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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4

I'm not complaining about it. I'm one of the types of people that will go ahead and look up the info if it isn't handed to me. I'm just saying it's understandable how people might try the game and end up feeling lost. Even reading the wiki and going through this thread didn't really clarify too much (and there's still a good bit I don't get but I'm sure I will in time). I eventually found some tutorial type vids on Youtube though that explained the basics well enough and gave me context for the other info I had found through this thread, the wiki, and the official forums.


How come people still keep saying they don't know what to do on this game? I'm not mad or anything but a bunch of RL friends and people on the forum even ask this and its really easy.

Its 14 Planets you need to get through them all but you can't do that with out leveling your frame up.

Once you Max out your frame even still you can't get to some of the higher levels with out better gear and a better Warframe loadout.

Can't get a better load out without grinding for resources etc

Just that alone would take awhile not to mention if you go and grab more warframes and have to do it all over again or if you get a different weapon that you like.

AND thats not including all the events that happen from time to time

Lots of stuff to do the crafting time alone spends up alot of time.

I think you misunderstood my post if that is what you are referring about. I'm not saying I have nothing to do, I'm saying I'm not sure the best way to progress without paying. Without being carried I seem to be stuck on Venus levels but the only way to progress is getting parts from the higher planets.

It's confusing to me what leveling up is. The planets and each level within a planet has a recommended level range (at least that's what I assume that means) but that doesn't seem to correlate to what my levels are showing. I think my first warframe is level 28 now but I don't think he is any stronger than he was at level 1, and all 3 of my weapons are level 30. I get that the higher you level the more mods you can equip, but is that it? And then I go to an Earth level that is labeled 9-12 it is too hard and if I'm in a PUG of other people with starter equipment we just get overwhelmed.

I've been in some PUGs with people with amazing builds with skills that just kill everything on the screen and then I can advance a bit. I finally figured out you get blueprints for new warframes for defeating the bosses so I did the Venus Jackel and got the 3 blueprints from him, but the parts I need are from planets like Jupiter and other high level planets.

I'm starting to figure things out I think but not everything is clear to me still. So much seems locked behind the paywall, but now with figuring out blueprints a bit better maybe that's not so true?

I guess I just don't have a clear understanding of what I should be working on. Should I be trying to get new weapons or new warframes or just going through the planets?

It's hard to understand/learn this game at first because everyone rushes so fast. It's like it's a sprint to the finish line or something. No time to figure out what's going on and the higher levels just kill everything so fast with these super powers when all I feel like I'm doing is pew pew pew'ing my little gun at them.
I think you misunderstood my post if that is what you are referring about. I'm not saying I have nothing to do, I'm saying I'm not sure the best way to progress without paying. Without being carried I seem to be stuck on Venus levels but the only way to progress is getting parts from the higher planets.
You're absolutely right, and its funny how much this mirrored my own experience.

The fact is that the level ranges themselves don't fully communicate a mission's difficulty. Extermination missions are easy since the player can go at their own pace, but defense and survival are much harder, especially with new players. The enemies rush you and if you're not prepared you're whole team can get wiped in seconds.

And yes, if you want a second frame you'll need parts like Control Modules that only drop on the more distant planets and Orokin Cells, which you get from the same, or from bosses.

For my part I solo'd most of the way to Neptune in search of those control modules - but partied up with randoms for defense, mobile defense, capture and survival missions where I had no other choice. It worked, and got me that second frame eventually, at no platinum cost.

But just to be sure you are getting stronger when leveling up your Warframe. As you go up in level your health and power goes up, so you can not only take more punishment but can also utilize more of your powers. And that's besides the mod energy that lets you slot some truly game-changing mods.

Yeah, the game is obtuse at first, you're definitely right on the money with that, but it is getting a little better with each update. We didn't have tutorials at all before, or codex entries to introduce some of the game's core concepts. But if you keep going (as long as its fun) and ask others and look to the wiki about elements you hear about but are unclear, you'll find yourself getting the hang of the basics pretty quickly - though there will be plenty more to pick up on and learn as you go along.

I'm still learning things, four months in.

