission rewards, and the mission should succeed as long as the frames there don't die before the countdown.


Also, if you're not at the extraction you only miss out on the credit reward for the mission, you still get all the loot and any potential mission rewards, and the mission should succeed as long as the frames there don't die before the countdown.

Alright, that makes sense based on what happened last night. The other time must have been a fluke or something else going on then. Thanks.
Alright, that makes sense based on what happened last night. The other time must have been a fluke or something else going on then. Thanks.

Was it a rescue mission? I have had it happen where I am at the extraction but the other person is off doing other stuff and the hostage gets killed before the timer runs out and the mission fails.


Was it a rescue mission? I have had it happen where I am at the extraction but the other person is off doing other stuff and the hostage gets killed before the timer runs out and the mission fails.

That's what I'm thinking it could have been but I honestly don't remember, it was a few days ago now. I just remember not getting there when everyone else was and the countdown reaching 0 and I got mission failure. And ever since I've been stressing about getting to extraction fast but if I can control it not starting the timer until everyone else is in range. Meaning if I'm the second one there I won't go into the range to start the timer and if I"m the first one there I wouldn't go in the range either.


Hmm, I'm not going to disagree completely with you but I kinda think it's almost taken over the culture of this game. Because it almost seems contradictory to speed through a low level mission if you're going there for resources in the first place doesn't it?

I'm still fairly new at the game and am not someone who normally likes to rush through things but in this game I do that now too. You pretty much have to if you want to actually do anything. My starter warframe was Loki which is a fast one and I could at least keep up with people and shoot the bad guys but couldn't do any big damaging power attacks. Now I have my second warframe and it's the Rhino which is much slower and now I'm finding even though I have the big aoe attacks and big defense where I can get in the thick of things, I can't do that much either because someone or everyone just rushes out so fast that I can't catch up to them. By the time I get to where the fighting is, everything is already dead.

Most games they fix this by adjusting the level of baddies versus the players and players levels thats. This doesn't happen in warframe, maybe because everything has its own level or w/e but you rarely see that happen on higher levels.

Personally I have only been playing survival/defense and soon OD keys seems like its the best way to get good mods that I need or money to sell stuff. Love alerts and the events too.


Most games they fix this by adjusting the level of baddies versus the players and players levels thats. This doesn't happen in warframe, maybe because everything has its own level or w/e but you rarely see that happen on higher levels.

Personally I have only been playing survival/defense and soon OD keys seems like its the best way to get good mods that I need or money to sell stuff. Love alerts and the events too.

Exactly, it's not so much an issue with defense and survival missions, it's just the other ones mainly. And since I'm still going through unlocking all the planets it's an obvious glare in my face at the moment.

But ya, it's funny that it's mainly a problem in the lower level missions because that's where the newbies like me are and where we are trying to figure out this game.


Exactly, it's not so much an issue with defense and survival missions, it's just the other ones mainly. And since I'm still going through unlocking all the planets it's an obvious glare in my face at the moment.

But ya, it's funny that it's mainly a problem in the lower level missions because that's where the newbies like me are and where we are trying to figure out this game.

I've always said that Mercury should be a newbie-only planet, and once you pass it you can't go back. That way new players can learn the ropes with each other before being thrust into the gauntlet.

As for rushing, after a certain point (and it's fairly early on) looting containers and shit isn't even worth it if you're looking for resources. Best resource farming method is almost always to just do a Survival mission and last as long as possible. You'll end up with way more resources that way just from killing all of the enemies.

At that point the other missions only exist as potential alert nodes you need to unlock. So rushing makes sense.
At that point the other missions only exist as potential alert nodes you need to unlock. So rushing makes sense.
Rushing only makes sense if you don't actually enjoy playing the missions. But you can't filter public matches by rushing/no-rushing so there's no way for non-rushers to have a decent time other than to play solo or just with friends. Otherwise if even a single overpowered player is in your group and rushing its a completely boring experience to run through their wake of bodies and loot for 10 minutes or lose out on credits because they ended the mission early.

Honestly I think rushers - which are the more experienced players - should be the ones playing with friends and clanmates rather than jumping into public games and turning the mission into a boring speedrun for everyone, but since there's no system in place, people just have to find their own way.

This is an old argument anyway, and its had daily with this game. I just wish they could add filters or something along those lines already. Filters for level ranges, filters for mission types, filters to show which missions have players, and filters for playstyles - speedrunners and looters.


You like the sobek? do yourself a favor and farm a boar prime. It''s an insane fully automatic damage shotgun straight from the heavens. Might wanna try the drakgoon as well.

