Wut? It was like the best selling 1st party title for any system in 2014 afaik
Also, last October, a month before MCC, MS announced Halo series sales were at 60 million. This July they announced the series was at 65million. The only reasonable place the sales could have came were their mobile game, Halo Spartan Strike which launched earlier in the year, and MCC. I'd say 2.5million is where it should be.
The game was half price by December for that big Christmas time sale. And then I'm pretty sure it was starting to be bundled free with every new console, either by retailers or packed in with bundles. I'm almost certain the increase in 'numbers' for the series is that 2 million+ new Xbox One owners got a free copy. That's what I meant by decline in sales. It was lighting up the charts until the problems became known.