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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


Good to see this discussion has been brought to the thread, I think it's the best solution to the inactivity problem we have, so I'm all for it.


Question about activity:

I am assuming the clan is not primarily based in OCE? I seem to be on when most people are not entirely active.

I think the issues about activity are valid, but I guess before recruiting the goals of the clan should be made clear to potential candidates. I got into the clan without really knowing that we had a semi hardcore base.

I'm pretty happy to participate and be an active member and I believe that the experience of the game is better if everyone in the Clan also does the same. I'm hoping that's why people joined the clan. As a new-ish player I sometimes have the mentality that my participation might hinder progress in a group that wants to achieve some set goal. (1 hour T3 survival perhaps) But I feel like we could try and stay away from the lone wolf mentality (assuming it exists) it would be great.

Not sure if people noticed but I have been away the past couple days in the lead up to exams I had yesterday. (For context I'm an IQ 50 student aspiring to pass medicine, study is pretty important). It annoyed me to no end because I couldn't participate in events but I just wonder what those of us who do want to become active clan members but are in that sort of situation should do. I'm needing to look into getting my hand into real research positions so I might be even more hamstrung for time again if that happens.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I'm pretty happy to participate and be an active member and I believe that the experience of the game is better if everyone in the Clan also does the same. I'm hoping that's why people joined the clan. As a new-ish player I sometimes have the mentality that my participation might hinder progress in a group that wants to achieve some set goal. (1 hour T3 survival perhaps) But I feel like we could try and stay away from the lone wolf mentality (assuming it exists) it would be great.

Don't do that... amongst other reasons, no one does 1h T3 survivals ;D

Just remember to use the psn chat, say hi when you log in and all that. It's a wonderful tool, don't be shy we are a friendly bunch.

This neither a hardcore clan nor a casual clan, it's a neogaf (and friends) clan. Because of that we have a mix of both types of players and everything in between. We have loose activity requirements to accomodate casuals like you, we push in the events to accomodate more involved players.

The issue here is not that you play occasionaly, the issue is that have people who just don't play anymore or might only play once per month. That's not good for the health of the clan. If I could invite any and every gaffer and have them in the clan no matter if they only play once a year I would but sadly the way the game is designed this cannot be done without punishing those who play.

If by OCE time you mean german time, we do have a few euros. Just remember we do not use the in game clan chat, we use the psn chat.


This neither a hardcore clan nor a casual clan, it's a neogaf (and friends) clan. Because of that we have a mix of both types of players and everything in between. We have loose activity requirements to accomodate casuals like you, we push in the events to accomodate more involved players.

If by OCE time you mean german time, we do have a few euros. Just remember we do not use the in game clan chat, we use the psn chat.

Oceanic, I'm in Australia haha
I guess I do use the Clan PSN message thread. I noticed that it's mainly about 1 dozen people who mainly talk on there though.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Oceanic, I'm in Australia haha
I guess I do use the Clan PSN message thread. I noticed that it's mainly about 1 dozen people who mainly talk on there though.


We do have someone from new zealand and also several USA who play late into your timezone.

Those are the ones holding the clan together and that's why something needs to be done about it.

But please, do say hi and ask for groups or if you start them announce it there. We are very newb friendly.
The whole point of opening the clan up to Non-GAF players is to directly combat inactive players. The issue we're having is that we have too many inactive or "casual" players who did not participate in the event and are just taking up space, when we could (hopefully) get more active players instead who would participate more... enthusiastically towards Clan activities.

I said "Un(?)fortunately" as sort of a jab to the current clan members who exhibit those sort of behavior. Either never bothering to read the instructions to events, or saying it's "ok" to just score the minimum on events when using clan contributed keys.


Today was a good day.
I think the only bad thing will be gathering materials for future researchs, It would cost more than before? what if this plan backfire and no ones wants to gathers materials or need more points for the event to reach gold trophies?

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I think the only bad thing will be gathering materials for future researchs, It would cost more than before? what if this plan backfire and no ones wants to gathers materials or need more points for the event to reach gold trophies?

We are not talking about bumping up to Mountain clan, we will stay Storm clan.

