Speaking of platinum, I sold another Synoid Gammacor this morning. I think it's my fourth or fifth. I guess if you're patient, you can get ~200p for them, but I like to get them sold quickly and move on, so I've been selling them for 140-160p. These syndicate weapons have been quite a bolster to my platinum supply, and I had planned to just trade for the others, but with the Gammacor selling for a bit more than the others, it might make more sense to just buy the two that I won't get in game (Loka and Perrin) with the proceeds from Gammacors and Akboltos.
Another active clan night with 12 or so on and doing various activities. A few of us helped Undignify with some vault runs for Mirage and got atrocious mod drops, and I helped somebody else farm some plastids.
I also want to welcome Helscream back to the clan. He is old school GAFframe, and promotion is forthcoming. I also sent Das Mookid an unsolicited invite, because come on home Mooks!