The level range on each stage is the enemy range, not your recommended stage.
Which isn't all that helpful, especially when starting out. Recommended player warframe levels would be.


Is it easier to solo the levels? Do they dynamically change the number and difficulty of the mobs depending on how many players there are? I only tried one thing solo, the Tower 1 key thing and got wiped during the first wave I think.

As for Mods I just do the auto install thing since it says if you are new to just do that. So every once in awhile I'll just go back in and do that for the warframe, and each weapon.

The game feels like an old school MMO to me. So many different things going on at once and to manage without a lot of learning but once it clicks it is an awesome experience. I just don't like the paywall stuff, heh. Especially since I majorly screwed up with my free platinum they give you at the start of the game. I kept buying revives with them and then I looked at other things and now I don't have enough for anything really, so I never got a sentinel to fly around with me. I didn't know you get new revives everyday, doh. And plus at the character creation I let my wife pick which warframe I should start with, without reading the descriptions and she picked Loki which is apparently for advanced players.
I think you misunderstood my post if that is what you are referring about. I'm not saying I have nothing to do, I'm saying I'm not sure the best way to progress without paying. Without being carried I seem to be stuck on Venus levels but the only way to progress is getting parts from the higher planets.

It's confusing to me what leveling up is. The planets and each level within a planet has a recommended level range (at least that's what I assume that means) but that doesn't seem to correlate to what my levels are showing. I think my first warframe is level 28 now but I don't think he is any stronger than he was at level 1, and all 3 of my weapons are level 30. I get that the higher you level the more mods you can equip, but is that it? And then I go to an Earth level that is labeled 9-12 it is too hard and if I'm in a PUG of other people with starter equipment we just get overwhelmed.

I'm still a good bit lower than you on my character Ranks (I think I'm about 18 atm on my frame and the same or lower on my weapons) but what I've found tremendously helpful is making sure that I'm using Fusion to combine my Mods, making them more effective. Every fusion makes them cost more power but if you use the symbols (I forget the technical term) in the corresponding slots then it halves the power requirements.

For example, I was farming the first boss on Mercury for awhile (as I really wanted his pistol) and as a result I got quite a few Point Strike (Rifle) mods. So I combined a lot of them and now it gives me 75% Crit Chance. I could go higher but it's about to get more costly than I'd like in terms of credits. I've also got Pressure Point (Melee) up to +60% damage, so if I have to melee I hit harder. For my Frame itself.. I focused on getting my Vitality and Redirection mods fused. I have about 120% Vit and 40% Shield (more vit and redirection drops) so that helps my survivability. Playing a Loki frame I feel pretty squishy so every little bit helps.

But from what I've seen, a lot of it really is the luck of the draw with Pugs. If you get a group with one or two people who run off and lone wolf it, you're likely to be in for a bad time. Likewise if they don't know how to play the objective (like not protecting the escort on an escort mission).
Is it easier to solo the levels? Do they dynamically change the number and difficulty of the mobs depending on how many players there are? I only tried one thing solo, the Tower 1 key thing and got wiped during the first wave I think.
I honestly don't know how the game scales, if it even does.

But some rules of thumb I use, and I do solo a lot.

* The best missions to solo are Extermination, Sabotage, Deception (if you've got a solid secondary weapon, as you won't use your primary while carrying the datamass), and Rescue (though you'll need to be on your toes to make sure the VIP survives).

* For all of the other missions, join an online match or play with friends, with friends being the preferred method overall whenever possible.

- Capture missions are much harder than they might seem at first, as you need to work together and be ready to sprint to take down the target. There are two targets though, and you only need to nab one. Once you do enough damage for them to drop, go over and hit (o) to capture their essence or whatever the fuck that's supposed to be. The player that does this will get a nifty little glow to em, so that's nice.

