So I watch the dev streams and really get a sense that DE wants to remove a lot of RNG elements in favor of quests, and repeatable quests at that. They also speak to removing the need to replay the exact same mission type again and again and again for a reward, which has something to do with them "destroying the void", which relies upon exactly that when it comes to its rewards.
But then we get something like this Chroma quest where you have to collect specific parts for three other Warframes to make one, and its in every way super repetitive and RNG/luck based.
I'm starting to rankle at how their words don't seem to match up with the content they release. Still love the game, but man, if they want to reduce repetition and RNG they're going about things exactly backwards.
The chroma quest is pretty much a head scratcher as its just out of sync with how players have always obtained their warframe parts though its better than getting mesa and hydroid still. And I dont know what made them think akjagara was a good idea with how many weapons you need and how much time it takes to build what seems to be an average set of dual pistols. Making the tipedo and tiburon were painless and no one really complained about it and they were useful weapons with useful characteristsics.
As far as them reducing grind, thats just 1 more thing in the things they've promised either to address or at the very least look into. Being this is the year of quality, I'd be surprised if they were even able to get through half this stuff:
- to deal with revisiting player primary weapon progression (particularly the serration mod)
- add a much more flexible and robust version of their quest system
- making melee more viable in the end game
- making shotguns and sniper rifles viable toward the endgame
- making a place for utility mods
- addressing movement (in the works with parkour 2.0)
- polishing PvP
- adding more innate characteristics to each warframe
- making more weapon specific augments and faction specific weapons-
- reworking each tileset to be unique (they've been excellent about this as we regularly see a new tileset every 6 or so months)
- reworking more placeholder bosses
- adding sentient faction
- adding the remaining community designed enemy units and weapons
- expanding archwing further
- greatly expanding on lore
- applying physically based rendering to all the old assets