I've been meaning to make that for awhile and never got around to it. I think I have a couple parts already so it shouldn't take too long. I'll try the Drakgoon, too. I didn't even know that was a shotgun.
First off when I get asked a snide question I will respond with a equally dickish answer.
Secondly, contrary to how you framed your question. I didnt say anything about bringing in randoms.
Thirdly this is "our" clan so Bitmap neither I would reject a suggestion outright from anyone.

The only reason Molnizzle(was), Bitmapfrogs, Das_Mookid and I are in a position of leadership is because it was defaulted to us. The jackass who started the clan didnt do anything so someone needed to intervene. Or we would have been screwed with clan progression/research. The point of my statement was to define the only two options we have. We either just rank up to Moutain Clan and invite anyone and everyone and not worry about activity nor bother with competition of the present and future. Or we go back with a fine tooth comb and trim the fat. Inactivity will obviously become worse as time progresses and investing alot of time and effort without placing in the top three would be a waste when you can score the bare minimum and still get all the rewards.
First of all, my question wasn't snide. You overestimate your ability to gauge an attitude through text. I didn't really take your answer to be dickish, either. Seems like projection on your end.

Second, I didn't claim you said we would bring in randoms. That's what the question mark was for, and I really think that at least that should be obvious to a competent reader. I just honestly don't know what the point of kicking people out is if there's no one to replace them with. I was hoping you'd fill in that blank for me.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I just honestly don't know what the point of kicking people out is if there's no one to replace them with. I was hoping you'd fill in that blank for me.

We get a steady drip of new players from GAF.

The other day Frizby cleaned house and already we just have 3 spots left.

It still is not enough to balance the burn out, which is why we are in a tight spot at the moment.


But if nobody playing just boot them if they want back in so bad they can always ask to come back. You figure if they not contributing then why are we keeping them? Do we get something for having 100 members or w/e?
We get a steady drip of new players from GAF.

The other day Frizby cleaned house and already we just have 3 spots left.

It still is not enough to balance the burn out, which is why we are in a tight spot at the moment.
Yeah, I notice that influx. I think that will continue to happen as PS4 stock becomes more fluid. Even as new games come out, Warframe will get updates. I know I will play for a few days once the next patch drops. I just don't have a ton to do right now, and I honestly want the frame rate to improve a lot before I cover everything.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Yeah, I notice that influx. I think that will continue to happen as PS4 stock becomes more fluid. Even as new games come out, Warframe will get updates. I know I will play for a few days once the next patch drops. I just don't have a ton to do right now, and I honestly want the frame rate to improve a lot before I cover everything.

I know that feel, lol.

Anyways, the reality of it is active, what'd you'd call active players, we have around 30. On top of that like 5 of them are either solo players or have their own gang and don't get involved much in clan life. Then there's 20-30 who play occasionally but are very casual. And the rest don't play or just log to collect the daily rewards.

Personally I do think we need 5-10 more really active players and if they come from outside GAF, so be it. I'm not talking about randoms.... acquitances, friends, something like that.
I know that feel, lol.

Anyways, the reality of it is active, what'd you'd call active players, we have around 30. On top of that like 5 of them are either solo players or have their own gang and don't get involved much in clan life. Then there's 20-30 who play occasionally but are very casual. And the rest don't play or just log to collect the daily rewards.

Personally I do think we need 5-10 more really active players and if they come from outside GAF, so be it. I'm not talking about randoms.... acquitances, friends, something like that.
I like that idea.


As I said earlier, the only reason I still come back to Warframe now is because of the event / clan stuff, so I'm a casual clan player I guess?

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Update 13 released on PC, and well, if they don't change it getting the new Hydroid frame is going to be a major pain in the ass. Think Zephyr oxium farm, just worse.


Update 13 released on PC, and well, if they don't change it getting the new Hydroid frame is going to be a major pain in the ass. Think Zephyr oxium farm, just worse.

Lemme guess, Vey Hek's either a random boss spawn in the Void or is locked behind Badlands.

EDIT: Wow, it's even worse than that.

Tenno, we have received word that Vay Hek has enlisted the ranks of the Grineer Prosecutors and Guardsmen to keep the Tenno at bay.
To fight Vay Hek players must first find his location, a secret the Prosecutors protect.

