Oh, I see. I missed that bit in your comment.Ember I've got already so I was looking for second frame to try.
Oh, I see. I missed that bit in your comment.Ember I've got already so I was looking for second frame to try.
My clan of 2 active members joined an alliance, and that was the first time we got to feel what a big clan with active members would be like.
Our alliance has imploded and we've all gone our sperate ways, but the 2 of us are craving that big clan feel again.
So bitmap frogs, is there room in the clan for 2, and what's the deal with non gaffers (he's my cousin)?
If you say we can join, we'll quit our clan.
I await your reply.
You both can join and are welcome =)
We are a storm clan, which means 100 members tops. On prime time we have 15-20 people, less on slower hours.
Thanks for the reply.
My cousin and myself are now out of our clan and free for recruitment
My PSN is BlindMonkey GMT in England
My cousin is henduil GMT +8 in Japan
They upped the chance for T3 keys in survivals at the 15 minute mark so I'd say that's your best bet. I've got loads of T3 keys on Cambria, Earth when me and my friends were farming Tranquil Cleave.Where is the best place to farm for t3 keys?
Thanks BlaiseThey upped the chance for T3 keys in survivals at the 15 minute mark so I'd say that's your best bet. I've got loads of T3 keys on Cambria, Earth when me and my friends were farming Tranquil Cleave.
Want to give a shotgun a try. Talk to me warframe gaf. I see regular shotguns and they classify the Phage as a shotgun.
Personally I am a big boar prime fanboy and I've potatoed and forma'd 5 times mine.
Well... I'll need to hop in your ol' taxi then next time you're on hahaSechura on Pluto is also an awesome key farm. 5 rounds and you'll pretty much always get a T3 or T2 key for the first reward offer (plus 20000 credits hehe).
You won't hear it much, but I absolutely love the Hek. The only drawback I found was the magazine capacity but you can alleviate that with Burdened Magazine and Ammo Stock (pretty sure that's what its called). Also, it does massive puncture damage which pretty much ignores all armor, so slap an Accelerated Blast on there and become a DPS machine.Want to give a shotgun a try. Talk to me warframe gaf. I see regular shotguns and they classify the Phage as a shotgun.
Boar Prime or bust!
I can give you the 3 remaining parts if you want.
You can easily get the multishot mods and Natural Talent from the Grustrag 3.Dragkoon seems really hard to use properly. But then I'm just coming off Penta which kills everything in the room.
And still no Split Chamber.
You can easily get the multishot mods and Natural Talent from the Grustrag 3.
They are three mini bosses who will come for you if you side with the corpus on an invasion mission. You'll need to find a group if you wanna farm them because they are pretty tough. They also drop the Brakk which is an awesome secondary hand cannon.Wait, what's Grustrag 3 (I got 80 hours in this game, should I know this stuff...)? I got the shotty and pistol versions already, thank goodness.
Dragkoon seems really hard to use properly. But then I'm just coming off Penta which kills everything in the room.
And still no Split Chamber.
Quiet lately
Watch Dogs.
Pretty sure I'm jumping out as soon as they put Argon Crystals up for sale on the marketplace. Expiring resources are one step beyond what I'm willing to deal with in a free 2 play game.
Yeah, but my gut gives me pause because I don't see the point of them even existing if DE isn't going to up the amount required for newer, rarer recipes or Prime gear.Eh, I agree on principal they're a terrible thing to do.
Truth is, you need so few of them, it is barely noticeable.
But I agree it has the potential to break the game if they aren't careful.
The first time I came across the g3 they dropped hells chamber and barrel diffusion. The second time they beat me up and took me to their dungeon. Third time well... has been a work in progress for the past few days.
I've played the game now for 330 hours and I still haven't seen the G3.
Only seen the Harvester 1 time and that was him after another player in my squad at the time.
And I've deliberately done invasion missions for the opposition sides multiple times to try and get them pissed at me.
You can tip the odds to get them, same as the harvester, the rules are:
You need to do 5 missions for the opposing faction to get marked.
They only spawn in missions against their faction, that is the g3 only spawn if you're killing grineer and viceversa for the harvester.
The chance for them to spawn is around 1.25% per marked player, capping at 5% if all four players are marked.
After 5 minutes into a mission, they will not spawn.
If multiple players are marked, only one has the mark consumed.
From this, what you do is gather 4 people that have been marked, head to a survival of the proper faction (grineer if you want the g3, corpus if you want the harvester), stay until the 5 minute mark and leave. Repeat as necessary, on average every 20 runs you'll get them.
It's still pretty random tho, I spend 2-3 days trying with no luck and I got them twice today.
That's the exact kind of grind that makes me quit a game. I mostly play coop Warframe with a friend so even if we were both marked we'd need to do, what, 50-60 survival games to see these guys couple of times? My kids would starve to death before I got any drops from them.
Who comes up with these percentages? Jeez.
That's because the G3 and the other, let's say, invaders, are meant as special events you only experience from time to time. If that. Both the G3 and the Harvester drop extremely powerful weapons and the devs intend them as rewards over time, not as something that you farm for. Of course that does not stop people from trying.
I'm so upset that I missed this.Vauban helm alert is up 1 hour 45 min
My main problem with Warframe is the repetitive nature of the game. Something like this that changes the routine, same as the Stalker, would be more nice to see more often. Plus the idea of doing hundreds more waves on Narcissus to get Split Chamber instead of actually meeting people who might drop it, is killing me.
So I seem to have a weird glitch. I can't sell two of my weapons. Or rather every time I sell them, then do a mission, when I come back they're in my arsenal again and the 10k I got for selling them is gone. I keep other stuff like credits, mods etc so I dunno why these two things(Duel heat swords and hikou) reset. I've closed and reopened the game 3 times now.
DE Drew has stated they're aiming to send to cert next week 13.2. Which means, the end of stat helmets.
You have two weeks to finish your collection.
Mines were reset anyway, everyone of them =/
It just says "its a personalized helmet for X frame"
DE Drew has stated they're aiming to send to cert next week 13.2. Which means, the end of stat helmets.
You have two weeks to finish your collection.
K how do I do that? I don't see any options in game.Sounds like a good reason to contact support.
If its anything like 13.2 for pc. The we will be given a week and the arcane kicks in. During this time we will have the option of doing rescue 2.0 where we can get a free sydana for grinding 100 rescue points from saving specters. Every rescue I believe is 3 points so get to grinding. Also they gave out a ton of helmets during that week. If not then grind for platinum gear and buy a vanguard since that helmet is gonna be worth a ton as it has already exceeded 75 platinum on PC in the market.
K how do I do that? I don't see any options in game.