We currently have 7 players, which past experience would seem to indicate is pretty much the maximum these games can reasonably handle. But I can always have a standby list if people are still interested in playing, so be sure to let me know if you're interested in putting your name down.
Current Players:
- ThLunarian
[*]Song of Fire
[*]Noisy Ninj4
This my first crack at DMing a campaign of any sort, let alone a PbP one or a 5e one. Ive been a longtime player of our past PbP campaigns and a regular contributor to Creative Writing Challenge GAF, so Im fairly confident I can at least spin a serviceable yarn.
Character Creation
- Starting attribute stats are 15,14,13,12,10, and 8, or you can do a point buy scheme as listed on page 13 of the PHB.
- Everyone starts at level 3. That should be just enough for everyone to start picking archetypes/schools/disciplines/whatever in their respective classes.
- You can choose to take either the starting equipment granted by class, or the average starting wealth.
- All non-evil alignments are acceptable, though I reserve the right to veto Chaotic Neutral.
- All races and classes in the PHB and DMG are acceptable, barring those that require anything that requires an evil alignment.
- Races and classes from the campaign books, third party publishers, and various Unearthed Arcana supplements are probably acceptable, but subject to approval.
- Fuck, if you want to play something from the Monster Manual with a homebrew class and background, Im willing to at least hear you out.
- For thematic fodder that I may or may not utilize, I want everyone to provide what their characters greatest fear and biggest dream is.
- Feats are in if the player wants to take them at the associated level ups.
- Please provide a means of contact outside GAF in case you catch a ban for pirating Mavis Beacon or something.
- This is a homebrew setting, but shouldnt provide any limitations on character alignments, gods, etc, though it may impact character backgrounds to keep it in line with the worlds history and present.
- Gunpowder and associated weapons exists, but are not widespread. You will almost certainly not have them, barring some very specific character backgrounds.
- There are dungeons with maps and everything that will operate under slightly different rules when we get to them.
- There will be non-combat encounters that also have special rules associated with them.
- That said, I'm going to employ some variant rules from the DMG that I happen to like over the base rule set, mostly to the players' advantage.
- There will be random encounters in addition to the story-driven ones. They might be jettisoned, depending on how much drag they put on the game.
- Im a fluff over crunch kind of guy, roleplay and player interaction is not only highly encouraged, but probably the best way to be awarded Inspiration points.
- I'm gonna try my best to weave character backgrounds into story threads, so the more you give me to work with, the better I'll probably do.
- Because I am incredibly prone to coming up with superfluous backstories and unnecessary detail, Im going to make my life way more difficult than it needs to be and maintain a codex. Right now it only has the information that is widely known to all inhabitants of this setting (and would therefore be known to your characters), but the more the party learns, the more I will flesh out the entries. I may share additional information with individual characters that they would know, but the others wouldnt. OMFG, what are you doing, Mike
- Combat is Side Initiative, same as in previous campaigns. Everyone rolls, and whichever side of an encounter has the higher average initiative goes first.
- Additional combat action options beyond PHB are available: Climb on a bigger creature, Disarm, Mark, Overrun, Shove Aside, Tumble (See DMG pg 271).
- Cleaving Through Creatures and Massive Damage will be in effect (DMG pg 272-273).
- There will be degrees of success and failures beyond just hitting a DC/AC (i.e. missing an AC by 1 may still deal half damage).
- Rolling a 20 on an ability check or saving throw is an automatic critical success, provided that you beat the DC. If you roll a 20 on something and still dont meet the DC, Ill roll the percentage die to see if you succeed regardless. Bottom line, you will always have a chance.
- Rolling a 1 on an ability check or saving throw is not an automatic critical failure. If you roll a 1, Ill roll the percentage die to see if there are any penalties incurred. I know critical failures are somewhat controversial mechanic, but my table is pretty lenient and theres a very small chance youd end up with anything worse than having Disadvantage on your next roll or something.
- Characters may only have one Inspiration point at a time, per the base rules. But if you have one, you can confer it to any character who does not if you are awarded another (but not in the middle of combat or a skill check).
- Weapons/Armor/Shields +1, +2, and +3 will be treated as masterwork items of varying degrees of quality. Any given town of significant size will probably have a selection of various +1 items (Base price +500gp for weapons and shields, +5,000gp for armor), and a city might have a selection of +2 items (Base price +5,000gp for weapons and shields, +50,000gp for armor). +3 items are some Excalibur-level gear, they wont be available by normal means.
- Weapons can undergo a process similar to silvering so that they deliver magical damage for 250gp.
- There are still magical armaments, but they have effects other than flat bonuses to attack or defense.
- All healing out of combat restores the maximum amount possible.
- Using Hit Dice to recover HP during a short rest requires the use of a Healers Kit. Each HD recovered expends one use of the kit (a single kit has 10). Given the composition of the team so far, I doubt this will be much of a concern.
- Dont worry about food or rations or mundane ammo count. Special ammo will still need to be tracked.
- In the unlikely event that you get stuck, you can use a WIS or INT check for a hint, but the DC will go up each time.
- I reserve the right to invoke the Rule of Cool as I see fit and fudge results and outcomes at least a little bit from time to time.
- Reign of Fear Codex: Keep on top of everything the characters learn over the course of the game.
- 5e System Resource Document: Readers Digest version of the core rules and a few things from the DMG
- Myth Weavers: Handy site for storing and sharing character sheets for a variety of RPGs online.
- Fight Club 5: Probably the best game in town for iOS apps to manage character sheets, and once you get it set up (there are a few hoops), its actually pretty amazing. Not free, unfortunately, but I think the lite version just limits you to one character and has ads. Im plugging all player characters into this for DMing on the go, and you can send the characters for import to anyone who has either this or the DM app. Seriously, cannot recommend it enough. Sadly, no Android : (
- Pyromancers Dungeon Painter: This is what I used to make bases for the encounter and dungeon maps.
- Hexographer: This is what I used to make the overworld map.
- Quest for the Holy Relics: In which our heroes do some questing for some relics that are holy.
- Excalibur: Sidequel that is not about questing for a magic sword.
- Navigating the Astral Sea: Its not going to navigate itself, now, is it?