Zoe said:His point is the size of the caddy prevents the 360 from getting any slimmer in that dimension.
The convenience of the "caddy" isn't worth maintaining the 360's bulky form factor.
Zoe said:His point is the size of the caddy prevents the 360 from getting any slimmer in that dimension.
pr0cs said:At this point it's really obvious that the 360 is overpriced, there just isn't enough value vs the PS3 when you consider all the things the PS3 does/gives extra for the price.
The 360 has the better games library but is not priced appropriately when you consider that the PS3 is starting to come into it's own and has better value.
Dropping the price of the 20 and then launching the 60 causes confusion, even worse when there are very strong rumors of another price drop in September, I expect August to have similar numbers for the PS3 and 360, likely even worse for the 360.
DeaconKnowledge said:I disagree completely.
The Wii is gaining steam, but not equally. We're starting to see shifts from Japan, and from larger American devs. It's a trickle down system.
(I was gonna type more, but i've said this so much I'm too lazy to bother again.)
Well the game is going to go strong at least for another yearMithos Yggdrasill said:Uhm. I don't think that Mario kart Wii will ever reach Mario Kart 64.
Game of the generation my ass. Galaxy is THE game of the generation.
felipeko said:Wii version does not mean port or spin off...
shidoshi said:Yeah, and people are being a bit short-sighted when it comes to "slimming" the Xbox 360. Can you do it width wise? No, but you can certainly do it height and length wise. Drop an inch or two from the length (the HDD would still work just fine), drop a few inches from the height, and voila.
theBishop said:The convenience of the "caddy" isn't worth maintaining the 360's bulky form factor.
onipex said:Both have a low value as far as the average consumer is concerned. The 360 may have a lower value among core gamers because of RROD, but dont think the PS3 is valued higher overall. The 360s library is much better and will only continue to get better as time goes on. If Microsoft is smart they will finally fix the RROD issue if they have not already so the newer supply of consoles dont hurt the value anymore. Even though the PS3 is also starting to come into its own ( I thought it was already there) the 360 still sales more software and that puts it in a better position to keep getting the top games.
Askia47 said:What do you mean? I was wondering how SC: Legends did on Wii, just to see how it did what do you mean by " does not mean port or spin off" ? Im just wondering thats all.
Do you mean if it were released alongside the 360 and PS3 version?
pr0cs said:The problem is price and value. The cost of Live, the extra cost for wireless, lack of a BD drive all weigh into consumers perception of the device.
I have a difficult time recommending the 360 at this point to anyone who hasn't bought a next gen machine because of the price and all the other things you get on the PS3, even if it's game library pales in comparison to the 360.
Sadly Microsoft seems to want to ride out their lead for the rest of this gen ensuring profitability rather than getting more gamers onboard. If you're a true gamer you'll have both machines but the casual audience is going to buy on of the two and at this point the 360 doesn't have the same value as the PS3.
Mrbob said:More proof 360 sales are stagnating.
Look here:
July 2007 results thread.
360 NCAA football sales are the same year over year, while PS3 NCAA sales took a big jump.
The game has crazy legs, I wouldn't be surprised it beats MK64 when it's all said and done. It'll beat it worldwide - that's a given, the MK64 wasn't as hot in Europe because of the N64's performance, but the Wii and MK Wii is a whole different story.Mithos Yggdrasill said:Uhm. I don't think that Mario kart Wii will ever reach Mario Kart 64.
Myth.onipex said:The 360’s library is much better and will only continue to get better as time goes on.
Askia47 said:What do you mean? I was wondering how SC: Legends did on Wii, just to see how it did what do you mean by " does not mean port or spin off" ? Im just wondering thats all.
There will?farnham said:Well the game is going to go strong at least for another year
after that there will be a budget classics release
i think it will be pretty close at the end of the generation
DenogginizerOS said:The MGS4 bundle is by far the best entertainment value in stores right now. This is why I think PS3 beat X360 in July and is why it is continuing to sell well. People see a free game, Blu-ray, built-in wireless, free online-service, Dual Shock-3, etc etc and when they add it all up and compare it to X360, it is a significantly better value. People are a lot more comfortable with buying Blu-ray movies since the format war ended and I think as we see prices come down on Blu-ray movies, PS3 sales will continue to benefit from that.
Mithos Yggdrasill said:Uhm. I don't think that Mario kart Wii will ever reach Mario Kart 64.
Mrbob said:More proof 360 sales are stagnating.
Look here:
July 2007 results thread.
