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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


Running around a pillar, lasers chasing me while I have to shoot stuff.

Use Ash and Shuriken those motherfuckers. Shuriken auto-targets 2 enemies when maxed, you don't even have to aim. Mastery Test enemies are always level 1 and die in one hit. Be sure to throw on the usual Mastery Test mods (Energy Siphon, Rush, Marathon, Quick Rest, Streamline, Fleeting, etc.) and then run in a circle spamming Shuriken. Bring Dethcube/Deth Machine Rifle for extra coasting.



trying to setup a trade is killing me

If they are not on my friends list, do I need to be in the Dojo then /invite <their name>



trying to setup a trade is killing me

If they are not on my friends list, do I need to be in the Dojo then /invite <their name>


That's one way to do it. /inv also works in lieu of the full word. Then again, if you're doing a trade you've probably been talking to someone via PM, right? Just open the Social Menu while in the Dojo, press X on the person's name in your chat window and select invite.

Any random player can access our Dojo as long as there is a clan member present who invites them. The randoms you invite can even buy blueprints and shit from our research labs if they want.
Why did no one warn me about Torid? :(

This thing is ass. Wasted Forma.

Making Oberon...

There's an orokin reactor invasion on Saturn.
It is great when people do this. Help each other! Thank you!

trying to setup a trade is killing me

If they are not on my friends list, do I need to be in the Dojo then /invite <their name>

Whisper them, then use your mini chat tab with them to invite them to a stage.


Alright, thanks for the tips guys!

If you wanna play it safe you can bring a hitscan rifle as well. The Soma is the obvious choice. For pistol you can roll with your Wraith Vipes. You shouldn't need to actually shoot many of the enemies with Ash, but you might as well be prepared just in case. If it comes to that, just make sure you're firing "from the hip" and not aiming with L2. Spray and pray is perfectly viable since only one bullet needs to hit in order to score the kill. Whatever you do, just don't stop moving – those lasers will fuck you up.

Oh, and you have more time than you think. Don't let yourself get overly psyched up or you'll rush too hard and make careless mistakes. Just play it cool and chuck your Shurikens. "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast."

Damn. Never thought I'd be That Guy and use Army lingo as a civilian. FML -_-


Anyone got tips for someone just starting out? I've looked around online and everything I've seen says to spend platinum on warframe and weapon slots, but something weird happened when I started the game and I never played the tutorial I saw mentioned online, instead I just had a Loki to start out with, and I'm really tempted to splurge to get another warframe to try something different.

So far my Loki is at level 18, I just made Rank 2, and I've got the starting rifle/pistol/sword trio along with the Strun, since I've gone through all of Mercury and saw that impact damage is supposed to be best against Corpus. Thing is, the one Corpus mission I played the Strun felt pretty damn weak, but maybe that's just because I'm used to a high leveled, modded out rifle.

My big questions are as follows:
1. Is it worth spending a few bucks of PSN credit I have during the 20% off sale to get enough platinum to buy Excalibur/Volt, or is it easy to make new warframes and therefore totally not worth it?

2. Is it worth spending 20 platinum to get 2x Orokin Cells so I can build the Seer pistol blueprints I got off the first boss from Mercury?

3. What's the best way to get a Loki warframe to perform well against Corpus, as a shotgun feels completely antithetical to his play style and I have no idea where to go about getting materials to make one of them cool high impact damage bows?

Also, I'd be game for a clan invite too if possible.

PSN: Drek717
Timezone: CST


Anyone got tips for someone just starting out? I've looked around online and everything I've seen says to spend platinum on warframe and weapon slots, but something weird happened when I started the game and I never played the tutorial I saw mentioned online, instead I just had a Loki to start out with, and I'm really tempted to splurge to get another warframe to try something different.

So far my Loki is at level 18, I just made Rank 2, and I've got the starting rifle/pistol/sword trio along with the Strun, since I've gone through all of Mercury and saw that impact damage is supposed to be best against Corpus. Thing is, the one Corpus mission I played the Strun felt pretty damn weak, but maybe that's just because I'm used to a high leveled, modded out rifle.

My big questions are as follows:
1. Is it worth spending a few bucks of PSN credit I have during the 20% off sale to get enough platinum to buy Excalibur/Volt, or is it easy to make new warframes and therefore totally not worth it?

2. Is it worth spending 20 platinum to get 2x Orokin Cells so I can build the Seer pistol blueprints I got off the first boss from Mercury?

3. What's the best way to get a Loki warframe to perform well against Corpus, as a shotgun feels completely antithetical to his play style and I have no idea where to go about getting materials to make one of them cool high impact damage bows?

Also, I'd be game for a clan invite too if possible.

