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NPD Sales Results for January 2009

Strike said:

For example, one of the best selling PSN games was flOw. That just proves that PS3 gamers have no taste and will buy the most bland, generic shit on the market.

Oh look, I haven't got a clue what I'm talking about.


Opiate said:
The PS3/360 represent an acceptable compromise: they make considerably more money for a reasonable downgrade in technology. Not as much money as they might make with the Wii, but the tech is better: not as high tech as the PC, but the money is better. I think that's what is going on. The PS3/360 are the middle ground.
This is true, and very valid. I also agree with this course of development as well. It just really pisses me off that fans of these systems have such a hard time admitting that their systems are a compromise. It is fine to want games that are more capable than the Wii, but not as much as the PC. That is fine, that is understandable. But why is it so hard to admit that they are making a compromise on their entertainment? It's like they think anything they purchase is top of the line and anything more powerful than what they want doesn't exist? What I want the fans of HD consoles to realize is that they are making a compromise on visuals, just like fans of the Wii are. Different levels, sure, but they are all compromises relative to the optimal platform. Those that take an extreme stance and fail to realize this are nothing but hypocrites in my book, plain and simple.


Mama Robotnik said:
Thanks for the nice comments about the Groundhog NPD gif! Though quite the competition this month with those wonderful SDF animations and the others too.

Oh, and...


Ah son
I always thought NPD threads were interesting. I think this picture sums up all of the types of individuals that can be found in them. Which one are you?



jetjevons said:
I thought I read somewhere that KZ2 has millions of pre-orders? How can it possibly not be in the top 5?
If you're referring to the 2.5 mill number, it's supposedly just an "accepted" assumption. The only thing that was ever confirmed was 1 mill Euro pre-orders (which obviously doesn't affect NPDs). No US numbers were released.


Next month is going to be epic.

If KZ2 pre-orders are really low, it may not open 1st this month. And then it's not like it'll do much better up against Pokemon and Halo Wars in March. A lot is resting on February 27 and 28 for the sake of PS3 fanboys on this site and around the globe. I'll be just happy to play the game, but lots of people are going to go bat-shit insane if it doesn't do crazy numbers.


jetjevons said:
I thought I read somewhere that KZ2 has millions of pre-orders? How can it possibly not be in the top 5?
Retailer pre-orders or consumer pre-orders?

Anyway, Microsoft is still doing great, I'm still amazed at how they turned things around in september. Nintendo is staying on course, but they should really release the games they've announced. Sony's in a terrible position, the lifeboats(PSP,PS2) are sinking and the flagship(PS3) is taking quite a beating. I fear for the february NPD's, I'm expecting KZ2 to sell well, but I don't think it'll move enough hardware to match the Xbox 360 in sales. Wii will be on top as always, I'm also keeping an eye on games like HOTD and SFIV.


djblackice said:
I always thought NPD threads were interesting. I think this picture sums up all of the types of individuals that can be found in them. Which one are you?

holy shit :O
Htown said:
PS3 fanboys should be prepared for Killzone to not crack the top 5 next month's NPD, maybe not even the top ten. Just sayin.
I'm pretty certain it'll do it, in spite of the competition. This isn't LBP we're talking about here (a game without an audience). It's mother-hugging Killzone 2, the touchstone of PS3 fans everywhere and the most graphically impressive game on the system to date. It's a must-have, regardless of the competition and the MGS4/CoD4 audience will eat it up.

Mind you, I predict it'll also drop like a rock in its second month.


DMeisterJ said:
Next month is going to be epic.

If KZ2 pre-orders are really low, it may not open 1st this month. And then it's not like it'll do much better up against Pokemon and Halo Wars in March. A lot is resting on February 27 and 28 for the sake of PS3 fanboys on this site and around the globe. I'll be just happy to play the game, but lots of people are going to go bat-shit insane if it doesn't do crazy numbers.

Serious business.


shooting blanks
Arde5643 said:
Seriously, dude - did you just wake up a year ago?

Stop using this stupid anecdotal evidence as proof for your stupid thesis or at the very least wear a Killzone avatar or something so we can make fun of you.

