I'm.... Obsessed Over Mullets
Is there a preschool, kindergarten, elementary crowd here on GAF?
So who here thinks Popeye's is better than Bluto's?
NYT: Russian, Cruise, Missile, Deployed, Secretly, Violates, Treaty, Officials, Say
Officials: Tom Cruise Missile, Violated Secretly, Entreats Russia, NYT Says
NES Classic Edition Thread: Now You're Playing With Power* *Sold Out in Europe
Michael Jordan: Sen. Ron Wyden Is hell-bent on getting out the truth about Trump and Russia
Magic Johnson: Sen. Ron Wyden Is hell-bent on getting out the truth about Trump and Russia
Michael Jackson: OooOOOOooooOOOoo... The truth is out there...OooOOOOooooOOOoo...
Humans pulling out of Obamacare in 2018
Humana pulling out in 2018