The plan is just to replace inactives with actives.
I went ahead and left the clan. I appreciate all the advice and info that you guys have given me and I enjoy the game a lot. However I'm not interested in an environment where some will feel like I'm holding back progress by not playing constantly, so I figure nix the issue before it happens and free up a spot for you guys.
I went ahead and left the clan. I appreciate all the advice and info that you guys have given me and I enjoy the game a lot. However I'm not interested in an environment where some will feel like I'm holding back progress by not playing constantly, so I figure nix the issue before it happens and free up a spot for you guys.
I don't know how you can feel like there is pressure to play constantly. The last event took 20 min to complete max, and everyone had almost 2 weeks to do it. Is 20 min over a 2 week period asking for a lot?
I don't know how you can feel like there is pressure to play constantly. The last event took 20 min to complete max, and everyone had almost 2 weeks to do it. Is 20 min over a 2 week period asking for a lot?

I didn't say I felt pressure. I said I'm not into an environment where some may feel like I'm holding back progress. I didn't feel any pressure to play this last event. But I'm also too low ranked/built to be able to take part in it. I'd just rather not be seen as a hindrance in the future if I do decide to play casually and don't want to do an event. The amount of time the event takes really doesn't matter. I just don't ever want to feel like I have to take part in a game activity because others have a level of dependence on it.

Holy sleek, Batman!

Did he/she not equip a melee weapon?

I would ask to join the GAF clan if I wasn't already in a small ghost clan.
We have only 7 members, but with recent game releases and players needing a break, we've only had 2 active players for a couple months.

Maybe we'll be seeking an affiliation for the solar rail badlands thing.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I went ahead and left the clan. I appreciate all the advice and info that you guys have given me and I enjoy the game a lot. However I'm not interested in an environment where some will feel like I'm holding back progress by not playing constantly, so I figure nix the issue before it happens and free up a spot for you guys.

You are misreading what is being said here.
You are misreading what is being said here.

I don't think that I am. The problem is that, in order to be competitive in the competitions that are held with events and in the future, the territory battles, the clan needs more active participation. Clan Leadership's decision to address the issue is through recruitment rather than trying to force active participation for current members. This is all well and good. However it wouldn't be an issue in the first place if there weren't members who felt that the clan was being held back by the lack of participation in the first place.

Maybe I misunderstand the purpose of the game. I thought it was about running around killing NPC enemies in groups while collecting and improving frames and weapons. Clans, I thought, were a system to unify groups of players in both playing the content and in researching even more powerful ways to collect and upgrade frames and weapons. The contests, I thought were cool community events established for bragging rights and prizes. However if the contests and clan systems purpose is to be the final avenue of progression to the extent that participation of the majority is a necessity, then I'm not the right fit for it. It doesn't suit my goals and playstyle. So rather than become a hindrance in the future, I've freed up a spot now.

This isn't a complaint or whine. I just wanted to explain why I left so soon after joining rather than just dipping out without a word.


Neo Member
Narc for life!

need to test if the drop table hasn't been adjusted

Been doing missions like Ruk daily for a month now trying to get Split Chamber with no luck. Finally found people doing Pluto today so got up to Narc and thought I'd give it a try, third run and there it is, wave 5 reward, so happy right now.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I don't think that I am. The problem is that, in order to be competitive in the competitions that are held with events and in the future, the territory battles, the clan needs more active participation. Clan Leadership's decision to address the issue is through recruitment rather than trying to force active participation for current members. This is all well and good. However it wouldn't be an issue in the first place if there weren't members who felt that the clan was being held back by the lack of participation in the first place.

Maybe I misunderstand the purpose of the game. I thought it was about running around killing NPC enemies in groups while collecting and improving frames and weapons. Clans, I thought, were a system to unify groups of players in both playing the content and in researching even more powerful ways to collect and upgrade frames and weapons. The contests, I thought were cool community events established for bragging rights and prizes. However if the contests and clan systems purpose is to be the final avenue of progression to the extent that participation of the majority is a necessity, then I'm not the right fit for it. It doesn't suit my goals and playstyle. So rather than become a hindrance in the future, I've freed up a spot now.

