Release GE-Proton7-42 Released · GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom
Pull in upstream build changes from proton experimental update dxvk-nvapi update dxvk update vkd3d update media converter update wine to latest proton experimental bleeding edge rebase wine staging...
ProtonGE 7.42 released.
Upstream changes, updated tools and some Protonfixes.
There's also a new Atari Jaguar emulator out there, developed by Rich Whitehouse for Digital Eclipses' Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration. I blows out of the water any other previous emulator: 100% compatibility, more accuracy and many features (including Blitter overclocking). Still not Jaguar CD support and there's no Linux native version yet. Windows version works fine on Proton/GE, but the menu is partially invisible. It uses around 7 watts at 800p and 10 watts at 1080p.
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