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Elon Musk Likely to Step Down From Twitter (NO POLITICS)

And there's the problem. The double standard is what makes him look like such an asshat. This is true for anyone in the public eye who makes such a point of this kind of thing.
The double standard, the lies, the obvious self-interest and anti-democratic sentiment, the fact that paying for a checkmark doesn't verify anything at all and is totally useless and just designed to make money, the fact that it will never make enough money to service just the interest on the debt he exploded on the company. I can keep going.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
“Twitter Blue” paid checkmarks are terrible for Twitter. They look the same as verified notable accounts but are mostly posers and scammers. Meanwhile the so-called legacy blue checks are being phased out.

Twitter is all about following notable, verified accounts of your choice to build an information feed. Not every blue check was reliable by any means, but it was a better mechanism than follow count alone to filter out noise. And there’s a lot of noise to contend with.

The algorithm has been changed up, though, so that it’s mostly showing “person who is followed by two people you follow” accounts and a load of promoted accounts now. And the paid blue checks are like Skrulls, hiding in plain sight everywhere, making the signal:noise much worse.

On top of that, every Elon shitpost tweet seems to be boosted to full feed visibility now.

High profile people like Paul Graham got suspended for having social media links. He’s someone who stood by Elon several times during previous stages of this mess, but that killed all of his good will.

Too much incompetence in too short a time.


Junior Member
Yeah, that’s fucking pathetic. To spend weeks banging on about how Twitter will be the ‘town square‘ where the will of the people will be heard… and then ignore the will of the people because it doesn’t suit you, is just so weak. Talk about trashing your reputation.
It goes to the heart of the conversation we(as in gaf) were having here in this very forum a few weeks ago. Well with the exclusion of the BS and trolling that occurred towards the tail end of it. .

Reality setting in.. You cannot have a true public square for discussion while still allowing anonymity.. Unless you moderate the crap out of it.

Here we see Musk trying to moderate the fuck out of it.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
It's insane how fucking stupid Elon has been being. Just outwardly, openly, and loudly.

His defenders have really seemed to have the wind taken out of their sails w/ his latest shit.

Like how in the world does anyone defend the guy spending 10's of billions to buy a company and then using an online poll to determine whether he'll stay as CEO?

Not to mention you have to be a real fucking idiot to defend his "free speech" nonsense now. Not that you were particularly bright to ever believe in it lol
It's insane how fucking stupid Elon has been being. Just outwardly, openly, and loudly.

His defenders have really seemed to have the wind taken out of their sails w/ his latest shit.

Like how in the world does anyone defend the guy spending 10's of billions to buy a company and then using an online poll to determine whether he'll stay as CEO?

Not to mention you have to be a real fucking idiot to defend his "free speech" nonsense now. Not that you were particularly bright to ever believe in it lol

Exactly. People are saying that the poll was to pump Tesla stock, but that didn’t work overall.

Elon made mistakes that no one would make. People called out the flaws in his ideas as soon as he posted them. Reading the comments should have stopped his poor implementations and wasted developer work since he can’t actually brainstorm and plan internally.

When Elon first started he had the army available to turn twitter into the everything app that he initially wanted, but he can’t do that with a skeleton crew now and all of his windows have been passed for that. His brand can’t recruit the talent required.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Exactly. People are saying that the poll was to pump Tesla stock, but that didn’t work overall.

Elon made mistakes that no one would make. People called out the flaws in his ideas as soon as he posted them. Reading the comments should have stopped his poor implementations and wasted developer work since he can’t actually brainstorm and plan internally.

When Elon first started he had the army available to turn twitter into the everything app that he initially wanted, but he can’t do that with a skeleton crew now and all of his windows have been passed for that. His brand can’t recruit the talent required.
Exactly. If he had just shut up for the whole year and bought Twitter without any of the fanfare, drama, and conspiracy nonsense the tech world would be beating down his door trying to work with him so they could get their foot in the door of the next big thing.

