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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


On another note, I was kind of worried that Nezha might be a pain in the ass to get, but then I had a thought; go research the drop tables and rates for nezha parts for sorties. I did a little digging and It seems that they all have a relatively equal chance of dropping. Which means, the market will most likely value the parts equally which also means even if you get the same part, you'll very likely be able to trade it for another part. So, in other words, getting the same part twice is effectively the same as getting any of the remaining parts through trade.

That's all well and good, but I've done all the sorties since the update and so far gotten nothing, zip, nada, zilch. :'(

I've gotten the systems twice. Assume I'll be able to trade one for the helm or chassis when the time comes.

Got the BP as well for daily login.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I'm building a gaming PC and I hope DE offers the option to transfers my PS4 account to PC in the future.

I just can't put up with this shit framerate anymore in the ps4 version, I mean I'll still log in and play, but not for long periods. Need dat 60fps.
I'm building a gaming PC and I hope DE offers the option to transfers my PS4 account to PC in the future.

I just can't put up with this shit framerate anymore in the ps4 version, I mean I'll still log in and play, but not for long periods. Need dat 60fps.

There has been some talk that it might be possible in the future, maybe surrounding one of the major updates, but unfortunately the infrastructure to do so isn't in place. I'd be tempted to say it might be faster just to start a new account on PC, but with DE nothing is an absolute.


I'm usually on most nights from 10pm EST till 1 or 2. IF anyone is interested in Vault runs just let me know. I'm looking for MODS and ciphers for the hidden message quest.


I've gotten the systems twice. Assume I'll be able to trade one for the helm or chassis when the time comes.

Got the BP as well for daily login.

I got systems 3x in a row and put my theory in to practice and got the remaining components pretty quickly. About 10 minutes in trade chat for each. This was much less annoying to get than mesa or vauban.
There has been some talk that it might be possible in the future, maybe surrounding one of the major updates, but unfortunately the infrastructure to do so isn't in place. I'd be tempted to say it might be faster just to start a new account on PC, but with DE nothing is an absolute.

I'm pretty sure they can't do this because it means a loss for Sony. (I mean, it just makes sense).


Neo Member
I got systems 3x in a row and put my theory in to practice and got the remaining components pretty quickly. About 10 minutes in trade chat for each. This was much less annoying to get than mesa or vauban.

Yeah...Im going to need you and Frizby to pass along the horseshoe, rabbit's foot, or whatever lucky charm you both are using, lol. Still no Nehza pieces after many runs on the sorties. Maybe I pissed off RNGsus somehow, haha.


aka andydumi
I got systems 3x in a row and put my theory in to practice and got the remaining components pretty quickly. About 10 minutes in trade chat for each. This was much less annoying to get than mesa or vauban.

So are pieces tradeable? Someone said only blueprints and Prime stuff is tradeable, but that does not seem right.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Anyone have any of the following for trade?

-Volt Prime chassis
-Akbronco p link
-Braton p barrel
-the nunchuk/rapier/whip-sword/redeemer stances

I need a few other things too but these are the main things and will let me clear up some weapon slots.

Have stuff for trade or a bit of plat. Also have keys for most(no t3/4 cap though) and am willing to farm too.

Also looking to take a run at getting the drift mods if some ppl still don't have em.
a question, well, more of a request actually. I just learned that you can trade the Synoid Simulor (if it is a unranked new one) and I'm wondering if anyone care to help me out with that. willing to pay for it of cause.


Anyone have any of the following for trade?

-Volt Prime chassis
-Akbronco p link
-Braton p barrel
-the nunchuk/rapier/whip-sword/redeemer stances

I need a few other things too but these are the main things and will let me clear up some weapon slots.

Have stuff for trade or a bit of plat. Also have keys for most(no t3/4 cap though) and am willing to farm too.

Also looking to take a run at getting the drift mods if some ppl still don't have em.
Told ya a while ago that my Volt chassis is yours if you want it. Just message me when I'm on or send me a Psn msg and I'll hop on. I got High Noon stance as well.
new event kinda fun. the first part is pretty easy. Best way to do it is Loki and Nyx I guess. I played the 2nd part 3 times, first as EV build Trinity with others. second time as speed up MP Nova and that worked ok too since we also had a Trinity on that run. third time I went as Ash and Blade Storm everything with the help of the Trinity. the Ash run was by far the fastest.


I just started playing yesterday and I'm having a lot more fun playing with a controller than when I tried it on PC with mouse and keyboard. It's so much easier to space parkour now! I've made it to Jupiter and it feels like I really need to figure out my mods now instead of just slapping whatever I have in and not focusing on upgrading. I only have the Mag frame.