Those things you mention as "the purpose of the game" are in large part facilitated by those more active players. They front the costs of building the dojo, which is required for some warframes and many weapons. They front the costs of researching such warframes and weapons. They acquire a lot of knowledge about the game and by relaying it to people like you, also facilitate your progression. They also are willing to drop their own goals to help new recruits or more casual players as well. Also, they lose the benefits of being in a more homogenuously active clan.

Our clan is very heterogeneous in activity, from people who play everyday to people who play every few days to the people who haven't played for more than 20 days (which we consider to be inactives). Because of those higher activity players, the more casual players benefit in several ways.

On the other hand, the more involved players also have aspirations and goals. One of those are the events. Such events involve 20-30 minutes of time, to happen at your schedule, every two months. Keep in mind that those events also require extra time to set up but the more involved players are willing and in fact do that for you so that the event is as effortless to the more casual player as possible. Events also are not just vanity projects, participation is rewarded by DE by unique mods and weapons and other goodies that are generally unavailable afterwards.

Now you would say that strongly preferring that you take parts in those events is unfair, but it is also unfair that the more involved players lose the opportunity of being in a hardcore clan in which the clan costs are more evenly distributed and they also don't have to lose track of their own goals to help other people.

As for the territorial game, clans will be able to join in alliances so it won't just be neogaf vs the world. We will enter an alliance and that way the more involved players will have another in game activity and other goals to aspire to, without having to leave the clan for that. And of course the casual gaffers will have their choice wether they want to participate or not.

Keeping together a clan of heterogeneous activity is very, very difficult. I believe this arrangement is quite fair and I am quite sad to see you go.
Those things you mention as "the purpose of the game" are in large part facilitated by those more active players. They front the costs of building the dojo, which is required for some warframes and many weapons. They front the costs of researching such warframes and weapons. They acquire a lot of knowledge about the game and by relaying it to people like you, also facilitate your progression. They also are willing to drop their own goals to help new recruits or more casual players as well. Also, they lose the benefits of being in a more homogenuously active clan.

Our clan is very heterogeneous in activity, from people who play everyday to people who play every few days to the people who haven't played for more than 20 days (which we consider to be inactives). Because of those higher activity players, the more casual players benefit in several ways.

On the other hand, the more involved players also have aspirations and goals. One of those are the events. Such events involve 20-30 minutes of time, to happen at your schedule, every two months. Keep in mind that those events also require extra time to set up but the more involved players are willing and in fact do that for you so that the event is as effortless to the more casual player as possible. Events also are not just vanity projects, participation is rewarded by DE by unique mods and weapons and other goodies that are generally unavailable afterwards.

Now you would say that strongly preferring that you take parts in those events is unfair, but it is also unfair that the more involved players lose the opportunity of being in a hardcore clan in which the clan costs are more evenly distributed and they also don't have to lose track of their own goals to help other people.

As for the territorial game, clans will be able to join in alliances so it won't just be neogaf vs the world. We will enter an alliance and that way the more involved players will have another in game activity and other goals to aspire to, without having to leave the clan for that. And of course the casual gaffers will have their choice wether they want to participate or not.

Keeping together a clan of heterogeneous activity is very, very difficult. I believe this arrangement is quite fair and I am quite sad to see you go.

Oh I'm aware of all the things that you've mentioned and I don't take issue with any of it. Everyone has been cool and I don't begrudge any player for wanting to advance or for wanting to have their personal burden lightened.

I'm the type of person that feels that any help that I receive, whether direct or passive, needs to be either repaid or paid forward. However in addition to the things in life that we all have that take time away from a game, I also realize that sometimes I just don't feel like playing a game or participating in an event and I feel that that's not fair to others if my inactivity actively hinders them. So it's not a case of my not agreeing with policy or anything like that. The arrangement that you and the rest of the leadership have decided on is more than fair. It's the system itself that makes things more difficult.

