Not gonna lie, I'm kind of over these SUPER tiny guys being the TNT champion. I miss Miro running over these kids.
It's actually more so that 1.) Sammy has been the worst TNT Champ, and he's been it twice. 2.) Darby has already had a meh run with it, and doesn't need it to be over cause he has a cool theme and Sting.
I'd rather they use the TNT title as the bridge into the World Title scene. Right now that belt should be feuded over with the likes of MJF, Hangman (He ain't in that Elite scene yet to me), Miro, Archer, and to a lesser extent guys like Ethan Page, Scorpio, etc.
I'm not one of those little guys are the worst I need believable muscles to like them, as shown that Danielson is one of my all time favs, but AEW has WAY to many of these super undersized guys that really haven't found a way to be unique other then flippy shit. I'm most excited for Danhausen cause at least he'll be used accordingly and not pushed to the moon the way OC and Sammy were.
Don't know anything about Swerve, is he worth being hyped for if he comes in?