I'm going to skip on Subahibi for now, too many games that interest me are coming out.
How was Dies Irae in the end? I remember a lot of people here got it, but I forgot to check for impressions.
Finished 30 minutes ago so fresh comment :v
Too long for its good sake. The Kei route is completely pointless, while the other ones have their moments but take 50 hours when there's enough plot material for maybe 20 hours, the rest is character babbling the same things over and over again (I know it is a shonen, but...) and some good battles alternated with filler ones.
I actually expected way more battle escalation progressing with the routes, but pretty much only the final fights of Marie and Rea routes have a truly epic design. The problem is that the writing pretty much keeps downplaying the "smaller" villains and often uses plot armor, stereotypes and power of friendship (punctually fooled but used), all resulting in the eternal and recurrent (hah) wait for the big boss. As narrative is essentially made by plot (not that great), characters (more than acceptable), style (very good) and pacing (worst ever), I'd say Dies is quite mediocre overall, although an action fan could find it more satisfying. Characters could be enjoyable with a bit more progression and less forced relationships and roles.
With it being a big commercial product I also thought to find a better presentation and animation, but outside of the very short CG scenes it is nothing special. Some music is nice but not much, after a route 90% of that has already been played. Dub is good, especially in the slice of life scenes.
Speaking of the Fate vibe, it's absolutely here, not to the extent of a plagiarism but the inspiration is quite thrown in the face, something quite annoying personally because as I said there's not a ton of plot in itself and what is there sometimes looks like its poor men version...