Ninty fans chill out we Xbots are your buds.

I have a wii right next to my jasper :D


Not Banned from OT
Gaborn said:
I think that's a false choice though. Everything had been trending Blu-Ray LONG before the PS3 came out, and it's not like Blu-Ray is exactly dominating DVD at the moment, it's what, 10% of the market at best if I recall? Let's say the PS3 hadn't had Blu-Ray capabilities. It's possible HD-DVD would've held out longer, but do you honestly think it would have won? And do you honestly think Blu-Ray adoption would be THAT significantly less? I don't, I think Sony went for overkill by including Blu-Ray in the PS3, it wasn't necessary and I don't see it being a major factor as to whether or not Blu-Ray becomes adopted by a majority of mainstream audiences like DVD or VHS, it's still got the potential to be a Laserdisc like format (I don't expect it to be one long term, but it's got a few more years before it becomes truly viable long term as a replacement for DVD).

The PS3 won the format war that can't be disputed. With out the PS3 the war would of either been a stale mate or HD-DVD winning eventually. The blu players were over priced PoS the PS3 was the only good player until recently. We will see if Sony traded 70% of the gaming market for the next DVD or the next laser disc time will tell.
TouchMyBox said:
For example, one of the best selling PSN games was flOw. That just proves that PS3 gamers have no taste and will buy the most bland, generic shit on the market.

Oh look, I haven't got a clue what I'm talking about.

Uncharted, LBP, R&C are great games and should have all sold much better.

Azure J

This thread is full of laughs. For that pic above, I think I'm a 13 & 23. Also, Mama Robotnik & Chinner are awesome. :lol

Finally, I can't wait to see next months NPDs. SFIV & MadWorld time! I wonder how everything will turn out. :D
djblackice said:
I always thought NPD threads were interesting. I think this picture sums up all of the types of individuals that can be found in them. Which one are you?

What are the blacked out parts?


quest said:
The PS3 won the format war that can't be disputed. With out the PS3 the war would of either been a stale mate or HD-DVD winning eventually. The blu players were over priced PoS the PS3 was the only good player until recently. We will see if Sony traded 70% of the gaming market for the next DVD or the next laser disc time will tell.

Huh? I really think you're not looking at things objectively if you really believe that. BluRay had the vast majority of the major movie studios behind them, they had too much support to NOT eventually be consumers choice. Besides, even if HD-DVD was STILL in the race today (I doubt it, their money would have run out by now anyway) they'd both still only have about 10% marketshare anyway.


GhaleonEB said:
I'm kind of hoping Killzone 2 does outsell Halo Wars. For multiple reasons, but the main one is so Sony can tout in their PR that Killzone 2 is bigger than the Halo brand.
Some said this day would never come...
There a few things I want to say:

1) WiiFit is a terrific game. It as helped me to lose some weight, but more importantly, it has impacted my family profoundly; because of WiiFit, we're a much more health-conscious family.

2) MKDS and NSMB at the top of the sales chart, AGAIN! This is truly the dawn of a new era in this industry.

3) <3 NSMB. Love it, love it, love it.


EazyB said:
There are those who said this day would never come...
Fixed for truth.

I would LOVE to see that line used. :lol

Man. I was out of NPD threads from January-November last year, thanks to the election. I forgot how fun they could be. Next month will be a gas.


Grand Theft Auto 4, Metal Gear Solid 4, Call of Duty 4 & W@W are the top selling franchises on the system. Third party games do about as well as they do on the 360 with respect to the size of their userbases. Most third party titles (Save for RB and GH) do better than their Wii counterparts (with less than half the userbase).

TouchMyBox said:
Oh look, I haven't got a clue what I'm talking about.

Clearly you dont.


Not Banned from OT
Gaborn said:
Huh? I really think you're not looking at things objectively if you really believe that. BluRay had the vast majority of the major movie studios behind them, they had too much support to NOT eventually be consumers choice. Besides, even if HD-DVD was STILL in the race today (I doubt it, their money would have run out by now anyway) they'd both still only have about 10% marketshare anyway.