Had it been based on a top percentage or an average of scores for those who have taken part in events... then I wouldn't feel the way that I do. As it is though, it works against my playstyle and makes the rest of the clan suffer, however little, for having me on the roster in the instances where I may not play. So I'd prefer not to be a factor in that regard. That's all. No need to feel any differently about my exit than those who became inactive and never returned (unless you don't like those guys, in which case, by all means feel differently! hah). It's not an exit on negative terms or anything like that. I was just unaware of the full extent of how the clan system worked when I joined.



Holy sleek, Batman!
Wow, that's reaching GTA V Online-levels of ridiculousness with that number of credits.

I said "Un(?)fortunately" as sort of a jab to the current clan members who exhibit those sort of behavior. Either never bothering to read the instructions to events, or saying it's "ok" to just score the minimum on events when using clan contributed keys.
Well, that's alright then. I found it odd, since you're one of the more active members of the clan :D


As you all know, we at the clan have been facing some activity issues as of late. Either because of new games or just plain burn out or RL issues, many good clan mates and friends have stopped playing. While we still get a trickle of new recruits, it clearly is not enough to compensate.

I would like to point out that although we have around 95 members, only around 55 of them scored on Tethra's doom and a good chunk of those 55 had to be dragged in catching them on the rare occasion they log on. The truth is our active userbase is around 30 people, a few of which are solo style players/play with other people, who don't interact much with other clan members.

At the heart of this issue is the way DE designed the clans, with population caps, tiers, and the way it relates to both events and construction costs. Bumping up to a Mountain clan would solve our clan management issues and let us invite at leisure, but would put an undue burden on active members due to the rising costs and research and dojo building. Being a storm clan with low activity creates a similar pressure.

For this reason, we would like you all to consider opening our clan to non-gaffers (to whom we will refer as NG's) under these conditions:

1.- NG's need to be endorsed by a GAF member. NG's clan members cannot endorse other NG's.

2.- Ideally they need to be people who you know well, friends and family perhaps, people who you've played online with in several games, or even warframe-only acquittances that you've played with for months.

3.- While we are quite lax on activity levels for GAF members, activity requirements on NG's will be stricter.They need to be people who enjoy the game and who play it often. The activity requirement will be 7 days, mandatory participation on events and general participation in clan life (joining groups, starting groups, etc).

4.- Endorsing players who fail to meet activity requirements or otherwise disappoint will have an effect on the consideration of future endorsements.

5.- We do not intend at the moment to set a hard cap of NG's, we will deal in a case by case basis.

We would like to hear your opinions on this issue which affects all of us. As you know the new patch will add the badlands system that involves entire clans fighting over territory and they have already stated they are gonna add more of this type of content through the proxy wars. It is clear DE believes that clan-wide activities is where they want to go.

So please, let us know what you think about this.


Um... okay I'm gonna fess up that I did not manage to do the event in time. Sh*t was pretty crazy on my side and I didn't get a chance to run the mission. I know that's lame so sorry, guys :-(. I won't flake out next event.

I don't really mind about letting non-GAFfers in as long as they are cool.


I don't really mind about letting non-GAFfers in as long as they are cool.
That's why there's going to be restrictions in place, and have to be known (well) by a current GAFer. That should hopefully be enough of a vetting process to get decent players into the Clan, otherwise we will give them Das Boot.


Nick_or_Dawood (PSN)

I am offended to still be a private. i ranked up faster in the real military! ha
Frogs is holding us down.
You shut your mouth! Fuhrer Froggums is leading us to greatness! :D

Well, as much greatness as a Frog can...


I'm sorry, I don't know where all that came from...


I just joined but the new recruitment policies seem fine and look only to benefit us.

Question about the daily reward.

What is the time frame to log in?

I logged in at 7:00am my time and got the reward but then logged in the next day at 11:00pm my time and the reward was reset.


I just joined but the new recruitment policies seem fine and look only to benefit us.

Question about the daily reward.

What is the time frame to log in?

I logged in at 7:00am my time and got the reward but then logged in the next day at 11:00pm my time and the reward was reset.
"A Login Reward is a randomly selected item given to a player once a day for logging in. If a player is eligible, they will receive a login reward window when they log in, which will roll for a few seconds before stopping on a random item. The reward is available once a day, where the "day" resets at Greenwich Mean Time's midnight.


