Have a couple more questions/comments.
1. I've been getting a lot of Host migrations lately. But 90% of the time it doesn't work and just shoots me back to the star map which is really frustrating when you're deep into the mission. The other 10% of the time it acts like the host migration works and it keeps me in the level but I'm the only one there. Is this happening to you guys too or is something going wonky on my end? Are there ports I should open on my router for this game or do you guys DMZ your PS4? I haven't done anything yet with my router and the PS4 yet. I'm starting to think it's on my end because I seem to get a lot of lag in some levels and it has been kicking me out back to the "Press X to play" screen randomly saying I lost connection to the server even when I'm just in a menu. Last night it even did it the second after it did my login reward.
Welcome to betaframe. Try opening the ports on your router.
2. What is G3 I see you guys joining up for in the chat a lot? Is that high level stuff I shouldn't worry about yet or is it something I could ask to join in on?
The Three Musgrineer, aka Grustrag Three. They drop some fancy stuff, but they're a bit tough. Still in a group with us should be good.
3. Aura mods. Are these things as awesome as they seem? Didn't even realize I had one until last night and plugged it in and get the bonuses plus 5 free points to spend on regular mods.
Totally. 5 points if wrong polarity, 7 points if no polarity and a whopping 14 points if the aura slot has the same polarity as the aura card. Forma'ing the aura slot to match Energy Syphon is popular.
3b. The one I have gives + 20% to sniper damage. I have the Dread bow equipped, do bows count for getting sniper damage bonuses? I pick up sniper ammo from the ground so I thought so, but not sure.
Afaik for bows you still need to use rifle amp. Might want to test it.
4. Got my potatoes from last nights event. Would using it on the Dread bow be a good use for my first one? I am having a fun time using it but don't want to waste the potato if that would be a dumb move.
The Dread is an awesome weapon. If you enjoy its quirks, sure.
5. What's the story with these rank up tests? They seem laughable so far. Just did the 4th one where you have to survive for 1:30. All I did was run around and never got touched. The first 3 weapon ones were a joke as well. Do they get tougher later on?
Somehow, but never super hard. Except the wallrun test.
6. Wow at the speed difference going from Loki to Rhino. I read that he is slower and the Loki is a faster warframe but damn, I wasn't expecting the difference to be that big. I feel like a sloth, lol.
Rhino Prime with bacon helm is as fast as Loki. Stat helms are going to be removed tho, so...