PSN: Drek717
Timezone: CST

1. It gets easier to make new warframes as you unlock more stuff (you can get the more resources and blueprints to craft the warframes. The only one you might buy is Volt as it's hard to get and the cheapest one. It's also good against corpus but its up to you if you want to get it quickly or are willing to wait.
2.Don't. I bought a control module to build Rhino when I started and now I got around 500 last time I checked. Best way to get them is to farm the Saturn and Ceres bosses. I would help you get them but it seems like Warframe is really glitchy now and won't save after a match/hard to login to servers. You can also get them from the invasion missions on Uranus too but you won't have that unlocked.
3.Maybe build the Chronus since it's a direct upgrade to the Skana and then go invisible and kill them all? It's a drop from Vor and is pretty easy to make I think.


1. It gets easier to make new warframes as you unlock more stuff (you can get the more resources and blueprints to craft the warframes. The only one you might buy is Volt as it's hard to get and the cheapest one. It's also good against corpus but its up to you if you want to get it quickly or are willing to wait.
2.Don't. I bought a control module to build Rhino when I started and now I got around 500 last time I checked. Best way to get them is to farm the Saturn and Ceres bosses. I would help you get them but it seems like Warframe is really glitchy now and won't save after a match/hard to login to servers. You can also get them from the invasion missions on Uranus too but you won't have that unlocked.
3.Maybe build the Chronus since it's a direct upgrade to the Skana and then go invisible and kill them all? It's a drop from Vor and is pretty easy to make I think.

Thanks a bunch! I might splurge on Volt just because I'd like to try a bit different 'frame, and I should have Chronus built already (started it yesterday, was expecting to see it this morning but couldn't log in).

Volt was the frame I was most tempted to get actually, due to the low cost and the fact that I've acquired a few skill cards already for it.
I can't get on to Warframe right now.

Login failed. Timed out.

Login failed. Could not connect to server.

First time I've had this, tried pressing X multiple times to see if it'll connect, restarted the PS4, router etc. No good.

Just me?


anyone having problems logging in?

Yep. Everyone is. The PS4 Warframe servers seem to have gone berserk. Tons of multi-page threads on the official forums already.

You want to know the best part? Today is a national holiday in Canada. DE isn't even at work and Warframe Support is closed for the day. LOL!

I guess it's time for more Tomb Raider.


I can't get on to Warframe right now.

Login failed. Timed out.

Login failed. Could not connect to server.

First time I've had this, tried pressing X multiple times to see if it'll connect, restarted the PS4, router etc. No good.

Just me?

Nope, it's a worldwide problem atm. No response from DE so far.

Edit : Ah that makes sense molvetica
Yep. Everyone is. The Warframe servers seem to have gone berserk.

You know what makes this situation even better? Today is a national holiday in Canada. DE isn't even at work and Warframe Support is closed for the day. LOL! This outta be interesting.

Time for more Tomb Raider!

Happy Family Day lol.


WARFRAME &#8207;@PlayWarframe 8m

PS4 login issues are being worked on as we speak! Sorry, will update with news and progress as it happens!
I am thinking about buying around 1000 platinum as a thank you to the developers for making such a fun game, and since it would let me catalyst a bunch of frames. Should I buy now, or wait for a deal?

Smooth Betaframe™

EDIT: I missed this earlier:

Why the laugh?

Anyone got tips for someone just starting out? I've looked around online and everything I've seen says to spend platinum on warframe and weapon slots, but something weird happened when I started the game and I never played the tutorial I saw mentioned online, instead I just had a Loki to start out with, and I'm really tempted to splurge to get another warframe to try something different.

So far my Loki is at level 18, I just made Rank 2, and I've got the starting rifle/pistol/sword trio along with the Strun, since I've gone through all of Mercury and saw that impact damage is supposed to be best against Corpus. Thing is, the one Corpus mission I played the Strun felt pretty damn weak, but maybe that's just because I'm used to a high leveled, modded out rifle.

My big questions are as follows:
1. Is it worth spending a few bucks of PSN credit I have during the 20% off sale to get enough platinum to buy Excalibur/Volt, or is it easy to make new warframes and therefore totally not worth it?

2. Is it worth spending 20 platinum to get 2x Orokin Cells so I can build the Seer pistol blueprints I got off the first boss from Mercury?

3. What's the best way to get a Loki warframe to perform well against Corpus, as a shotgun feels completely antithetical to his play style and I have no idea where to go about getting materials to make one of them cool high impact damage bows?

Also, I'd be game for a clan invite too if possible.

PSN: Drek717
Timezone: CST
Get a gun with high impact damage vs. Corpus for now.

Don't buy orokin cells. They are not rare.


I am thinking about buying around 1000 platinum as a thank you to the developers for making such a fun game, and since it would let me catalyst a bunch of frames. Should I buy now, or wait for a deal?
Isn't it still discounted? I'm asking because it is in European store.