As you all know, we at the clan have been facing some activity issues as of late. Either because of new games or just plain burn out or RL issues, many good clan mates and friends have stopped playing. While we still get a trickle of new recruits, it clearly is not enough to compensate.

I would like to point out that although we have around 95 members, only around 55 of them scored on Tethra's doom and a good chunk of those 55 had to be dragged in catching them on the rare occasion they log on. The truth is our active userbase is around 30 people, a few of which are solo style players/play with other people, who don't interact much with other clan members.

At the heart of this issue is the way DE designed the clans, with population caps, tiers, and the way it relates to both events and construction costs. Bumping up to a Mountain clan would solve our clan management issues and let us invite at leisure, but would put an undue burden on active members due to the rising costs and research and dojo building. Being a storm clan with low activity creates a similar pressure.

For this reason, we would like you all to consider opening our clan to non-gaffers (to whom we will refer as NG's) under these conditions:

1.- NG's need to be endorsed by a GAF member. NG's clan members cannot endorse other NG's.

2.- Ideally they need to be people who you know well, friends and family perhaps, people who you've played online with in several games, or even warframe-only acquittances that you've played with for months.

3.- While we are quite lax on activity levels for GAF members, activity requirements on NG's will be stricter.They need to be people who enjoy the game and who play it often. The activity requirement will be 7 days, mandatory participation on events and general participation in clan life (joining groups, starting groups, etc).

4.- Endorsing players who fail to meet activity requirements or otherwise disappoint will have an effect on the consideration of future endorsements.

5.- We do not intend at the moment to set a hard cap of NG's, we will deal in a case by case basis.

We would like to hear your opinions on this issue which affects all of us. As you know the new patch will add the badlands system that involves entire clans fighting over territory and they have already stated they are gonna add more of this type of content through the proxy wars. It is clear DE believes that clan-wide activities is where they want to go.

So please, let us know what you think about this.


I'm on board with everything but the 7 days part. Seems a bit much. That's a business trip for some people, and there will be stretches between updates where participation is of marginal utility.

I'm not really bothered by silver trophies either, but I will cop to being irritated when it took a while to get the Zephyr research started.


I'm not really bothered by silver trophies either, but I will cop to being irritated when it took a while to get the Zephyr research started.
I have no problems with not winning, as long as there's a good concerted effort to win. If we still get beat after trying then I'm okay, but not because people just couldn't be bothered to try.


When I do survival or some void missions and my reward is credit and that...thing next to the credits, what is this?


That's why there's going to be restrictions in place, and have to be known (well) by a current GAFer. That should hopefully be enough of a vetting process to get decent players into the Clan, otherwise we will give them Das Boot.

I'm sure it will be fine. Maybe we can even get some junior ones in to farm items for us. :)

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
When I do survival or some void missions and my reward is credit and that...thing next to the credits, what is this?

There are weekly leaderboards for certain mission types, might be related.

I'm on board with everything but the 7 days part. Seems a bit much. That's a business trip for some people, and there will be stretches between updates where participation is of marginal utility.

I'm not really bothered by silver trophies either, but I will cop to being irritated when it took a while to get the Zephyr research started.

If they are going to be absent due to work or RL issues, they can relay it to their endorser and he in turn can let us know.

I disagree however on the stretches between updates observation. 7 days offline means not collecting daily rewards, not helping other clan members, etc. Playing one day a week to team up with people is not an irrational requirement.


Just started playing guys, I have no idea what I'm doing but its fun.

Soooo, I've noticed there is online and I'd be happy to play with anyone, maybe someone can show me the ropes! My PSN ID is Vorheeze


So I made the clan key, where can I read up and what im supposed to do and what if anything I should be contributing to?

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Just started playing guys, I have no idea what I'm doing but its fun.

Soooo, I've noticed there is online and I'd be happy to play with anyone, maybe someone can show me the ropes! My PSN ID is Vorheeze

Invite sent.