- Survival missions are all about controlling the oxygen supply. Once you set the alarm the air will begin to deplete and there are two ways to mitigate that - one is to activate the resupply drops that the Lotus tells you about or take down enemies as each enemy has a chance to drop a small air unit. The lotus resupply canisters provide 30 air, so I'd recommend waiting until 65% oxygen before activating one (30% air from the canister + a little room for any pickups that other players are grabbing while you activate it). The enemy air drops are good for 5 air I think. At five minutes you can exit the mission, but the longer you stay the more rewards you get at every five minute interval. Set yourself a goal to reach (like 15 minutes for example) but be ready to bug out if you're running out of air. There's an element of luck to these missions in that sometimes enemies will not drop enough oxygen. NOTE: If its an *Alert* Survival mission there are no additional rewards after 5 minutes, so just extract at that point.

- Defense missions are straightforward. Protect the artifact from waves of enemies. Every 5 waves you'll have the option to extract or keep playing. The more you play the better the rewards, and they keep stacking up, so by wave 15 you've won a wave 5, wave 10 and wave 15 reward (I might be full of shit and you'd only get the level 15 reward). You do not need to extract to keep these items. If the artifact is destroyed on wave 16 you still keep your rewards up to that point. The only way you lose everything is if you end the mission by aborting or via forfeit.

* When looking at enemy level ranges, compare those levels to the level of your warframe. The levels give a decent sense on how much enemy damage is going to come your way, so if you play levels 10 levels above your warframe, expect to get hit hard, and don't be surprised if you need to expend a revive or two.

As far as the damage YOU can dish out, that's a bit looser. I've been able to take down level 25 enemies with level 5 weapons provided the weapon was strong against that faction (like piercing vs grineer) and I was hitting the enemy weak spots. But a general rule of thumb I use is to keep weapons within 5-7 levels of the enemies, though add 10 to that range if you've forma'd or polarized your weapons.

* You get 4 revives per day, PER WARFRAME. So if you've used up all of your Excalibur's revives, switch to another frame and you'll have four more to use.

* When it comes to spending platinum, its extra slots for weapons and warframes that you'll need to spend platinum on. Besides the purely cosmetic stuff like scarves and colors, everything else in the game can be acquired through play.

* As soon as you can in the early going, slot the mods Redirection (extra shields) and Vitality (extra health) in your warframes. Your survivability will go up dramatically, especially if you upgrade those mods. So, upgrade those mods!

Just some quick tips. Hopefully this helps a bit.


Yeah, I've been using Fusion a lot too. Wasted a lot of money early on doing the top option, transmute or whatever it's called. That doesn't seem to be worth the credits unless I'm doing it wrong.

What's the pistol from the Mercury boss? Maybe I should farm that since that is the only weapon I haven't switched out from what I started with.
- Defense missions are straightforward. Protect the artifact from waves of enemies. Every 5 waves you'll have the option to extract or keep playing. The more you play the better the rewards, and they keep stacking up, so by wave 15 you've won a wave 5, wave 10 and wave 15 reward. You do not need to extract to keep these items. If the artifact is destroyed on wave 16 you still keep your rewards up to that point. The only way you lose everything is if you end the mission by aborting or via forfeit.
Are you sure about this? I thought the loot wasn't cumulative.
Are you sure about this? I thought the loot wasn't cumulative.
I was absolutely positive until you asked me, and now not so much ;P

The wiki doesn't seem entirely clear, but it does say this:

The mission is considered completed whenever the team accepts the offer to claim a reward and exit and fails if the Cryopod/Power Core is destroyed or the entire team dies.

So maybe you do only keep the last one? Will definitely double check this on my next defense mission.


- Defense missions are straightforward. Protect the artifact from waves of enemies. Every 5 waves you'll have the option to extract or keep playing. The more you play the better the rewards, and they keep stacking up, so by wave 15 you've won a wave 5, wave 10 and wave 15 reward. You do not need to extract to keep these items. If the artifact is destroyed on wave 16 you still keep your rewards up to that point. The only way you lose everything is if you end the mission by aborting or via forfeit.

