Last month PS3 sales doubled, week for week... but the X360 price drops are smaller and it hadn't hit such amazing lows, so I don't expect it will have the same effect... maybe a 60% improvement, allowing Madden and Bioshock to nudge things up a bit further. 170K x 1.6 = 270K
PS3 sales doubled, but they won't keep that same pace... let's say a 25% drop. 159K x .75 = 120K
Wii sales were surprisingly high. Part of me says that Wii shows fluctuations and it will be down, but others say Nintendo supplied more than usual to go with Metroid Prime 3... I'll compromise and go with a minor drop to a nice round 400K; both a drop, and the second highest per-week amount for a month this year.
DS... July to August has been a down time for portables, but DS was already lower than expected last month so maybe things will even out by staying the same or going higher. I'll still go with a minor drop, though: 380K.
PSP: Considering both the down time for portables and that PSP seems to be on a pre-Slim downslide, I'll dip it 20%. 214K x 0.8 = 170K
PS2: Not much of a July->August pattern to work with, but I have to think that with increasing Wii/X360/PS3 sales, PS2 will have to keep giving. Down 10% to 200K.
GBA: Huh. Well, I guess I said GBA was usually down, and it's on a larger down trend anyway, so I'll knock it from 87K to 75K.
GCN: Just in case; I'll say it dropped about 1000 a month since last we saw it. 8K.
[Wii] 400K
[DS] 380K
[360] 270K
[PS2] 200K
[PSP] 170K
[PS3] 120K
[GBA] 75K
[GCN] 8K
Haunted One said:
good luck, buddy.
Would that really be such a shock? I remember early on PS3 Madden 2007 sales were better than Wii's (though not by how much), but a lot has changed since then. By the end of January, Wii
S3 ratio was 1.6:1. By the end of August it should be around 2.3:1. The Wii version should show a lot more growth year over year.