I really don't understand how people expect Microsoft to "gain back" the US or the UK.
What you are suggesting when you say that is not only does Microsoft have to improve their sales well beyond what they currently are, but Sony has to stop selling, well anything.
We are now at 1.7m deficit in the US and at least 500,000 in the UK. A lead that has built up over 3 years.
What convinces people that at the point of a console generation where the hardcore matter much less, that new iterative models from Microsoft are not only going to overcome this deficit, but also neutralise the network effect of people buying consoles soley because that's where their friends are playing?
The only thing that has a chance to do this is a full generational reset. There is no way interative models, even ones 4* the power can do this.
Much like the PS3 last generation, once you fall behind far enough and more importantly, for long enough, there isn't any turning back. To put things into perspective, even holiday 2014, where Microsoft essentially had a fire sale, shrunk the gap in the US by 700k, would need to be repeated nearly 3 times over for Microsoft to "gain back" the US and UK.