Wait really? So like on Laire in Mercury, even if I get a mission failure due to them blowing up the thing in the middle I still get the rewards for the previous 5 waves segments? I tend to always extract after 10 or 15 on those types of missions if I'm not in a high level power group since I thought all that work would be for nothing but xp if I didn't select to leave.
Wait really? So like on Laire in Mercury, even if I get a mission failure due to them blowing up the thing in the middle I still get the rewards for the previous 5 waves segments? I tend to always extract after 10 or 15 on those types of missions if I'm not in a high level power group since I thought all that work would be for nothing but xp if I didn't select to leave.
Yep. From the wiki:

Warframe Wiki (Endless Defense) said:
* Rewards (mods, credits, resources) are saved every 5 rounds: if the player fails, they will receive the items only from their last save. Therefore, if a player gets to round 5, receives a mod on round 6, and then fails on round 7, said player will lose the last mod but retain all the rewards that were saved on round 5.

* Leaving the mission before it fails (aborting the mission, quitting the game or giving up when dead) will result in the player losing everything. To exit the mission early and still get the rewards, it is recommended to let the mission fail by allowing the enemy to destroy the target.

So its still best to extract when given the option, but if you find yourself screwed - like say everybody else left at the last possible moment and left you alone to face the hordes, just let the artifact get destroyed to end the mission.
Yeah, I've been using Fusion a lot too. Wasted a lot of money early on doing the top option, transmute or whatever it's called. That doesn't seem to be worth the credits unless I'm doing it wrong.

What's the pistol from the Mercury boss? Maybe I should farm that since that is the only weapon I haven't switched out from what I started with.

It's called "Seer" and it's a hard hitting but slow pistol. I just kind of wanted it because it looks cool. lol Unfortunately I never did get all the parts to drop so I just went and bought a Lex with credits when I saw it available on the market a couple nights ago.

General Question for anyone in the thread. I just finished by Dojo Key so I went and checked it out and saw we have Research stuff done for Frames and Weapons. There's an option there to "duplicate" for X amount of credits. Would that generate the Blueprint for me or does it do something else? I don't want to accidentally screw something up by selecting things.
It's called "Seer" and it's a hard hitting but slow pistol. I just kind of wanted it because it looks cool. lol Unfortunately I never did get all the parts to drop so I just went and bought a Lex with credits when I saw it available on the market a couple nights ago.

General Question for anyone in the thread. I just finished by Dojo Key so I went and checked it out and saw we have Research stuff done for Frames and Weapons. There's an option there to "duplicate" for X amount of credits. Would that generate the Blueprint for me or does it do something else? I don't want to accidentally screw something up by selecting things.

It will get you the blueprints. Don't worry you don't have a high enough rank to screw up anything in the dojo.


It's called "Seer" and it's a hard hitting but slow pistol. I just kind of wanted it because it looks cool. lol Unfortunately I never did get all the parts to drop so I just went and bought a Lex with credits when I saw it available on the market a couple nights ago.

Hmm, I do have two "Seer" parts from that boss but nothing for it in my Foundry. Are they not blueprints?
Hmm, I do have two "Seer" parts from that boss but nothing for it in my Foundry. Are they not blueprints?
You don't see the Seer in the foundry because you still lack the actual blueprint for the Seer itself. The parts you have are components of that blueprint, but without the blueprint itself you won't see anything in the Foundry.
Hmm, I do have two "Seer" parts from that boss but nothing for it in my Foundry. Are they not blueprints?

As Null said, you don't have the Blueprint yet. That drops from the same boss. Just a heads up though, you also need 2 Orokin Cell's (which I believe are pretty rare on these lower planets so your best chance to get them is from Bosses).

Be careful tough, although you can buy the bp in the dojo, doesn't mean your rank is high enough to craft it in the foundry.

I assumed as much since they're researched weapons/frames and aren't even on the Market to buy. I'm still working my way through Venus so I'm probably no where near close to having the materials for that stuff.


You don't see the Seer in the foundry because you still lack the actual blueprint for the Seer itself. The parts you have are components of that blueprint, but without the blueprint itself you won't see anything in the Foundry.

Edit - answered above.

2 new questions
1. When in a squad and people select a different mission how does it pick one? Does it pick one at random or does the Hosts pick always win? Seems like I always get to do the one I picked, but maybe I'm just getting lucky?

