Hey, so I decided to boot this up after some months (two or three? a while...) away from it and it's changed quit a bit. There's space stuff now? Cool, I think.
Anyway, I'm interested in fiddling around with it some more. I play off and on but never got super heavy deep into it since my attention gets split among of a lot of games. If any of you guys are still on at least regularlyish, wouldn't mind some friends to play with or someone to help get deeper into the game/figure out some of the systems. I've put maybe 20ish hours in and have crafted a few weapons, but not another warframe yet.
Also wouldn't mind joining the Gaf clan (I don't know what clans do, but hey >_>) if I can. I think I'm in some clan one of my friends who doesn't really play randomly invited me to, but don't have any attachment to it so it's whatever.
So yeah, PSN name is SirRugdumph, if anyone wants to add me.