If there is any Forza guy who thinks that GT5's best side doesn't look better than FM4's best side, please speak up now.
. . .
Now, how important is consistency to everyone?
this is how it goes
*photorealistic GT5 shot*
*GT5 shot with Jaggies*
*more photorealistic shots*
*standard car pictures* (Shinnns specialty)
*bad looking FM4 pic*
*oh yes*
*photo realistic GT5 pictures*
*mine has higher poly count*
*yea but mine got better lighting thus more realistic*
*shows photorealistic FM4 pic*
*turned contrast way up*
and on and on and on it goes. No one fully admits anything in this thread for every argument they each find a counter argument even if it doesn't make sense
Lol you this thread keeps getting updated because Forza players have been straight up claiming the best from their preferred racer looks better the best GT5 can offer? Did you actually think this thread was created so we could all come to a definitive conclusion as to which is a better game? C'mon...tsk
You say that many Forza fans agree that GT at its best looks better and i replied by saying "yet the thread continues" which implies that there is no such consensus and this your last reply is basically restating what i said. There is no consensus here (and there never will be), that is why there has been a flood of pictures for the last 10-20 pages.