2. What were those rank up things? I did 2 of them so far, 1 let me only use my primary weapon and the second only let me use my secondary weapon. I beat them both easily but have no idea what that did. I only got 1000 credits as a reward I believe.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
2. What were those rank up things? I did 2 of them so far, 1 let me only use my primary weapon and the second only let me use my secondary weapon. I beat them both easily but have no idea what that did. I only got 1000 credits as a reward I believe.

When you pass the test you rank up.

Many weapons are not available until you hit a certain rank.


Anyone else just adore the Earth tileset? I love doing missions there, it's fun to explore and is really pretty.

I just sneaked around one of the more open rooms with a lot of trees and used the glaive to take out everyone in the room in stealth. So awesome.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
New cosmetic coming... GRATE PRIME!



God, when's the last time the Vauban helmet showed up?? I got drops for the frame's blueprint, chassis, systems, both his alternate helmets, but damn, the default helm is what I need to build it. I think i got all those other drops at least 2 months ago too...


God, when's the last time the Vauban helmet showed up?? I got drops for the frame's blueprint, chassis, systems, both his alternate helmets, but damn, the default helm is what I need to build it. I think i got all those other drops at least 2 months ago too...
You're in the same boat as I am. Kinda just given up to be honest...


When you pass the test you rank up.

Many weapons are not available until you hit a certain rank.

When do the tests come up? Like I said earlier, I did 2 so far and last night I hit level 30 on my warframe so I thought that would be a trigger for a new one to be available but the next one didn't show up. Is there an overall XP for my profile that it is basing it on?

Made some good progress last night so that was a good feeling. Worked my way into the Jupiter system and got my part needed for the Rino helm. Now just need the part for the system and I'll have a new warframe.

Quick question on Mods and weapons. If I have a mod that says ads 10% to fire damage, or 5% to frost damage or something like that, I think there is an electricity one too. But if I have those mods on do I do Fire damage now? Or does the weapon have to do that type of damage in the first place for those mods to do anything? Basically is it a waste to have them installed if I just have a basic weapon?
God, when's the last time the Vauban helmet showed up?? I got drops for the frame's blueprint, chassis, systems, both his alternate helmets, but damn, the default helm is what I need to build it. I think i got all those other drops at least 2 months ago too...

You're in the same boat as I am. Kinda just given up to be honest...
Can we trade non-Prime blueprints? I think I have an extra helm blueprint laying around that I would trade for a blueprint I need.


When do the tests come up? Like I said earlier, I did 2 so far and last night I hit level 30 on my warframe so I thought that would be a trigger for a new one to be available but the next one didn't show up. Is there an overall XP for my profile that it is basing it on?

Made some good progress last night so that was a good feeling. Worked my way into the Jupiter system and got my part needed for the Rino helm. Now just need the part for the system and I'll have a new warframe.

Quick question on Mods and weapons. If I have a mod that says ads 10% to fire damage, or 5% to frost damage or something like that, I think there is an electricity one too. But if I have those mods on do I do Fire damage now? Or does the weapon have to do that type of damage in the first place for those mods to do anything? Basically is it a waste to have them installed if I just have a basic weapon?

Your rank is independent on your warframe and weapons rank. It goes up by leveling your warframes, weapons and sentinels and by unlocking map nodes. Also you weapon doesn't need to have fire damage, unmoded elemental weapons are rare. What the mods do is add x% of fire, cold, etc damage on top of the damage the weapon already does.


I have a bunch of prime and non prime blueprints Im willing to trade for nothing. Add me as friend and next time im on shoot me a msg ill happily give to the clan. Only thing I think I need personally for myself would be Vauban parts and Rhino Prime Parts/Blueprint I only have systems.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
When do the tests come up? Like I said earlier, I did 2 so far and last night I hit level 30 on my warframe so I thought that would be a trigger for a new one to be available but the next one didn't show up. Is there an overall XP for my profile that it is basing it on?

Have you noticed a blue line below your name, credits and platinum on the top right of the screen while you are in the menu? When it reaches the end you get a new test.


Have you noticed a blue line below your name, credits and platinum on the top right of the screen while you are in the menu? When it reaches the end you get a new test.

