I think I'll use this quad XP weekend to forma my frames for the Exilus slots.
I watched the Dev stream, so it's a separate slot but it still drains from your mod points correct?
I think I'll use this quad XP weekend to forma my frames for the Exilus slots.
I watched the Dev stream, so it's a separate slot but it still drains from your mod points correct?
Do the survive or die missions purposefully match you with low ranks or have I been getting unlucky?
You should ask the PC community.Any PC players know if there's an FOV that doesn't give motion sickness? Installed the game on Steam today and I could only manage an hour and a half before I had to have a break.
Can I get a clan re invite?
Psn: Eldritch_Spectre
So how often does this Juggernaut show up? It's been a while but I thought it was gonna be an archwing boss?
Is there any word on what's going into the vault next or when?
Ever tried the raid? They have a high chance of spawning there.Oh really? Interesting. I figured they would have nerfed mesa by now. Like my poor gammacor. Finally get the thing last night and it's useless lol Always behind the curve. I miss being able to actually make decent progress solo. Making new weapons need 2 older weapons also sucks imo
I wish they'd make g3 appear more too. In 600+hrs I've seen them 3 times. In the 3 days since I've been back I've seen zanuka, stalker 5 times and now Juggernaut. I just want my brakk parts DE. No more BPs plz
Ever tried the raid? They have a high chance of spawning there.
I have not tried it no. What kind of gear/time investment does it require?
Serration, Split C, Crit mods, elementals, Crit Delay and Vile Acceleration.How do you guys normally mod your dread? I've got 2 forma so far a V and a bar for a total of 3 V and one bar.
Running 3009.6 slash 125% critical chance 4.4x critical multiplier and 0.5 charge rate.
So since this OT is more active than the PC OT I figure I have a higher chance of getting a response here.
So I just started playing over the weekend. I should be able to hit mastery rank 5 tonight if I can get a few more levels on my archwing and its weps.
But I am looking into building my next frame, a lot of people seems to recommend rhino but I don't know if it's my thing really.
Would you guys recommend Valkyr and Ember? I keep hearing Valkyr is just a worse version of excal and I don't really see anyone talking about ember. I'd like to build frost but farming Lech on phobos sounds painful as I barely killed him my first run through.
Ember is fantastic. Rhino is also good and can put you into any other Warframe. Soma is a great weapon to accompany it. Trinity is one you should look into, it plays well with something like a Nikatana and reflex guard you can be an amazing blocker + sniper + support class. Volt is also pro but most people seem to want to trade up since it's a starter now. It was Loki when ps4 launched and that is what I played until rhino.
If you enjoy melee combat I'd recommend trying Ash and Excalibur. Ash can sustain the melee multiplier for a very long time with the Rising Storm augment and some duration and Excalibur is a beast since his rework.Well since I made that post I've been busy, I ended up making a valk because I realized I had about 80% of the mods to become immortal with her.
I use my galatine with spoiled strike, jagged edge, and rending strike for nearly 1000 base slashing and then blast + corrosive on top of that. That makes her claws do insane numbers, then running rage and quick thinking + tons of other mods for energy sustain and survivability I can basically be in her ult the whole time.
It's quite amazing.
I've got a rhino prime in the oven so I'm excited for that when it's ready.
If you enjoy melee combat I'd recommend trying Ash and Excalibur. Ash can sustain the melee multiplier for a very long time with the Rising Storm augment and some duration and Excalibur is a beast since his rework.
Btw, Valkyr's Hysteria is affected by the weapons base stats so the best choice for her at the moment is the Scindo Prime or Prisma Dual Cleavers. Excalibur's Exalted Blade on the other hand benefits from mods. Oh and one more thing... Don't use the mods that give you more slash/puncture/impact even if the weapon has really high stats for those. Elementals scale better so its best to use the +60% status+elemental mods.
Mods that affect base damage (Pressure Point, Spoiled Strike, Syndicate Weapon Augments and Steel Charge) are the only melee mods that can increase the Hysteria Weapon's damage. As an example, a melee weapon with 30 base damage, +60% damage from Steel Charge, and +30% power strength will deal 300 + 1.75*1.3*30*1.6 = 409.2 damage.
Yeah, Hysteria benefits from the base I/P/S damage of the weapon.Yeha I'm aiming for a scindo prime but right now my galatine will do as it's got solid stats on it and is only a notch worse than the scindo prime (5 less base damage, 10% less crit which is kinda big actually), plus it's potatoed so it can fit full slash mods and 4 elemental mods (955 slash, 650 blast, 650 corrosive). I was under the impression that hysteria only benefited from physical damage bonuses not elemental? I thought I also read that it benefits from finisher damage though so that's something to consider.
From the wiki regarding hysteria
I already feel like I used Excal a bunch, I kinda wanna try a frame that's a bit different from valkyr and excal. Ash seemed cool but a lot of melee stuff too. How are Banshee and Mirage? Those are the next two I'm interested in after I toy around with my rhino prime.
Yeah, Hysteria benefits from the base I/P/S damage of the weapon.
Banshee is a really good support but I don't use her that much because I find her a bit boring to be honest. Mirage is a reeeeally good damage dealer and a decent support for Defense missions with Total Eclipse. I only use her to level low rank weapons that don't do enough damage to contribute when I'm on Sechura, though.
I love endless war augment. Get a group of melee, pop it and I can keep it 60 seconds for as long as enemies are there.
I'd be interested. Around 6PM UK time would be best for me. I'm running out of credits quickly.Is there any interest in setting up an EU raid group?
I'd be interested. Around 6PM UK time would be best for me. I'm running out of credits quickly.
That sounds alright. Might see if wowbaggr can raid around that time. Think he's in one of the Scandinavian countries if my memory is right.
Sooo Im pretty much done playing Warframe on PS4 and have a decent amount of Platinum(655) and would like to sell it for $20 in PSN Credit. Can we request that here or is it frowned upon bc its an in-game/in-system trade??
Edit: Forgot to mention. It'd also cost about 375,000 in-game credits as a trade tax i believe unless you traded something away too?(not too sure)
Sooo Im pretty much done playing Warframe on PS4 and have a decent amount of Platinum(655) and would like to sell it for $20 in PSN Credit. Can we request that here or is it frowned upon bc its an in-game/in-system trade??
Edit: Forgot to mention. It'd also cost about 375,000 in-game credits as a trade tax i believe unless you traded something away too?(not too sure)
Little steep for gray market plat. Several of us sell 1k plat for $20, and that's without the risk of trading with someone who we don't know.
I'd suggest 500 for $10 and keep the remainder just in case you decide to play again.