Because before all of those people thought he was a genius and an excellent businessman. Someone who could just will things into existence by force of will and smart investment. But all of that is down the shitter now. He has publicly outed himself as a thin skinned egotistical buffoon who has seemingly just failed upwards the whole time. Because his handling of Twitter has been completely nonsensical, meme-based, and shortsighted. Getting rid of their talent, driving advertisers away, courting lawsuits, and even pissing off his own supporters by going back on his word.

It's just a parade of mistakes at this point.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I’ve read this thing 3 times and the writers made this thing as confusing as possible.
Apparently Musk’s security hit the dude with their vehicle when they were leaving. The guy seems like a nutcase though so there must be camera footage otherwise I can’t see him being a credible witness.

A new statement from local police provides the first official account of what happened during the incident. The South Pasadena police department has confirmed that an incident involving two vehicles was reported to the police on Tuesday night, but said that a member of Elon Musk’s security team is currently a suspect in the investigation, not a victim.

A 29-year-old man from Connecticut told the South Pasadena police Tuesday that a driver in another vehicle had confronted him in a parking lot, accused him of following him on the 110 freeway, and then struck the man with his vehicle as he was leaving the parking lot.

Last Thursday, “South Pasadena Police learned the suspect involved in this case is believed to be a member of Elon Musk’s security team,” the department said in a statement.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Lol so this was never going to happen
It was always going to happen eventually. I thought the poll was a way out for him so he could go back to Tesla and SpaceX, but it's looking more and more like he actually expected to win. Possibly to use it to make advertisers and investors feel better about his presence?

In reality all he got was public humiliation to the tune of millions of people telling him they don't want him at the site. Which obviously made Tesla shareholders feel VERY confident about his leadership lol


In reality all he got was public humiliation to the tune of millions of people telling him they don't want him at the site. Which obviously made Tesla shareholders feel VERY confident about his leadership lol
nonono it was bots really nobody could've foreseen the outcome not being what he expected and him making some kind of excuse...
Vox populi, vox dei*

*incoming “lol you bots sure now how to vote we’ll have to try this again filtering for bot activity oh look the people still want me…”
Ah, well, nevertheless...


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
nonono it was bots really nobody could've foreseen the outcome not being what he expected and him making some kind of excuse...

Ah, well, nevertheless...
Ah yes the bots. The bots that he has repeatedly claimed to rid the site of lol

His ever growing list of excuses and delusions would be downright comical if they were so sad.
unimpressed michael keaton GIF

Elon over the last 6 months has single handedly ruined his own reputation. I’m sure it doesn’t matter to him with the amount of money he has, but his comments about Ukraine etc etc. he is a mega wanker.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
unimpressed michael keaton GIF

Elon over the last 6 months has single handedly ruined his own reputation. I’m sure it doesn’t matter to him with the amount of money he has, but his comments about Ukraine etc etc. he is a mega wanker.
Yeah his Ukraine comments were the most shocking thing to me. Even with all his problems and other buffoonery I never expected him to come out against Ukraine like that. Especially given the fact that basically the whole world is on their side.

Privately feeling that way is one thing, but being a recognizable CEO and publicly stating it is a whole other ballpark.


Is 'That Pure Potato'
“Twitter Blue” paid checkmarks are terrible for Twitter. They look the same as verified notable accounts but are mostly posers and scammers. Meanwhile the so-called legacy blue checks are being phased out.

Twitter is all about following notable, verified accounts of your choice to build an information feed. Not every blue check was reliable by any means, but it was a better mechanism than follow count alone to filter out noise. And there’s a lot of noise to contend with.

The algorithm has been changed up, though, so that it’s mostly showing “person who is followed by two people you follow” accounts and a load of promoted accounts now. And the paid blue checks are like Skrulls, hiding in plain sight everywhere, making the signal:noise much worse.

On top of that, every Elon shitpost tweet seems to be boosted to full feed visibility now.

High profile people like Paul Graham got suspended for having social media links. He’s someone who stood by Elon several times during previous stages of this mess, but that killed all of his good will.

Too much incompetence in too short a time.