Ok thanks, I'll look for that next time I get on.

Is there a way for me to leave the clan I'm in and join the GAF clan? It was my first day playing and some random invited me to a clan and I accepted it not really knowing much about the game yet. I haven't seen that guy or any clan things from that since, so no point staying in it.

If you get a blueprint for an item you already have do you usually sell it? Seems like it's just cluttering up my foundry screen and I don't want to accidentally make something I already made.

Similar question for mods, do you sell the duplicates?

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Ok thanks, I'll look for that next time I get on.

Is there a way for me to leave the clan I'm in and join the GAF clan? It was my first day playing and some random invited me to a clan and I accepted it not really knowing much about the game yet. I haven't seen that guy or any clan things from that since, so no point staying in it.

If you get a blueprint for an item you already have do you usually sell it? Seems like it's just cluttering up my foundry screen and I don't want to accidentally make something I already made.

Similar question for mods, do you sell the duplicates?

It's in the top left, not top right.

Yeah, you can leave the clan. Use the options key to access the chat windows and somewhere there you will have the option.

Prime blueprints (from the void) are tradeable, the rest are OK to sell IMHO.


There is a bit of a learning curve to figuring out the progression in this game, but it is fun once you start making some progress. I really hate the 24 hour wait between trials for ranking up your Mastery level, though. That is frustrating.


There is a bit of a learning curve to figuring out the progression in this game, but it is fun once you start making some progress. I really hate the 24 hour wait between trials for ranking up your Mastery level, though. That is frustrating.

I failed the first trial automatically because I had a sentinel with me. The game didn't care to tell me what were the requirements I needed to pass the trial so I would have had advance notice to un-equip it so It wouldn't kill the targets and auto-fail me. I had to wait 24 hours over something that I had no way of knowing ahead of time. That is insanely stupid.
I would like to make a point that a lot of people tend to miss:

Always have as many warframes as you can.

While mods are important, what really matters in the end is the frame (utility) that you bring into battle. A level 30 Frost is no better than a level 15 volt in a capture mission, a level 30 Ash won't be as good as a level 15 Mag in Corpus defense. Knowing what to bring for what situation is half the game and for some reason many people seem to miss that.

Don't do the "I'll only build new frames once my current frame is level 30" thing.
That's not only silly, but you're only making leveling slower by forcing frames into scenarios where they are ineffective.
I would like to make a point that a lot of people tend to miss:

Always have as many warframes as you can.

While mods are important, what really matters in the end is the frame (utility) that you bring into battle. A level 30 Frost is no better than a level 15 volt in a capture mission, a level 30 Ash won't be as good as a level 15 Mag in Corpus defense. Knowing what to bring for what situation is half the game and for some reason many people seem to miss that.

Don't do the "I'll only build new frames once my current frame is level 30" thing.
That's not only silly, but you're only making leveling slower by forcing frames into scenarios where they are ineffective.
How is Volt not great for capture missions?
That's not only silly, but you're only making leveling slower by forcing frames into scenarios where they are ineffective.
I'm not sure I've ever seen a scenario where a warframe was ever ineffective - provided they were within the level range of the mission. Some are more useful than others, depending, sure, but any warframe played by a decent player will add to the cause.

How is Volt not great for capture missions?
Yeah, Volt is awesome for captures. You can give the entire squad super speed to chase down the VIP, and chain lighting stuns are damn helpful too.

Nyx too since she can just straight up mind control the target and after a few seconds he'll stop in his tracks and be all friendly.


Woot! I now have Banshee and Mag Prime. The rest of Frost Prime is cooking, so that will be my second prime. Psyched.
How is Volt not great for capture missions?

guess I worded it wrong. Volt is awesome for capture.

I'm not sure I've ever seen a scenario where a warframe was ever ineffective - provided they were within the level range of the mission. Some are more useful than others, depending, sure, but any warframe played by a decent player will add to the cause.

A warframe is ineffective when you place it in a scenario where its skills are 1) not useful & 2) won't be needed as often (hence less casting, less exp.)

