Sherry = chérie = darling, in frenchA dude named sherry.
That's what I deduct anyway.
Sherry = chérie = darling, in frenchA dude named sherry.
He didn't imply that it was.Every window in your house is spotless ain't it buddy
Jussie Smollet had all that, just saying.She has money. She has fame. Relative to streaming, but she undeniably is a success story. She bought a god damned gas station because she was making so much scratch. Why would you risk any of that with a hoax? Why would you risk any of that with a "domestic abuse hoax" of all things? Again, there is no upside to this.
This really is the main issue for you isn't it?
I’d fuck that in the bum hole. Either way it’s a win.I don't know about her previously being a man, but she has mostly masculine features. I've never understood why so many guys find her attractive
I don't think they are focusing on her faceI don't know about her previously being a man, but she has mostly masculine features. I've never understood why so many guys find her attractive
i dont understand this guy's motive. he's married to a cash cow. is he intentionally trying to get out of the marriage.
Never believe women!!Between reading this thread and the hellena one, i'm pretty sure most of you asshats just hate women. Wow guys, holy shit.
Let me guess… you think Amber Heard is a victim too?Between reading this thread and the hellena one, i'm pretty sure most of you asshats just hate women. Wow guys, holy shit.
A reasonable take.I'll wait for the evidence.
…well that was short lived. Not even twelve hours.She needs to pay him his half of the marital property + spousal support and move on. Is this a "Its cheaper to keep her" situation like many unhappy married men find themselves in so she is looking to leverage the court of public opinion?
A reasonable take.
…well that was short lived. Not even twelve hours.
That’s one hell of word salad for someone who will “wait for the evidence”. When you start sentences with “notice how she” it’s abundantly clear that you’ve already started drawing conclusions.I would say my take is very reasonable. If she is unhappy then file for divorce. If he is threatening violence and she has proof then get the police involved. He would be removed from that home immediately and a restraining order would be put in place. Notice how she brings up the threat of him liquidating assets. I've known and seen many individuals stay in unhappy even sexless marriages due to not wanting to take the devastating financial hit of divorce. Most of the time its men or do you think the expression "its cheaper to keep her" came from nowhere.
It's like people didn't learn anything from the whole Heard/Depp fiasco. When people's entire lives and livelihoods are wrapped up in their public image - they will do absolutely anything to protect it. She may be telling the truth, but when a messy public divorce is on the cards, a little skepticism about claims made publicly is warranted.She has money. She has fame. Relative to streaming, but she undeniably is a success story. She bought a god damned gas station because she was making so much scratch. Why would you risk any of that with a hoax? Why would you risk any of that with a "domestic abuse hoax" of all things? Again, there is no upside to this.
Jussie Smollet had all that, just saying.
It's like people didn't learn anything from the whole Heard/Depp fiasco.
Bingo. Ding ding ding. Yahtzee.Let's be real. The only reason people are entertaining these wild leaps of logic to justify their position of being "skeptical" (or just outright calling Amouranth a liar) is because she's a "cam girl" with an OnlyFans "duping" poor, honest souls out of their hard earned money. Bleah.
Save yourself some time and go watch divorce lawyers on youtube. A healthy dose of skepticism is part of being an adultOh wise master, please enlighten.
He didn't imply that it was.
On the subject of her house damage, she's claimed to have been "SWATted" many times. (From a "news" story; I'm not a fan of her content.)
Watched her for quite a long time, mainly as background noise as she's streaming ALL THE TIME. And yeah i dont know what to feel about this. I mean i'm not surprised all this has come out on stream as she literally streams longer than she lives, if you take out sleep time.
Still i dont know what i believe, she's been acting weird for a while now.
Also this. Her getting the message out there is important for her safety if the story is accurate, but she should go dark now, leave the premises to stay with a friend, and get a lawyer.white knights to the rescue of amouranth...................
but seriously she should get legal advise instead of crying on twitch
Sex workers? I thought she played video games.Bingo. Ding ding ding. Yahtzee.
Its a sad truth of the world is that women in a position like hers receive less benefit of the doubt and more criticism as a result of who they are and what they do when it comes to their stories of abuse. The same goes for other less prominent sex workers. Their stories of rape/abuse/exploitation etc etc are many tiems doubted by the public or authorities because of who they are. Even when they come forward with a story that does not benefit them personally or publicly while also showing proof of the abuse itself. People will always want to doubt them.
Its bullshit, but its the way the world views these people and until we enter into a more sex positive society it will stay that way I think.
The point still stands.
In this case, I wonder if a divorce is upcoming, and this is an attempt to look sympathetic.Anytime allegations like these are made over Twitter instead of coming out from the police, I automatically think the girls lying.
And what amount of money would you take to be ok with your wife being a "cam girl" with a raunchy Twitch channel and an even raunchier Only Fans?What amount of money would you take to be branded a domestic abuser by your partner in a very messy and public way?
Let's be real. The only reason people are entertaining these wild leaps of logic to justify their position of being "skeptical" (or just outright calling Amouranth a liar) is because she's a "cam girl" with an OnlyFans "duping" poor, honest souls out of their hard earned money.
Sex workers? I thought she played video games.
Lllloving that false cryingYeah, I’m going to quietly not believe her. Attention whore needs to feed.
Wat."threatened to kill her dogs and take all her money"
an evil person would not threaten to take your money, they would try to do it
I'll wait for more information before passing judgement . Husband was pimping her and money got into his head
"threatened to kill her dogs and take all her money"
an evil person would not threaten to take your money, they would try to do it
or c) because it's the internet - and specifically a piece of that internet that caters almost exclusively to the extremely mentally ill and lonely - and treating drama like this with anything other than the most cynical eye you can summon will paint you as the n0bbiest of n00bs.The amount of people in here casually dismissing this because she is a) rich, or b) a streamer is staggering.
. . .and I still haven't had anyone give an actual reason why Amouranth would do this, how this at all benefits her. If she's lying then she's nuking her husband (and likely the people around her in cahoots with her husband) who. . .is going to just go along with it for what? A potential divorce payout for helping make Amouranth a sympathetic figure? What amount of money would you take to be branded a domestic abuser by your partner in a very messy and public way?
This post makes my head hurt."threatened to kill her dogs and take all her money"
an evil person would not threaten to take your money, they would try to do it
white knights to the rescue of amouranth...................
And what amount of money would you take to be ok with your wife being a "cam girl" with a raunchy Twitch channel and an even raunchier Only Fans?
Save yourself some time and go watch divorce lawyers on youtube. A healthy dose of skepticism is part of being an adult
Pure speculation: It could be that Amouranth is using an accusation of DV as a way to protect her assets in divorce. If she wanted a divorce but could only do so under a "no-fault" filing, she could be on the hook for a 50/50 pay out but with this accusation against him and a good lawyer on her side, she could possibly walk out of divorce court without having to pay him anything.
Bingo! It's pre thought out trap-shit. No excuse for him speaking like that to anyone really, but the guy has been hung out to dry.You don’t go on social media and air your dirty laundry unless you are looking for something in return.