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mattx5 said:
Man, every year people say "Nintendo will show something on the last day".

I can't think of anything memorable that any company has ever shown on the last day of the show. Everything is shown at the press conference. While it's a bit assholish for Drinky to be teasing everyone like this with bullshit, the truth is, most people deserve to be lied to and dissapointed for actually having the nerve to buy into hype and speculation.

All the blind Nintendo faithful will buy into Drinky's ruse and be dissapointed again. I love Nintendo (only consoles I've ever purchased), but some of the people on this forum are just pathetic and will cling to any rumor that comes around.

Keep it up Drinky, there are loads of people that have it coming :)

Well seeing as we're ruining his fun out in the open, I'll say it again:

I feel sorry for the one single person who doesn't get it yet and is flying out to LA for Thursdayton... if he exists
I KNEW Nintendo was up to something.

Drinky, can you give us any hints? Something? I've been literally glued to the boards all day in vain, but you've given me some semblance of hope.

...I wait anxiously for anything else you can offer. I'm all nervous, worried, and excited. Only Nintendo can do this to someone!
Drinky, you and I disagree quite often, but this time you've actually pulled a funny :lol. You're proving just how easy it is to get Nintendo fans believing.

I can't wait for Thursdayton ;).

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
The controllers enable ordinary humans the power of floating! That's right, the revolution is this though.......

Attractive people won't be able to use it, it's powered by nerdy appearances! Who is laughing now non nintendo fans HUH?
Crazymoogle said:
That's actually mine. From a GAF photoshop contest back in the day of the original megaton. It's part of my GAF authorized image collection though. :D

See, I don't know these things because I usually hang out in the OT. I hang out there because of secrets that Nintendo may or may not be revealing on Thursdayton that I know, and must not reveal.


Unconfirmed Member
Thursdayton has some connection to Star Wars Ep. III why would Nintendo blow its load at E3 so fanboys could watch shitty feeds of poorly captured footage?

Get ready for nintendo revolution gameplay footage, controller shot etc. in an extended add Nintendo is running before the film. This method of distribution, in front of one of the biggest movies in years will acheive high penetration in front of some of Nintendo's biggest target audience.

This will come at a fraction of the cost to nintendo as the MTV Microsoft show, reach more viewers in the demographic, and bee seen on some hi-def digital projectors (1080p) in select theaters equipped with the technology.

I hope you fuckers have your tickets already. This is a brilliant move by nintendo. BTW I have connections to a company that processes and distributes film to theaters nationwide this is going to be huge (I think the footage that blew Johnny away is in here, I know it blew me away)


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
radioheadrule83 said:

I feel sorry for the one single person who doesn't get it yet and is flying out to LA for Thursdayton... if he exists
That would be so fucking funny if true. :lol


JasoNsider said:
Drinky, you and I disagree quite often, but this time you've actually pulled a funny :lol. You're proving just how easy it is to get Nintendo fans believing.

Um, only about 2 people believe this thread. Most know it's a joke.


What's sad is that this thread is more entertaining than E3 has been. Nobody really showed anything special.


Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
catfish said:
Attractive people won't be able to use it, it's powered by nerdy appearances! Who is laughing now non nintendo fans HUH?

Damn Nintendo just lost one supporter, I'm Sexy, gets all the LADIEZ lolololol am I rite....




I could believe Drinky... alone.

But when the most fierce and fearsome N-hater known as Raoul Duke himself joins the fun...

...it's a TRAP!


Bob White said:

Stinkles said:
OK Drinky. You got me. I called someone else. The thing that is going down tomorrow is a direct reaction to the events of yesterday and monday.

Drinky Crow said:
hm. i'm startin' to understand johnny nighttrain's situation a little better. it's hard not to talk.

Worm_Buffet said:
Yes. Yes it is.

I hate, yet love you all at the same time. Bastards. Especially you Drinky! I don't know what to believe anymore. I'm gonna watch some of IGN's Zelda:TP videos...


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
scola said:
Thursdayton has some connection to Star Wars Ep. III why would Nintendo blow its load at E3 so fanboys could watch shitty feeds of poorly captured footage?

Get ready for nintendo revolution gameplay footage, controller shot etc. in an extended add Nintendo is running before the film. This method of distribution, in front of one of the biggest movies in years will acheive high penetration in front of some of Nintendo's biggest target audience.

This will come at a fraction of the cost to nintendo as the MTV Microsoft show, reach more viewers in the demographic, and bee seen on some hi-def digital projectors (1080p) in select theaters equipped with the technology.

I hope you fuckers have your tickets already. This is a brilliant move by nintendo. BTW I have connections to a company that processes and distributes film to theaters nationwide this is going to be huge (I think the footage that blew Johnny away is in here, I know it blew me away)
That would be awesome if they did that. :lol


Suikoguy said:


The last "great betrayal" was when Square left Ultra64 for Sony. They did it right after showing an impressive technical demonstation of FF6 characters running in 3D on the Ultra64. Then they went and made FF7 for PS1. Wait...didn't Square just show an impressive technical demonstation on the PS3?


Fuck this. I'm a hopeless Nintendo fan. As much as I don't want to believe anymore... here I am again. :lol


Forgotten Ancient said:
I KNEW Nintendo was up to something.

Drinky, can you give us any hints? Something? I've been literally glued to the boards all day in vain, but you've given me some semblance of hope.

...I wait anxiously for anything else you can offer. I'm all nervous, worried, and excited. Only Nintendo can do this to someone!
:lol :lol :lol

I'm sorry, all my posts in this thread are :lol , but what else can be said?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Drinky, promise us that, if Thursdayton doesn't happen, you will ban yourself for a month. Then I'll believe you. :D


Unconfirmed Member
radioheadrule83 said:
scola, joking aside -- someone really should have used Revenge of the Sith as an advertising medium!
Everyone at E3 is going to see it anyway ;) They should hire me to run some of their campaigns.

Hey the best part about it is that it it would have one of the best benefits of viewing E3 on GAF that the press conference just can't provide.. POPCORN!


Man this is crazy stuff. This is the most fun E3 yet just because of all the buzz, and it even if it all turns out to be BS I'm loving it all the same. I'm a huge fan of Nintendo and they do seriously F*** up sometimes (like on Tuesday) but we all keep running back to them. For some reason we all believe that deep inside Kyoto, tens of floors underground Miyamoto is taking a lot of drugs and coming up with things no-one has ever thought of but something we will all love. And then the reality....jack s**t!

I mean, seriously, I'm trying to keep a logical, sensical mind about this but the sheer volume of posts about it and the overwhelming pile of substantial evidence FOR the Thursdayton just keep nagging at the back of my mind, making me keep on reading, wanting it to be true.

Thing is, I know Drinky and co are 99% likely to be feeding us crap but that 1% is enough for me to at least consider they aren't, and don't those guys know it. i reckon they are stringing all us helpless people along for the ride and tomorrow they are going to love it....
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