A few questions.
Do I have to be mastery 5 to complete the mission to get Saturn unlocked?
Is there a GAF clan I could join?
Are there mods I should be going for?


Edit: psn name is Foofarah
Feel free to add me!

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah the clan's still going. Post or pm your psn if you wanna join. It's been a long time since I started so I dunno about planets being locked behind mastery rank. Mods depend on the frame but generally damage and survival mods are always good to work towards. Stances for melee too.

For mods:
-Redirection/vitality for frames, vigor can work too, flow/primed flow, quick thinking if you have a large energy pool, steel fiber
-maybe augments though I can't recall what rank you need to be to join and some of the offering you need to make are rare
-nightmare or corrupted orokin derelict vault mods are usually saught after though if you're just starting hard to get by yourself
-for weapons serration, heavy caliber, multi-shot mods(hells chamber, split chamber, the uh pistol one), elemental or crit mods, +slash/impact/piercing etc
-stances for melee weapons really help but can be hard to find at times


I just started playing yesterday and I'm having a lot more fun playing with a controller than when I tried it on PC with mouse and keyboard. It's so much easier to space parkour now! I've made it to Jupiter and it feels like I really need to figure out my mods now instead of just slapping whatever I have in and not focusing on upgrading. I only have the Mag frame.

A few questions.
Do I have to be mastery 5 to complete the mission to get Saturn unlocked?
Is there a GAF clan I could join?
Are there mods I should be going for?


Edit: psn name is Foofarah
Feel free to add me!



One of the first days ever I'm off work on prime frame drop. 1 hour till I can start grinding.

Edit: 8 hours striaght, Saryn helm and systems only loot :(

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Yup got helm in 5 runs, system in 6. Did ~15-20 t3 ext. Got 8 vasto receivers and 11 nyx parts. No saryn/nikana bp. Fucking joke. Only done two 40 mins t3 surv so far but after 40 runs at 40-60 min with no volt p chassis and no nova p part either in that time I'm not sure they exist. No ash systems either. I get they're supposed to be rare but this is bs. DE shoves 8 fricken things in rot c yet after ~100 drop chances I got not one(!) ash, nova or volt part is insane. Esp when those damn bo bps and nyx parts drop every time while being available in 2 other places. WHY???

Oh well got another 600 ducats I guess. Can buy more prime mods I'll never have the cores to lvl up >.>

Oh great now I'm getting error ce-34878 again. Shit.


Same here, only gotten a helmet for my trouble after about 30+ runs of various keys. I'll have to go and grind for more keys again since I blew through nearly 3 dozen.


So, I've put about 15 or so hours into the game, and I rarely play games anymore. It is tons of fun! I'm on Phobos and feel like I've hit a serious wall. I'm still having fun running Void missions, but I know I won't be able to run T3 or T4 for the serious prime drops for a long time. Or maybe I just need to potato up my Mag, Karak and Dual Ether. My Rhino frame should be done by the time I get back to the game, as well as my first Archwing! I still feel like I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm having a lot of fun with it.

I managed to get the Saryn Prime Helmet without much trouble, but I did spent the night before trying to get a Rhino Prime helm with no success.

I'm seriously considering buying the Prime Access for Frost Prime on amazon. That frame seems to be very good. I also picked up the PS4 bundle, as it was a cheap way to get plat and I got a potato'd melee with a nice skin.

I won't be able to play for a few days, because I work 12's, but I've done little but play this with my days off. Thanks for letting me in the clan.


Got the chassis last night. Right before bed got on a team where someone burned at least 20 t3ext.


Ran a couple t2surv but no nikana blade. I don't want to think about t3cap.
Yay Saryn P cooking for saturdaym, cant wait to see the prime boobs


So far I need the spyra and the Nikana pieces


The gods of RNG smiled on me yesterday. Got both Saryn systems and Spira BP on first keys; got two Saryn BPs in a handful of keys, one of which I traded for a Nikana BP; then it took 14 keys to get a Saryn helmet and it was all downhill from then on.

Stupidly used up all my T3 capture keys farming credits a while back. Didn't need the credits. Ran about 10 keys with randoms, though... and nothing. Also ran a few T2-3 survivals... again, nothing.

