Tomorrow my son and I get to watch Survivor Series 1998: Deadly Games.
Probably one of the most fun WWF PPVs of all time, not just for the sheer number of matches (let’s be honest most don’t have enough time to be very good.) but for the swerves and story development that happens over that 3 hour period.
The build up to this PPV was so good, with Stone Cold getting fired and then rehired by Shane, so Shane gets busted down to referee and continues to find ways to screw Vince over in the weeks leading up.
You also have Mankind being groomed by Vince at the same time that Vince sets his sights on ending the Rocks career, and bringing in a returning Boss Man to be his bodyguard after Undertaker and Kane broke his leg.
There’s so much that they do right to get the crowd behind who they want and then turn it all on it’s head at the PPV.
My daughter stopped watching our watch through at this point because she was so angry at The Rock and refused to even hear what he had to say at Raw. To this day she still has a bitter hate for Dwayne Johnson.
Hopefully my son takes it better than she did.