For example, you wouldn't run a capture mission with frost, since none of frost's skills are useful in completing a capture mission.
Similarly, people are often asked not to bring valkyr to high level OD missions since her killing/crowd control abilities are limited.

However, more importantly - you can't always expect to play in groups.
There are times when you have to solo or play with pubs and at those times it's important that you pick frames based on their utility.
A very recent example is the recent "high failure" rates of people playing interception with pubs.
The mission can easily be soloed with the right frame, but groups often fail cause people bring the wrong frame/ability to battle.

The point of the advice is to steer people away from that "one frame at a time" mentality.
I disagree on the Frost on Capture missions note. I will buff up Avalanche and run around 1-shotting full rooms with him. Sure, Ember could do it too, but I don't take Frost to be a bad choice. I mean, he isn't worse than Rhino on that kind of mission (no speed helm).
I disagree on the Frost on Capture missions note. I will buff up Avalanche and run around 1-shotting full rooms with him. Sure, Ember could do it too, but I don't take Frost to be a bad choice. I mean, he isn't worse than Rhino on that kind of mission (no speed helm).

To test your statement, I just did 3 solo capture (ignis, soma, synapse) runs using a level 30 frost prime on a Neptune.

Nope. never again.

He can't turn corners fast enough unless you're doing the Ichor chopper.
At level 30 with a max intensify (focus) it took 2 avalanche to take down the capture target, assume it hits them. If avalanche doesn't land, the the cast time only adds to the distance ( a giant snowglobe might help, but I didn't test that.)

Most importantly he just simply doesn't run and especially jump fast enough to bypass enemy fire. You are not going to be casting avalanche if your capture target is running away (napalm grineer was in the way.)

It might work on more open O-Tower tile sets, but I wouldn't use Frost for captures on the regular tile sets with more narrow hallways + turns.
To test your statement, I just did 3 solo capture (ignis, soma, synapse) runs using a level 30 frost prime on a Neptune.

Nope. never again.

He can't turn corners fast enough unless you're doing the Ichor chopper.
At level 30 with a max intensify (focus) it took 2 avalanche to take down the capture target, assume it hits them. If avalanche doesn't land, the the cast time only adds to the distance ( a giant snowglobe might help, but I didn't test that.)

Most importantly he just simply doesn't run and especially jump fast enough to bypass enemy fire. You are not going to be casting avalanche if your capture target is running away (napalm grineer was in the way.)

It might work on more open O-Tower tile sets, but I wouldn't use Frost for captures on the regular tile sets with more narrow hallways + turns.
You used Avalanche on the target? You use Ice Wave on him to inflict slow. If he is strong, run on top of him and snow globe to freeze and take your time. I have killed captures with very weak weapons by chaining this stuff. Ice Wave does serious damage with its chill, too.

If you put Overextended on him, Avalanche freezes for like 5 whole seconds before it pops. No way is the target getting away from that.

And why on earth wouldnt you copter around for more speed?!
You used Avalanche on the target? You use Ice Wave on him to inflict slow. If he is strong, run on top of him and snow globe to freeze and take your time. I have killed captures with very weak weapons by chaining this stuff. Ice Wave does serious damage with its chill, too.

If you put Overextended on him, Avalanche freezes for like 5 whole seconds before it pops. No way is the target getting away from that.

And why on earth wouldn't you copter around for more speed?!
Heh. I'm all for having plenty of frames on hand, but I do tend to stick to one for a long duration before moving on - and its because of things described in this post - by spending quality time with a frame and experimenting, you learn the ins and outs of the various powers and how you can mix them up for each faction, mission type, and teammate combination. You learn which frames are slow and could use some extra stamina, which powers you'll use the most often and which are best when you need an oh-shit button or when you need to revive a teammate or when facing rocket/napalm heavies etc.

I forma'd my Volt twice before I really started to use his energy shield power, and when it clicked it clicked. I used it any time we had to stand our ground, and any weapon that fires through it becomes hitscan with infinite range - perfect combo for defending a strong-point with a shotgun or even sniping with it downrange in some long Corpus hallway.

Right now I'm all Frost, all the time, since I'm still getting a hang of everything.
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