so basically halo 3 > playstation 3 worldwide
borghe said:huh??? You think Mass Effect is going to propel systems like Halo??? really? you've already forgotten tremendous games like GeoW and Bioshock barely moving the system sales needle?
borghe said:huh??? You think Mass Effect is going to propel systems like Halo??? really? you've already forgotten tremendous games like GeoW and Bioshock barely moving the system sales needle?
Talamius said:: O
1) Grats to the 360 for breaking the Wii strangehold. We're better off with 2 options.
DoctorWho said:The PS3 price drop makes a lot of sense right now.
Speevy said:Well, this confirms the obvious.
Halo 3 is a friggin' MONSTER system seller, and the Xbox 360 should do very well this holiday season.
However, it also confirms that even without monster games, the Wii is sooooooooooo much more popular than the Xbox 360. Also, I don't think MS took Sony's spot in that the Xbox 360 could be expected to sell 300-500K every month even during the Q1-Q3 period. Surely no sane person thinks that.
And the PS3 is still doomed.
Mithos Yggdrasill said:Move: yes. Explode or drive very significantly: no. Halo 3 was out for the entire month after all.... But the incredible software's sales are what matters this month.
And Nintendo still laugh....
minus_273 said:wow, a halo 3 fueled 360 barely edges out wii and DS? whats going to happen in december when galaxy hits and there are more wii units in stock?
:lolLukeSmith said:
no.. you got it right the second time. It's all marketing.neptunes said:I dunno, KOTOR, JSRF/SEGA GT, and splinter cell moved units.
It's all in the marketing
I think MS should really push the core in their marketing this fall!, and allocate more units.
of course it will still sell. probably even a million or two more by the end of the year. but it still stands that that 3.3M likely represents the majority of what the game will sell this year (which could still mean 6m+ in sales by years end)m0dus said:I'd say that first 5 days accounts for all the hardcore players. as word of mouth spreads, sales will probably go strong well into the holidays.
DeaconKnowledge said:3.3 Million. Wow.
And even with that Microsoft only barely beat the Wii.
Yup. Wii is unstoppable. There will be no other game on Xbox 360 as big as Halo 3 (until Halo 4), and Wii sales were not affected at all.Kintaro said:That's just crazy. Wii took 360's biggest nuke and came away with barely a bruise.
beermonkey@tehbias said:They pushed more into the pipe last month. Funny how that happens when Halo comes out.
There was one day where Amazon actually had units in stock for several hours in a row.
shuri said:Poor Metroid Prime 3.
Halo has consistently had better legs in NA than almost anything else. I don't think it's crazy at all to think it will stay in the top 3 the whole holiday season. NA will probably see almost five million copies of H3 by end of year.borghe said:but really, how many of those 3.3M copies sold on in those first 5 days?
Why do people always say "But it was only on sale for >4 days". I mean one day, two days?? even four days I suppose. But by the time you get to a full work week that argument is just wrong.
Doubledex said:You will laugh, because? And why? And it will give you what?
GhaleonEB said:360 Installed Base: 6,700,000
Halo 3 Sales: 3,300,000
Attach rate: 49%
Relix said:The things the SDF say are too funny sometimes. Didn't they invent the "Wait till XXX launches" thing?
m0dus said:I dunno. but considering Halo 3 was only on sale for 5 days in september, I suspect that MS will do just fine for nov-dec.
Mithos Yggdrasill said:Move: yes. Explode or drive very significantly: no. Halo 3 was out for the entire month after all.... But the incredible software's sales are what matters this month.
And Nintendo still laugh....
titiklabingapat said:They actually didn't.
The Wii have been selliong at around 100k a week for the last three months. September was just a 5 week month.
LukeSmith said:
LukeSmith said:
AstroLad said:If you convert the systems in terms of DOLLARS SPENT (hint: companies care about DOLLARS), 360 beat the Wii by a FUCKTON of units. Close to double the units. Love the wiifitter damage control though. :lol
Odysseus said:wow, crow.jpg, etc.
in addition to a one-month exile, yank my gaming forum privileges entirely if you could.
Relix said:The things the SDF say are too funny sometimes. Didn't they invent the "Wait till XXX launches" thing? And what will it give me? A few minutes of laughter, that's what. W/E, the thread is about NPD, so... keep on with the NPD (and we need more fucking gifs dammit)
arne said:noooooooooooooo.
i will miss you.
GAZERK said:PS3 sales are meh, true.
But don't forget that MS lost Bungie (kinda-sorta), Bioware, and Bizzare recently. MS's future isn't perfect either.
Anyways, holy shit at the halo 3 sales. Fuckton.
ARE YOU OKAY SPWOLFspwolf said:lol... you poor, poor soul..
well I believe the marketing push for Splinter cell and the SegaGT/JSRF bundle was pretty massive.borghe said:no.. you got it right the second time. It's all marketing.
The point remains that Mass Effect has no more chance of being a system seller than GeoW or Bioshock.. all three great games, but when it comes to an MS console, only one thing will produce insanely higher month-to-month numbers, and it's already here.
speculawyer said:Speaking of Stranglehold . . . where is it? Bomba?
The Black Brad Pitt said:Wow Metroid Prime certainly underpeformed.
AstroLad said:If you convert the systems in terms of DOLLARS SPENT (hint: companies care about DOLLARS), 360 beat the Wii by a FUCKTON of units. Close to double the units. Love the wiifitter damage control though. :lol