You used Avalanche on the target? You use Ice Wave on him to inflict slow. If he is strong, run on top of him and snow globe to freeze and take your time. I have killed captures with very weak weapons by chaining this stuff. Ice Wave does serious damage with its chill, too.
If you put Overextended on him, Avalanche freezes for like 5 whole seconds before it pops. No way is the target getting away from that.
And why on earth wouldnt you copter around for more speed?!
I used avalanche because that's the ability you stated in your previous post.
Already tried ice wave, but it fails on tilesets with a lot of tight corners.
Will try snowglobe on the pluto set captures when I get home.
And why are you expecting people to carry the copter around all the time?
Heh. I'm all for having plenty of frames on hand, but I do tend to stick to one for a long duration before moving on - and its because of things described in this post - by spending quality time with a frame and experimenting, you learn the ins and outs of the various powers and how you can mix them up for each faction, mission type, and teammate combination. You learn which frames are slow and could use some extra stamina, which powers you'll use the most often and which are best when you need an oh-shit button or when you need to revive a teammate or when facing rocket/napalm heavies etc.
I forma'd my Volt twice before I really started to use his energy shield power, and when it clicked it clicked. I used it any time we had to stand our ground, and any weapon that fires through it becomes hitscan with infinite range - perfect combo for defending a strong-point with a shotgun or even sniping with it downrange in some long Corpus hallway.
Right now I'm all Frost, all the time, since I'm still getting a hang of everything.
You speak as if that can't be done with someone with more frames on hand.
Most of us are going to level all our frames to level 30 anyway.