Also invited you to our PSN chat, we use that instead of the in game clan chat. Don't forget to say hi and talk with everyone!

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
So I made the clan key, where can I read up and what im supposed to do and what if anything I should be contributing to?

Use your clan key to access the dojo,

Right now it's a bit in a state of disarray since we're getting ready for the new rooms in U13.

What can you contribute to in the dojo? Warframe and weapon research, although we have everything available researched. They add new stuff every update, so check the labs after the next update for research projects. You can also contribute to rooms and decorations. For decorations you need to access the console for the room the decoration is on, then click on the decoration. Yellow decorations need resources, blue decorations have all the resources and are building. You can also contribute to rooms that are being built, although we have none at the moment.


I disagree however on the stretches between updates observation. 7 days offline means not collecting daily rewards, not helping other clan members, etc. Playing one day a week to team up with people is not an irrational requirement.

Eh, not something I'm going to fall on my sword over. Just an observation.

And I didn't say it was "irrational", but I do think it's unrealistic in that it overestimates the drawing power of Warframe (outside of a few obsessive types like us), and it also overestimates how much gaffers will care whether they are in our clan or not given lots of less rigid options. If anything, it's the sort of rigidity that would make me want to be in the clan less if I were a more casual player, and I guess we have to choose whether we want gaffers (who play everything) or Warframe obsessives. If we want Warframe obsessives, we should just make a new 30 member clan, because that's about all we can support.

FWIW, there are currently 17 clan members over 7 days offline, and all but two of them are over 15 days. That would be a much better cutoff IMO, and it's coincidentally the previous cutoff before this proclamation.

I get where you're coming from though, and I share your irritation with folks who didn't do this last event despite it being 9 freaking days long and having some pretty good loot. Maybe at the end of every event we should just have a red wedding? Might be better than an ongoing policy where I have to tell you every time I go out of town for a few days.


So does anyone want to sell me their Rhino Prime BP?

T3 ext keys are hard to come by and when I do get invited into one that damn Sicarus Prime Barrel drops every single time.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Eh, not something I'm going to fall on my sword over. Just an observation.

And I didn't say it was "irrational", but I do think it's unrealistic in that it overestimates the drawing power of Warframe (outside of a few obsessive types like us), and it also overestimates how much gaffers will care whether they are in our clan or not given lots of less rigid options. If anything, it's the sort of rigidity that would make me want to be in the clan less if I were a more casual player, and I guess we have to choose whether we want gaffers (who play everything) or Warframe obsessives. If we want Warframe obsessives, we should just make a new 30 member clan, because that's about all we can support.

FWIW, there are currently 17 clan members over 7 days offline, and all but two of them are over 15 days. That would be a much better cutoff IMO, and it's coincidentally the previous cutoff before this proclamation.

I get where you're coming from though, and I share your irritation with folks who didn't do this last event despite it being 9 freaking days long and having some pretty good loot. Maybe at the end of every event we should just have a red wedding? Might be better than an ongoing policy where I have to tell you every time I go out of town for a few days.

This is not a proclamation, it's a discussion. I'm trying to get everyone's feedback. Nothing has changed yet as far as clan rules goes.

Second, this reqs would be for non gaffers, people outside GAF that are sponsored in. The goal of this initiative is to recruit 10-15 really active players to bulk up a little.


So does anyone want to sell me their Rhino Prime BP?

T3 ext keys are hard to come by and when I do get invited into one that damn Sicarus Prime Barrel drops every single time.

I recommend that you keep running them off the chat. You'll get it eventually and will make a ton of credits along the way.


How come when I start a new Warframe I don't seem to be able to use all of their skills? When I was going through Rhino I couldn't use the stomp for quite awhile then it just started working one day. Now I'm on to using the Nyx and I still can't use the Chaos skill.

I click the button and nothing happens. No message or anything.
How come when I start a new Warframe I don't seem to be able to use all of their skills? When I was going through Rhino I couldn't use the stomp for quite awhile then it just started working one day. Now I'm on to using the Nyx and I still can't use the Chaos skill.

I click the button and nothing happens. No message or anything.
Are the abilities equipped?
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