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NPD June 2011 Sales Results [Update5: Most HW in, Infamous 2]

I hope this generation continues for another couple of years.

I have to get a new 360 at the next reasonable sale after my launch 360 finally met its maker :(


Seda said:
The Wii's lack of software is really astounding. What was NoA's reasoning for not releasing Xenoblade again?

probably because super mario galaxy 2 was released last june and nothing big was released for it this june.
GodfatherX said:
so anybody still thinking that the next xbox is coming in 2012? anybody?

I am calling the release in 2013. It could get rushed with the Wii U out but I think Sony and MS have a year to buffer up while nintendo plays some catch up with 3rd party HD games and what not that are coming out late like Arkham on wii U and what not.
It's funny how NoA has thrown all this money at those new Wii price drop/Mario Kart bundle commercial and the new Wii-Play commercial. And they still insist that XenoBlade or Last Story won't be profitable? At this rate, it's obvious that the casual market abandoned them. They focused so much on the casual market, that's the type of fan commitment they got. They'll bail once something newer and cooler comes around like Kinect or Mov.

NoA should know that their core Nintendo fans is critical to them right now even more than ever. I think NoE realizes this and stepped up. NoA needs to do this...but they won't.

Elginer said:
Any Shadows of the Damned numbers? I did my part Suda, I did my part!!!
Yeah, that's right. SotD and Alice came out this passed month.

Wonder how they did.

(I kind of know) :(
jjasper said:
Greatest sports game in forever keeps on selling.

EA has got to be super optimistic to think they have a chance rebooting NBA Live. The public consciousness is going to be all about the NBA 2K series by the time they release a game. 2K basketball is starting to establish itself as a Madden-like dynasty (but actually good).


Seda said:
The Wii's lack of software is really astounding. What was NoA's reasoning for not releasing Xenoblade again?

Sadly i don't think it would matter if xenoblade came out here. People have just abandoned that system completely.


I don't even want to see Shadows of the Damned numbers. I wouldn't be surprised if it was under 10k combined. When half of GAF seemed to have no idea it came out, you know things are bad.


Congrats MS.. my friends and I continue to enjoy the platform. And to think that this fall they are going to refresh the dash again to what might be the best looking version.

They do continue to evolve the platform...


An blind dancing ho
No Alice, No Shadow of the Damned on top 10.

EA partner program is a failure,I feel sorry for all developers who signed with EA.
the wii is such a weird system. sold out for 2 years, peaked with NSMB then just about nothing, with mario galaxy 2 in there somewhere and skyward sword as the final nail in the coffin.
software and hardware, wii is selling horrible, and I can't see that changing at least until after september.

and I can see it being gradually phased out by 360+kinect from the next year. They need to put out Wii U really soon next year.


Update on the Xbox 360 PR:
MS PR said:
During the month of June, four of the top ten console game titles were for Xbox 360 including: “L.A. Noire,” “Duke Nukem Forever,” “NBA 2K11” and “Call of Duty: Black Ops.” (Source: NPD Group, June 2011)
canadian crowe said:
Pretty surprising to see Duke that high up. Certainly it's not the greatest game in the world, but it's nice to see something new
in the top 10.
It had almost a full month and a ton of advertising plus the immense curiosity factor. I'm not happy it sold well enough to hit #2 (over three platforms) but I expect it to vanish next month (or be near the bottom) given the hugely negative reactions.
Totobeni said:
No Alice, No Shadow of the Damned on top 10.

EA partner program is a failure,I feel sorry for all developers who signed with EA.

makes you wonder why EA even did it? "Hey small guys, come sign with us! But you can't use our most valuable asset-- our ability to put your game in the entire U.S.' face for a week before it comes out."


Zelda would have sold more if they put enough damn copies in stores! I was only able to get a copy last tuesday. Ugh, if Nintendo continues to pull this bullshit then I'm not getting a Wii U.
NecrumSlavery said:
Not fanboy. Have you ever had your favorite game nearly ruined by a company?

And I am recovering from the stresses of N4G. need a healthy place. Will keep doucheness to a minimum. Again not a fanboy

N4G? How can a favorite game be ruined? I can see how a franchise could be ruined, but how about a game? Did MS break into your house and shit on the cart/disc?


Sho_Nuff82 said:
How the hell can NoA justify not bringing games over? Risky anything has got be better than a 75% drop.

I guess Nintendo was counting on the Wii's price drop and the 3DS to ride them out until the Wii U hits. Unfortunately for Nintendo, Wii price drops doesn't seem to be working and the 3DS performance at retail so far is mediocre.
Kusagari said:
I don't even want to see Shadows of the Damned numbers. I wouldn't be surprised if it was under 10k combined. When half of GAF seemed to have no idea it came out, you know things are bad.
Fine you guilt tripped me into buying a copy.

This console generation can go on forever as long as I can still get games like Witcher 2 and Human Revolution.
I chuckle when I remember back when the Wii was going balls to the wall there were people saying its a fad and it wont last, who were just dismissed as fanboys. Its true really, I doubt it will even reach the PS1 lifetime sales now, let alone PS2's.


works for Gamestop (lol)

L.A. Noire sold 419,000 copies over the course of the month, while Duke Nukem Forever sold 376,300, I'm told. It's crucial to note, however, that these numbers do not include digital sales, only physical.
Pimpbaa said:
Zelda would have sold more if they put enough damn copies in stores! I was only able to get a copy last tuesday. Ugh, if Nintendo continues to pull this bullshit then I'm not getting a Wii U.

You're not fooling anyone. If you are running out to buy a $40 port of a n64 game then you will certainly be getting a Wii U.


360 is a beast, it really is the PS2 of this generation, in the US and UK at least.

Glad to see inFamous 2 so high up too, great standing for a single platform title.


butter_stick said:
That's not the only reason and you know it.

No, it's not the only reason. However, it is the main reason for the massive drops we're seeing month to month from last year. Instead of trying to alleviate the situation, NoA has just given up and abandoned the platform. That is shitty management.


outunderthestars said:
You're not fooling anyone. If you are running out to buy a $40 port of a n64 game then you will certainly be getting a Wii U.

I never played OOT on N64, so it's a new game to me.
Wario64 said:

L.A. Noire sold 419,000 copies over the course of the month, while Duke Nukem Forever sold 376,300, I'm told. It's crucial to note, however, that these numbers do not include digital sales, only physical.

Those are combined numbers? If so than wow those are some low numbers.
Lord-Audie said:
Do the free 360 with new laptop deal for students counts as a sale?
I did some shopping around while the offer was on, and (at least here in Canada) while it was advertized as a 'free' 360, the HP laptops they were paired with were being sold at around $100 above cost. I'm guessing MS and HP each knocked $50 bucks each off their units for the cross promotion... either way the stores weren't losing any money.
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