Ashhong said:
yea, at least before it was a max of 60 so it was going like 30-60. but now it was going 30-100. of course i might make it sound worse than it is. its not unplayable by any means, and is over 40fps most of the time.
what about my upgrade situation? my friend would like to upgrade his card, so it would be nice if we could both get what we want
Mm. I think this is more of a question for the I need a new PC GAF thread.
I gave up on PC gaming as I hated dealing with upgrading hardware all the time.
Console gaming made it so easy with gaming.
What I would do is just wait on and scour the forums or wait for a front page deal.
Usually the cards mentioned in those threads talk about performance and you can ask there. Plus, you'll get a terrific deal.
LethaL ImpuLse said:
Ok so I recently got an Epson NX415 inkjet printer and I have it connected to my PC via USB. Problem is, every once in a while, say maybe every 30 minutes, the printer just randomly disconnects and reconnects itself. I can tell because I can hear the disconnect and reconnect USB jingle that XP plays; it disconnects and reconnects itself immediately after.
Kind of a minor problem but it gets annoying to hear those sounds repeatedly. I've tried google, and the Epson site, but I really don't know what's wrong. Maybe it's something simple I'm missing, so I thought I'd try out this thread.
Is this connected to a USB hub? That could be the problem.
bigmit3737 said:
K guys. I am having a PC problem.
I am getting this message on start up:
"system32/config file is missing". It also indicates to insert XP CD-ROM and click R to repair"
Problem is my cd-rom is not reading the windows xp installation disk. I do have an external harddrive and flash drive.
What should I do?
Thank you.
Do you have two CD drives? Try them in both. If not, make a USB drive.
This is an original XP CD right? Not burned?
DaCocoBrova said:
I have Dell X1 without an optical drive and I need to install XP. I tried an older HP external burner to try and boot to the XP CD that way and it didn't work.
So, I took the time to learn how to
install XP via a USB flash drive, but it eventually asks me to put in the CD, which defeats the purpose.
So...what do I do?
When does it tell you that you have to put in a CD? When it boots it boots into Windows BE (when you have the mouse cursor and everything?)
Did you modify in CD in anyway like XP Lite or are you using the original CD?
Why did the HP External burner did not work? Does it just not boot the CD at all?
One thing I've done for laptops/netbooks to boot XP without using USB is to take an external USB IDE (PATA) drive that you can take apart. Connect the power and IDE cable to a DVD/CD Rom drive/burner and plug in the respective power and usb cables to the computer.
It's a very ugly solution, but it works.