I'm on Mastodon now, but I fired up Twitter on my phone to poke around before I finally delete it, and man are the algorithms really forcing a macabre sense of aggression on everyone now. Like, engagement at any cost. I was getting tweets from people in my timeline that I did not follow, and definitely never would have engaged with.

Anywho. Musk really speedran this thing. Like, wow. It's almost impressive.


As a Tesla shareholder (sure not a big one in the grand scheme but still), I'm sick and tired of Musk's stupid antics over the last 12-18 months or so with regard to Twitter. I gather that he's the sort of person who gets stuff done by being there himself being in thick of things (like he has done for Tesla and SpaceX seemingly to great effect) so if he's not going to actually run Twitter why the fuck did he buy it?!

I used to think he was awesome but honestly seems like he's losing the plot.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Big relevant issues are discussed in a way they haven't since COVID. The 1.7 trillion bill is trending for a cupule of days now.
Something like that would be trending even if Musk hadn't bought the site 🤦‍♂️
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Big surprise. And I mean none.

I honestly think it's just the computer illiterates that are still hanging on to this halfwit.
Wait what?

First person to remove the SIM lock from an iPhone at age seventeen?
Basically jailbroke the PS3 in such a way that forced Sony (a gigantic corporation) to release a firmware update to combat it?

Let alone "halfwit" more like "tenwit" or something. Guy is clearly very intelligent. Bit of a weirdo (like a lot of hackers) but meh. I think deserves credit.


Wait what?

First person to remove the SIM lock from an iPhone at age seventeen?
Basically jailbroke the PS3 in such a way that forced Sony (a gigantic corporation) to release a firmware update to combat it?

Let alone "halfwit" more like "tenwit" or something. Guy is clearly very intelligent. Bit of a weirdo (like a lot of hackers) but meh. I think deserves credit.

He (where credit is due) bought a social media platform with money he earned, yet continually fails on social media.

Kind of impressive. Not saying it's good. Let him piss away that money.


He (where credit is due) bought a social media platform with money he earned, yet continually fails on social media.

Kind of impressive. Not saying it's good. Let him piss away that money.

I guess programming for the very intelligent is (in relative terms) much easier than more fluid stuff like business and social interaction.
As for me, I'm shit at both so I can't say anything either way.
Wait what?

First person to remove the SIM lock from an iPhone at age seventeen?
Basically jailbroke the PS3 in such a way that forced Sony (a gigantic corporation) to release a firmware update to combat it?

Let alone "halfwit" more like "tenwit" or something. Guy is clearly very intelligent. Bit of a weirdo (like a lot of hackers) but meh. I think deserves credit.
That background should have given him the insight into the impossibility of 'getting rid of bots/disinformation/hate' on Twitter with clever code and a level of controlling it is the best you can do. Breaking stuff is always easier then making something break-proof and as the efforts set into breaking it reach a certain level being break-proof is impossible.
The solution is lots of people doing damage control, not some super algorithm that can detect any bot. Such an algorith will be broken in hours to both allow bots and get real persons flagged as bots.

Now that Musk has fired most of the staff doing that damage control Twitter will spiral into the new Infowars, any user can already see the garbage being promoted where some actual real companies used to be.
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Paying 44B for a company that is not worth even half of that. And then he doesn't even get to play with it for longer than a month.
This has to be one of the worst deals of the century.
Fortunately, there is FTX to take the crown.


I guess programming for the very intelligent is (in relative terms) much easier than more fluid stuff like business and social interaction.
As for me, I'm shit at both so I can't say anything either way.

I programed from a young age. Should have stayed with it. Regretted that, so went back and got a GSC at night, whilst working.

I'm not intelligent, just persistent. Made games and was published about, then got a girlfriend. So focus went out the window. (17)

I wouldn't change a day.

Billionaire hooking up with Grimes that manages to meme himself out of his fortune? Well I have no pity, was obvious what he's doing. He'll go down in history as a con-man. Was always something shady about him to me.

Just my opinion.
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