And Jesus F Christ at all these idiots farming keys on Triton, who just have to activate every excavator ASAP, even when it was painfully clear several destroyed ones ago that the team is barely capable of protecting one.


oh ya stance mods, they can fuck right off, I'll pay for any of the following:

Four Riders
Gaia's Tragedy
Vulpine Mask
Atlantis Vulcan


So, I've put about 15 or so hours into the game, and I rarely play games anymore. It is tons of fun! I'm on Phobos and feel like I've hit a serious wall. I'm still having fun running Void missions, but I know I won't be able to run T3 or T4 for the serious prime drops for a long time. Or maybe I just need to potato up my Mag, Karak and Dual Ether. My Rhino frame should be done by the time I get back to the game, as well as my first Archwing! I still feel like I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm having a lot of fun with it.

I managed to get the Saryn Prime Helmet without much trouble, but I did spent the night before trying to get a Rhino Prime helm with no success.

I'm seriously considering buying the Prime Access for Frost Prime on amazon. That frame seems to be very good. I also picked up the PS4 bundle, as it was a cheap way to get plat and I got a potato'd melee with a nice skin.

I won't be able to play for a few days, because I work 12's, but I've done little but play this with my days off. Thanks for letting me in the clan.

Unless it got fixed in the latest patch, you hitting a wall on Phobos is probably at least partially due to a long-standing balance issue. I forget the specifics, but some of the Grineer units on that planet hit way too hard. Last time I read a thread about the issue, I decided to check it out for myself by doing an excavation mission and, even with my maxed out, end-game viable gear, keeping the excavators alive was a nightmare.

That said, potatoing your favourite gear now is a good idea. For tougher Void missions, sorties and the like, you'll eventually also want to install multiple formas in your firearms. (Most melee weapons can be end-game viable with just a catalyst.)

I'd advice against installing a reactor in Mag, though. Her Shield Polarize ability makes her top tier versus Corpus, but she's not that great versus the other factions. Incoming rework might change that (maybe we'll get details in today's devstream), but, for now, you'd be better off switching to another frame (Rhino is a good beginner's frame) to take you through the rest of the star chart.

Not familiar with that PS4 bundle you mentioned. What melee weapon did you get with it? You should definitely consider upgrading from the Dual Ether. Also, if you got platinum with that bundle, maybe buying Frost Prime through trade chat instead of Prime Access is an option. Probably cheaper to get him that way.


oh ya stance mods, they can fuck right off, I'll pay for any of the following:

Four Riders
Gaia's Tragedy
Vulpine Mask
Atlantis Vulcan

Four Riders is a bitch to get as ive been trying to get it since it came out but no luck, but the 3 below are way easier to get. I've got a spare vulpine mask if you want.


Unless it got fixed in the latest patch, you hitting a wall on Phobos is probably at least partially due to a long-standing balance issue. I forget the specifics, but some of the Grineer units on that planet hit way too hard. Last time I read a thread about the issue, I decided to check it out for myself by doing an excavation mission and, even with my maxed out, end-game viable gear, keeping the excavators alive was a nightmare.

That said, potatoing your favourite gear now is a good idea. For tougher Void missions, sorties and the like, you'll eventually also want to install multiple formas in your firearms. (Most melee weapons can be end-game viable with just a catalyst.)

I'd advice against installing a reactor in Mag, though. Her Shield Polarize ability makes her top tier versus Corpus, but she's not that great versus the other factions. Incoming rework might change that (maybe we'll get details in today's devstream), but, for now, you'd be better off switching to another frame (Rhino is a good beginner's frame) to take you through the rest of the star chart.

Not familiar with that PS4 bundle you mentioned. What melee weapon did you get with it? You should definitely consider upgrading from the Dual Ether. Also, if you got platinum with that bundle, maybe buying Frost Prime through trade chat instead of Prime Access is an option. Probably cheaper to get him that way.

Yeah, it's the excavator mission that's doing me in. More Grineer than I've ever seen, melting all my PUG allies and excavators.

I have a Dual Zoren that should be done by the next time I get home to my PS4. I'm pretty excited to try out a new frame. I need to start grinding for some other ones, too. I just don't know which ones to go for next.

The bundle is Frost Prime, Latron Prime, Reaper Prime, Misa Prime Syandana, a Primed Reactor, and 1050 Plat for $60. Sounds like it is about the price of the plat +$10. I only have 200 plat right now, so I don't know that I'll be able to get anything off the market soon, especially as I'm not able to run T3 Defense for years to get the super rare drops that actually sell.

At my current location, I'm playing on my old PC account. Woooooboy. I played for longer on that account, but have worse mods and apparently upgraded my damaged mods because I didn't watch any tutorials online about what I was supposed to be doing.
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