Some of you may remember that I met Taku, the singer of Nothing Carved In Stone, last month at a hookah bar. Just like he mentioned that night, he put me on the guest list for a show. that show was last night, and it was incredible. I haven't moshed like that in a long time. All the Japanese people were amused with my dancing and gaijin power while moshing. The crowd was pretty huge, and I don't think I've been in a standing area that large before. By the end, everyone was rocking out. They played two encores, although it wasn't originally planned. After the show, a random kid asked to take a picture with me. This was either because he thought I looked cool with my leather jacket and bandana, or he thought I was a dumb foreigner who looked like a pirate. Both are fine with me!
Anyway, the guest pass also functioned as a backstage pass (the second photo is of the backstage after-show thing), so I went upstairs and talked to Taku for a bit before I had to catch the train. I ended up meeting some of his family hahah.
Nothing's Carved In Stone puts on one hell of a show! It was nice to have a break from my damn papers (which, as of tonight, are done! Two month break time; time for more concerts!). Apparently, if I went the night before, Taku would have introduced me to one of my favorite bands. He said he'll introduce me another time, though!
In two nights, I'll see FLiP, Four Get Me Nots, tricot, Unlimits, and Scotland Girl. My friend just wants to see FLiP, but I'm going for for everyone besides FLiP heh. Maybe I'll like them more when I see them perform live.