They had those studios because of the PS3. If it was standalone players vs standalone players blu ray would of not won. The prices of hd-dvd player got to a reasonable point when warner dropped the bomb. If not for warner and the PS3 we would of saw sub 100 dollar hd-dvd players this last Christmas ending blu ray and its over priced crappy players. They dropped that bomb because the PS3 pushed blu disc sale to 2.5 to 1 over hd-dvd.


PhoenixDark said:
I doubt it'll catch the 360 in the US, but eventually the system will hit its stride. The problem is the price and an utter lack of games people care about. Like I said, the PS3 has a host of good games, but none that are popular enough to sell the system. KZ2 is the latest game that's getting championed as the second coming by Sony fans - remember how LBP was supposed to be the game changer, and before that MGS4? - only to be bought by current PS3 owners. Halo sells systems. Gears of War sells systems. God of War sold PS2s.

hit it's stride, undoubtedly.

i could be wrong of course but aren't the majority of people, the ones who buy machines when they are cheap going to buy a console based purely on : price, recognition and the size of the games section at their local store.

when those people make their decision one way or another i don't think any game can sway them.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
djblackice said:
I always thought NPD threads were interesting. I think this picture sums up all of the types of individuals that can be found in them. Which one are you?


"Girl Gamer" "Gamer girl" :lol :lol awesome.


So much stealth PS3 trolling going on.

Love seeing the GAF PS3 haters coming out of the woodwork around NPD time. Show your true colours boys!


Hesemonni said:
So I guess the official spin is going to be (again):

Sony: Playstation family...
Microsoft: Software sales...
Nintendo: Iwata: (laughs)


Can Microsoft really spin software sales? With L4D, Skate 2 and LOTR?


"Nah, it's just January NPD", I said. "The numbers won't be that high, there aren't too many releases, it's just January".

"You can skip this one", I said.

That's what I get for skipping the thread and playing games (eww). Epic numbers.
Rlan said:
NSMB and Mario Kart DS in the Jan Top 10, yet only Mario Kart Wii for Wii. Why isn't Super Mario Galaxy Selling to the masses?

it's not packaged with a peripheral. Wii owner's only seem to buy games that come with something else in the box. balance board, extra controller, wheel, or guitar. Wii music probably would have sold better if it came with little plastic instruments you put the controller into.
djblackice said:
I always thought NPD threads were interesting. I think this picture sums up all of the types of individuals that can be found in them. Which one are you?


I'm inspired by this. We could create NPD Bingo for next month, in which we give each player a board segmented into random NPD clichés. The different fanboys, "ten year plan", gifs, the press releases, "wait for..."; the first mention of casuals, "fad", etc. Every time one is spotted in a post, it can be crossed off.

Not sure of a prize though.


quest said:
They had those studios because of the PS3. If it was standalone players vs standalone players blu ray would of not won. The prices of hd-dvd player got to a reasonable point when warner dropped the bomb. If not for warner and the PS3 we would of saw sub 100 dollar hd-dvd players this last Christmas ending blu ray and its over priced crappy players. They dropped that bomb because the PS3 pushed blu disc sale to 2.5 to 1 over hd-dvd.

No, they had those studios because Sony, Walt Disney Studios, Twentieth Century Fox, Warner Bros. and many other high profile companies are members of the Blu-Ray Disc Association., they OWN the format and have been invested in it. Warner Brothers was the late addition sure, but the nail was already in the HD-DVD coffin before June 2008, it was only a matter of time for a LONG while before that.


Valtor said:
Can Microsoft really spin software sales? With L4D, Skate 2 and LOTR?
Remember, Microsoft is no longer comparing themselves to Nintendo now that the Wii has overtaken them. It's exclusively a PS3 vs 360 war from their PR perspective. So their take is, the 360 has four in the top ten, the PS3 has zero. The 360 grew 35% YoY, the PS3 dropped 25%. Etc.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
The way people go on in this thread anyone would think that PS3's are only being sold in North America.

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