Does anyone have experience with Kotobukiya models? I'm really interested in
making/owning something physical by Nihei Tsutomu.
The only Kotobukiya model I built is the Frame Arms, they had similar quality as a HG kit, the plastic felt a bit lower in quality. I don't think I had any major problem building them.
I'm looking to get into airbrushing for gunpla, but I don't exactly have a lot of money to spend. Does anyone know if
this is a good enough airbrush to get started with? It coming with a compressor is a big reason I want it. We have a full size air compressor, but that thing is loud as fuck and I'm not exactly sure it would work with airbrushes (total noob with machinery).
heard the cheap airbrush work as well as the more expensive one, until you start doing preshading and stuff, you will need a better airbrush.
This is the
air compressor I used, I need to buy some adapters to use that for my airbrush. As long as it had a tank with consistent air flow it should work well. The only problem I run into is the air compressor is too powerful, it go from 0 to 260 PSI, while airbrushing only use 8-25 max, so it is kind of hard to adjust between 10-15.
All compressors are loud, so whatever, just get a hose and water trap (even if your compressor already had one). If it doesn't work just return it to amazon.
Alternatively, you can just get that cheap set, and when you want to start doing preshading, you can save up and buy more expensive airbrush. Keep the old airbrush for priming, future floor finish, etc.