360 NCAA football sales are the same year over year, while PS3 NCAA sales took a big jump.
juicyfruitas said:Shockingly low and very disappointing 360 numbers. Last month my brother, a neighbor and a co-worker each bought a $299 360 thanks to the price drop so based on that anecdotal evidence alone I easily expected to see 300k+ in sales for July.
On another note, last night I chuckled a bit when I saw a large Hispanic family (plenty of small kids) buying a $500 ps3 motorstorm bundle at my local BlockBuster - yep they still the Motorstorm bundle there.
Comparing the same versions that were out last year, overall sales are probably stagnant since the PS2 version dropped at least 100k. The addition of the Wii version may have helped a bit.Gamecocks625 said:That's interesting. I was wondering what last year's July sales looked like. Wow, seriously the 360 version sold the exact amount from last year while the PS3 version increased by about 100K. I wonder what the overall sales of NCAA are compared to last year.
Mrbob said:More proof 360 sales are stagnating.
Look here:
July 2007 results thread.
360 NCAA football sales are the same year over year, while PS3 NCAA sales took a big jump.
By the same logic, since PS3 launched a year later, NCAA PS3 should achieve numbers NCAA 360 achieved last year.Mrbob said:360 NCAA football sales are the same year over year, while PS3 NCAA sales took a big jump.
szaromir said:By the same logic, since PS3 launched a year later, NCAA PS3 should achieve numbers NCAA 360 achieved last year.
when the sales slow down eventually yesParl said:There will?
Yes Boss! said:$500+ doesn't strike me as the best entertainment value. Please.
Agreed, I would love to recommend the 360 to more people, but these same people also want a BR player so I have to rec the PS3. ATM it is the better value.pr0cs said:The problem is price and value. The cost of Live, the extra cost for wireless, lack of a BD drive all weigh into consumers perception of the device.
I have a difficult time recommending the 360 at this point to anyone who hasn't bought a next gen machine because of the price and all the other things you get on the PS3, even if it's game library pales in comparison to the 360.
Sadly Microsoft seems to want to ride out their lead for the rest of this gen ensuring profitability rather than getting more gamers onboard. If you're a true gamer you'll have both machines but the casual audience is going to buy on of the two and at this point the 360 doesn't have the same value as the PS3.
Why would artists feel restricted? They are the ones most likely to gain by moving to smaller scale games. Look at games like Braid, which could probably run pretty easily on a PS1, is it not creative/artistic?King_Slender said:I think what you are leaving out is that top flight studios don't really WANT to develop for the Wii, other than as a money grab, which does not satisfy their creative side, especially the artists. Honestly, can you see companies like Insomniac, Valve, etc. really putting all their heart into a Wii game? Neither can I.
Yes Boss! said:$500+ doesn't strike me as the best entertainment value. Please.
poppabk said:Why would artists feel restricted? They are the ones most likely to gain by moving to smaller scale games. Look at games like Braid, which could probably run pretty easily on a PS1, is it not creative/artistic?
poppabk said:Why would artists feel restricted? They are the ones most likely to gain by moving to smaller scale games. Look at games like Braid, which could probably run pretty easily on a PS1, is it not creative/artistic?
Zoe said:So now artists have nothing to gain from high-end 3D graphics?
Vinci said:When it makes sense for the game they're making, but assuming that a game is better automagically because of high-end 3D graphics is just as silly as assuming a game is better without them.
It means that the PS3 had a higher attach rate but the 360 still sold more. Attach ratios are useless to that effect if you ignore the trends.TheRagnCajun said:I'm still trying to make sense of the NCAA and SCIV sales. So if you look at the numbers for the PS3 and 360 versions, then look at the install base in NA, doesn't that mean that PS3 actually had a higher attach rate? If so, isn't that, like, wrong?
Vinci said:When it makes sense for the game they're making, but assuming that a game is better automagically because of high-end 3D graphics is just as silly as assuming a game is better without them.
Zoe said:A lower-end system is more likely to force an artist to make concessions.
Zoe said:So now artists have nothing to gain from high-end 3D graphics?
Talamius said:Consoles are merely a form of canvas. What you see is a direct reflection of the artist's abilities. You don't absolutely have to have high-end 3D.
HondaF1Fanatic said:Man, both HD consoles sold like crap, hopefully that does mean a price drop though, then I can get my Jasper for cheaper.
Zoe said:Sure. But a truly great artist wouldn't need any restrictions in place to force them into coming up with something unique.
I disagree, with absolute creative and technical freedom we got Jar Jar Binks the best alien from the outer rims.Vinci said:Limits, more often than not, don't stifle creativity any more than absolute freedom does.
Deku said:I disagree, with absolute creative and technical freedom we got Jar Jar Binks.