Guys I just did the first workout of p90x and I found out just how horrible I am at exercising. Like, I knew push ups and pull ups would be difficult for me, but I didn't think I would be this bad. For the first set of push-ups, I did like 20 in a minute. Then they throw like 5 other variations of push-ups and that number just kept going down. And then they have you do it all over again. Tony kept saying "push through the burn" blah blah blah, but there was no burn for me to feel because I simply couldn't do it. I was fatiguing on the first push-up toward the end, and I simply wasn't able to do the last set of diamond push-ups and some other one. So on my worksheet I seriously just wrote "1" or "2" for the number of reps I did, while the people in the video did 30+. Also, I can only do like 3 assisted pull-ups.
I probably should have started with regular P90. I greatly underestimated how weak I actually am.
I love reading stuff like this. I QUIT the very first workout at the halfway point, I was so blown out and gassed. Tony says "Okay, now we're gonna do the entire set all over again!". Thought I was gonna pass out. But the next day, I soldiered through Plyo and I haven't missed a scheduled workout in 16 weeks. Don't give up. You'll regret it if you do.