Suicide Squad Review:
I'm 30 seconds in and Korey can barely talk cause of the Joker grill in this mouth. Already dying.
That ending is legendary.
Suicide Squad Review:
I'm 30 seconds in and Korey can barely talk cause of the Joker grill in this mouth. Already dying.
Okie, Suicide Squad scores:
Korey:Straight up Bullshit
The ending pissed him right the fuck off.
Korey G:Some 'ol Bullshit
Better than BvS though
Mojo: Bark!
Bonus image:
I thought Korey G saidthis movie made him appreciate BvS more.
Ok, that makes sense, I can see what they mean.I think they said the last third of the movie turned into Fantastic Four.
Sounds like it was pretty decent up 'til that point.
His rant about the animated version touches on something I've been saying for years.
DC live action will always be in the shadow of the mid 90's/early 2000's animated efforts.
And yet we got the dark knight trilogy, not many people were singing this tune then. I'll take it over any of their cartoon films honestly. And prefer Ledger over Hamill easily although the latter did a dope job over the years.
This shadow you're talking about is nonsense. They've just gotta get a better sense of quality control and give these films to better people. Or just hand everything to snyder. I thought BvS was an interesting experiment I'll gladly see where the hell he plunges the characters to. I don't really care either way.
I just want the batman brand to stay safe. Affleck plz.
I'll give you The Dark Knight, but the other 2 don't come close. Shirley Walker >>> Zimmer.
Meh I'll take begins over the animated series any day too. If tdkr wasn't so messy that would be in the discussion too but that's just a few great moments in an otherwise just decent film. I loved the timmverse and it was a big introduction to the characters for me but I think Nolan made something a lot more interesting.
Walker is great though but that dark knight theme is life. So lit.
This review is fucking classic. 😂😂😂
EDIT: Did nobody making this Suicide Squad watch Assault on Arkham? Hahaha
Christ almighty, finally watched the drunk show. Y'all weren't kidding.
The biggest shock wasMartin has a daughter(s?)
I swear I've never seen or heard that come up from anyone, even the Spill days! I wonder if anyone else is a parent.
lmao Will is straight up Ben from Parks&Rec
Suicide Squad is the only movie where they seemed forced to me.Shame about Suicide Squad, GotG, and Deadpool to an extent is how overpowering the licensed tracks are. Price, Bates, and Junkie XL did some of the better work in recent years.
Martin doesn't mention it often but he has said it a few times. I used to think he fancied hispanic chicks cos there were a few times he mentioned lusting after latinas but then with Billy and Korey he said he asked if he was the only one who fancied black girls.
Purple Lamborghini Music Video Discussion is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than the review already.
Purple Lamborghini Music Video Discussion is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than the review already.
Yeah but after Martin made that gorilla comment, you would think he would be more careful about what he says on air.Yesterday's show was pretty hilarious. Korey and the others played off that comment Danielle made pretty well, but it looked like she had a gun to the back of her head for the rest of the show.
And thus marks the end of evil Korey. Everyone knew this was gonna happen.Korey finally dun did it.
Korey finally dun did it.
Korey finally dun did it.