Mol, let me help with the dojo rushing when it's due.


so I have like 15 hours of gameplay on this game and havent unlocked anything new or exciting. I have found a few things here and there but my special power requires a ton of charge before I can use it... once. I feel like im totally doing this wrong. Halp
I go to buy platinum and the store is not working. :p

so I have like 15 hours of gameplay on this game and havent unlocked anything new or exciting. I have found a few things here and there but my special power requires a ton of charge before I can use it... once. I feel like im totally doing this wrong. Halp
Well, you need to say what you are doing before we can offer advice.

Have you tried building other frames?


Well, you need to say what you are doing before we can offer advice.

Have you tried building other frames?

I havent tried building another warframe but the rhino seems up my alley of playstyle. However, I usually just hop on for a few missions and I bounce. There is no draw for me to stick around it feels like.


Edit: Wow, all of frost prime in one weekend. Is it worth making?
*Sigh* I'd have to agree.
Don't let FUME see this...

Whelp, glad I won't have to bother with those missions anymore, although I'd like the way the Ops are currently being run to change. I'm at $1.5mil credits and have stopped doing all Ops that don't pay out Neurodes, Orokin Cells or the Orokin Catalyst/Reactor bps.
I honestly think that the Ops as they are now shouldn't be a permanent thing, because I find replaying the same mission 3-5 times extremely boring and are quickly turning me off the game (even when going for items I actually need).

Also, has anyone had experience with the Sony Bluetooth keyboard? It's cheaper than buying an Apple bluetooth keyboard, but I'm after anyones opinions of it first before I buy.


Had a total zoolander moment,

Game bugged out and I could not use my sword or rotate the camera left

Had to go all the way around from the right to maneuver lol


"User is already in a clan."

You're either already in a clan, or you have another pending clan invite. You can only have one pending invite at a time. Get that cleared up and I'll be able to send an invite your way.

Sorry about that. It should be good to go now.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Had a total zoolander moment,

Game bugged out and I could not use my sword or rotate the camera left

Had to go all the way around from the right to maneuver lol

That's hilarious lmao.

Did you make the blue steel face while you were turning right too? ;D


Whats wrong with Frost? That snowglobe is awesome.

Its probably my next frame. Just made a Trinity but really not feeling it.
- Slow as shit!!!
- Snow Globe getting nerfed to having it's own health bar, similar to Rhino's Iron Skin, instead of staying on the timer like it is now.
- Rest of his abilities kind of suck.
- One of the hardest Prime Frames to complete, because the Systems component takes an exorbitant amount of time to get.


well, the easy part's done:



So pissed off right now...I was farming for the Ember warframe blueprints last night and finally ended up getting the chassis and systems to drop(already have the helmet) so I go into the foundry and it's showing that I don't have either one...

So I thought maybe it's just a screw up with the servers and that it will show up eventually, checked this morning...NOPE.

So I don't know what to do. I'm sick of using excalibur.


So pissed off right now...I was farming for the Ember warframe blueprints last night and finally ended up getting the chassis and systems to drop(already have the helmet) so I go into the foundry and it's showing that I don't have either one...

So I thought maybe it's just a screw up with the servers and that it will show up eventually, checked this morning...NOPE.

So I don't know what to do. I'm sick of using excalibur.

You know that those drops are also blueprints that you have to craft, right?


Hey guys so I am brand new to this game, and was wondering what to upgrade first. I have played a few missions, and I think I want to be a character who is fast with high crit chance and can get head shots a lot, not feeling the melee at all. I enjoy fast full auto weapons. What is the best stuff to buy ect to try and pull this play style off.


You know that those drops are also blueprints that you have to craft, right?

Yeah but what I'm saying is that when both the chassis and systems blueprints dropped last night I went into the foundry to start crafting them and it was showing me that I didn't have them.


So I finally solo'd the Stalker last night. It feels good because I have been Forma'ing my Penta just for this exact purpose. I think I'm going to leave it at 4 Forma's since the damage is maxed out at this point.

I was leveling my Nekros (level 14 at the time) and I got the Stalker messages. I immediately went to a small room and laid down 5 mines around the room and waited for the Stalker. As soon as he showed up, i ran out of the room behind a wall as he was throwing Kunai at me -- BOOM. One hit kill :) Getting the Dread BP was the cherry on top. So now I have Dread and Despair without paying DE! Feels amazing man.

(One of his few weaknesses that I observed is that he is stuck in the Kunai animation for a little bit before moving on to his next attack. I think he has to get rid of the entire clip of Kunai first before moving on to something else. This is perfect for blowing him up.)
I have Rhino, Frost Prime, and Oberon in the oven. I have like 5 more I could make, but I don't want to make too many at once. Plus I don't know if I want to bother with Ember over Ember prime.

Also, Nyx: what the hell. She is ridiculously good. Chaos + Fleeting Expertise let me hang with the big boys at level 10. She just does not give a damn what she is facing. The bolts are crap, but Absorption and Mind Control are great. I just feel so untouchable with her, and Synapse just finished. Nekros struggles so goddamn much compared to Nyx. Shadows of the Dead is like a super shitty version of Chaos. Even Vauban feels feeble compared to her.
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