The more I look at the new loot and mechanics, the more I realize the rewards just aren't worth it for me.
- Mining and fishing are never fun for me. That's why I have extractors to gather a lot of my resources. At least fishing is less involved than other games so I can multitask while doing it (aside from randomly getting discovered and shot at by grineer)
- Bounties are a nice challenge but the reward pool sucks and the mission variety gets old fast. All I care about is the Furax Wraith and Gara parts. I've done about 6 T5 bounties in the last 2 days. 5 of them gave me Ayatan Cyan Star x2.
- Set bonus mods are a huge meh for me, except for maybe Auger Pact (+90% pistol damage)
- Zaw weapons don't look appealing to me at all, and the standing and rules on building one are overkill. Kinda bummed that the Exodia arcanes are just for zaw.
- Focus before: I used it solely for energy overflow. Focus now: I use it solely for energizing dash (and a few way-bound passives)
- Gear for operator might be nice to have, but for now I just use it to void dash for energizing dash and switch back to my warframe
- New stances. I got Carving Mantis (dual sword) and Twirling Spire (polearm). Both get a new quick melee that's looks more horizontal but Twirling Spire's looks a lot worse (does a really slow stab, then a horizontal slash). Carving Mantis seems to do a bit more damage than swirling tiger and end in lot of knockdowns. Don't really use dual swords at all to bother testing further. Twirling Spire has a bunch of combos that alternate between stabs and wide sweeping slash attacks. Two of its combos end in a slam attack, including the main combo which is just 3 hit. Stick with shimmering blight/bleeding willow.
- Astilla. Probably my favorite thing in the update. Replaced Arca Plasmor as my favorite shotgun.