- You will receive a message from the Lotus that includes a Frequency Triangulator. This gift will be essential in locating Councilor Vay Hek.
- Visit the Shipyards on Ceres. Here you must Defeat Councilor Vay Hek's Prosecutors. Beware, Tenno! They are unlike any enemy you have fought before. Each Prosecutor is vulnerable to a primary elemental type (fire, ice, toxin or electrical damage) and you must use this to your advantage. Note that Prosecutors are not susceptible to secondary combined elemental types. For greater success, team up with other Tenno and make use of multiple elemental types.
- Some of the Prosecutors carry Locator Beacons that will drop once you have defeated them. The beacons broadcast on four channels: Frequency Delta, Frequency Gamma, Frequency Kappa and Frequency Omega. Once you have collected the required number of each, use the Frequency Triangulator to craft a key that leads to Vay Hek.
- Find Vay Hek and take him down!

Lex Prime:


Holy fuck. DE just went full retard:

- New Resource: Argon Crystal. A Void Only Resource from the Orokin Age that decays over time (a half-life of one day). Use it quickly in any gear that requires this Resource!

Thanks DE!


Lemme guess, Vey Hek's either a random boss spawn in the Void or is locked behind Badlands.

EDIT: Wow, it's even worse than that.

Wait so you need to do all that just for the chance to farm for hydroid prints? Once you find him, does he stay there or does he move after you kill him causing you to go thru all thatBS again?


Neo Member
Just started this game a few days ago and I'm really enjoying it. Love to join your clan if anyone can send me an invite. I'm on everynight GMT timezone.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
The prosecutors spawn randomly on Ceres missions. I watched a little bit of a guy playing on PC and it appeared to be 1-3 per mission.

Beacon drop is not guaranteed.

You need a total of 27 beacons to craft the key. There's 4 different types, as well.

Vay Hek drops parts for Hydroid.

It is unknown wether the Vay Hek key is reusable or is consumed once it is used.

In order to craft Hydroid, you need a new resource found in the Void - Argon crystals. The crystals replace gallium drops in the void.

Argon crystals vanish from your inventory 24 hours after they've been picked up.


The prosecutors spawn randomly on Ceres missions. I watched a little bit of a guy playing on PC and it appeared to be 1-3 per mission.

Beacon drop is not guaranteed.

You need a total of 27 beacons to craft the key. There's 4 different types, as well.

Vay Hek drops parts for Hydroid.

It is unknown wether the Vay Hek key is reusable or is consumed once it is used.

In order to craft Hydroid, you need a new resource found in the Void - Argon crystals. The crystals replace gallium drops in the void.

Argon crystals vanish from your inventory 24 hours after they've been picked up.
oh god. especially the last part. lol wtf?


The prosecutors spawn randomly on Ceres missions. I watched a little bit of a guy playing on PC and it appeared to be 1-3 per mission.

Beacon drop is not guaranteed.

You need a total of 27 beacons to craft the key. There's 4 different types, as well.

Vay Hek drops parts for Hydroid.

It is unknown wether the Vay Hek key is reusable or is consumed once it is used.

In order to craft Hydroid, you need a new resource found in the Void - Argon crystals. The crystals replace gallium drops in the void.

Argon crystals vanish from your inventory 24 hours after they've been picked up.

I need that gif of the overweight guy at his desk throwing paperwork around in disgust.


Its a pain in the butt but I see where they going not only will frustrated players just be like hey lets buy it the ones who will grind will be on the game more jsut to get he parts or schedule time to play the game so the parts can be gotten.

Thats cool to me because it seemed like it was pretty easy to get frames in the beginning and im not talking about prime frames just in general. At least this way you can have a strong goal to go after. Shoot im still trying to craft my Zephr and im not mad I haven't gotten it yet just something im still working towards. Unlike before like for example how easy it was to get Valkyr and Oberon


What is the consensus on Phage? It looks cool but I am not sure if I should take the time when I already have a synapse.

Really not liking Phage I hear that its awesome and ill continue to level but not a huge fan. I have Synapse but need one more mutagen and its mines. I kinda like gungs that have more feeling to them if thats the right wording. ATM Soma is my fav gun forma'd it like 4 times already smh
I love the Gorgan Wraith so much. I got mine up to level 15 last night and it does so much more damage then my level 30 Karak did, plus holds more ammo, and has a much larger clip size. I am just crushing shit now. I almost made it through 5 waves of ODD last night solo. The only thing that stopped me was getting to wave 5 and then having 2 energy leeches come out back to back, so I couldnt use M. Prime, and then all the enemies destroyed the artifact before I could kill them. Hopefully once I get my GW up to 30 I will be able to solo ODD missions.
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