Ok, I'll start off by saying I understand why you would put your biggest match at the top of the card.....BUT, I hate it. When the card is what it was tonight, nothing else matters after the world title match. I wasn't excited for the TBS title match, and that's mostly because the booking was beyond obvious with Jade beating lifetime jobber Ruby. MJF/Punk segment was fine...but again, how many weeks we gonna get this same segment? Black/Pillman? Who cares, and why was this match on this card if it wasn't going to involve a Brody King debut, or Julia turning? This could be on Friday, or Dark for that matter. And honestly, I'm over these overbooked tag team matches closing shows. I don't think these teams work that well together, and they basically wrestled the same exact match as the last time they fought. Feel bad for Fenix, as there's no way that arm wasn't broken, but while I enjoy alot of the teams in AEW, seeing all those lower midcard jobber teams all on the stage doesn't give me hope for Dinobots to have a great run.
A one hour special Saturday with no matches that really matter, since who thinks Riho has a snowballs chance in hell of beating Britt? The entire booking since Full Gear has IMO been, I wouldn't say bad, but not overly entertaining. The problem with that Page/Omega program is that the whole year built to that, and Hangman doesn't have the in ring talent or personality (Cowboy Shit is the new WHat?) to be the main guy. They are trying a WWE thing by forcing him. He is in fact the first person to kick out of Bryans flying knee I'm pretty sure too. Bryan should be the current champ, as there are way more in ring feuds that he can carry as he's shown already since getting there. Hell Kenny wrestled more matches his last two months with a ton of massive injuries then Page has in the last 4 months.
As much as I hate WWE, at least even if the stories are awful..their champs are generally for the most part the right choices (Outside of Big E, sorry he's boring, should have been Lashley). Nobody that's a current AEW champion makes me excited to watch them, or the potential feuds coming. Where does Hangman go after beating Omega and Bryan? His character was so hell bent on Kenny and beating him finally, it made sense that he'd be the first transitional champion. Cody again, strictly for the Go Big Show press, ready for another boring rematch with no reaction Sammy? Britt is entertaining, but it's been long enough, and Lucha Express are just kind of there with Christian. At least they can have Christian turn on them soon, but damn the champs are not great right now.