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NPD Sales Results for March 2010


Love the flame/wars and excuses, LOL.

Seriously, I wish we could get corporate breakdowns from retailers detailing the number of units received compared to the number of units sold each month to make this more of a specific detailed summary. I wonder if anyone could partner with corporate marketing at GS, Best Buy, Target or Wal-Mart to get those detailed numbers? I bet that would shut a lot of haters up and give a better perspective into the numbers


Cornbread78 said:
Love the flame/wars and excuses, LOL.

Seriously, I wish we could get corporate breakdowns from retailers detailing the number of units received compared to the number of units sold each month to make this more of a specific detailed summary. I wonder if anyone could partner with corporate marketing at GS, Best Buy, Target or Wal-Mart to get those detailed numbers? I bet that would shut a lot of haters up and give a better perspective into the numbers

We get shipment numbers all the time dude. Initial shipments, anyway.


y'all should be ashamed
Tom Penny said:
Yeah. Very surprising considering GOW is a much bigger franchise then MGS...
It sold great considering all the other blockbuster games it was sharing sales with. It'll be back on the top 10 next month, easily.


meppi said:
But isn't NPD sales date from the US?

To my knowledge they don't celebrate Easter there, at least not like they do in Japan or other parts of the world.

We don't celebrate Easter in the US? What?
Cornbread78 said:
We don't celebrate Easter in the US? What?

It's a joke from Media Create threads. Years ago, when the DS started really taking off with software like Nintendogs and never let up, some people (I think Amir0x was one lol) tried to rationalize it as the Japanese celebrating Easter by buying games, despite people in Japan continuously explaining that Japan doesn't celebrate Easter.


Rapping Granny said:
The only shit that doesn't deserve to be up there is FF13, that game is a fucking joke, tried to play it and only lasted 45 minutes, I couldn't stand all that shit, which is a shame because I loved FFX and still consider it as one of my favorite games ever.
How is that even possible?


Rapping Granny said:
I couldn't stand all that shit, which is a shame because I loved FFX and still consider it as one of my favorite games ever.

SuperSonic1305 said:
Sony, retailers, and the media are all lying about shortages. It's a conspiracy I tell ya.

The Wii had severe shortages for nearly 3 years while breaking every console sales record there is. It's just not that great of an "excuse" a lot of the time. In this particular case, it's hard to believe a better supply would change the numbers by a large degree, though of course it would change them.


CozMick said:
My meaning of "mindless fun" is a game that doesn't require a lot of thinking, i.e a shooter. {most shooters, not all}

Point, shoot!

Where as FFXIII requires alot of thinking to achieve a goal.

It's been quoted enough already, but holy shit :lol


Nif said:
It's been quoted enough already, but holy shit :lol

Unless it's a strategy title, the vast majority of games don't require a ton of thinking - and even strategy titles aren't remarkably complex unless you're competing against other people.
Leondexter said:
The Wii had severe shortages for nearly 3 years while breaking every console sales record there is. It's just not that great of an "excuse" a lot of the time. In this particular case, it's hard to believe a better supply would change the numbers by a large degree, though of course it would change them.
Why not?

The Wii shortages meant it could've sold 700k units, but it had to settle for 500k.
The PS3 shortages meant it could've sold more than 300k units, but it had to settle for 300k.

It's a shitty discussion, because we'll never know how much of a factor these shortages are. But why would people simply ignore or deny these shortages, when a lot of sources in the industry say they're real? I know this whole discussion keeps on going simply because the 360 and PS3 sold so close to each other, making it basically a fanboy war. But I think it's less honest to claim "shortages my ass!" than "the PS3 could've sold x amount if not for the shortages". In the first claim, you simply deny facts, in the second at worst you're vastly overestimating the impact of these shortages.

I could give a rats ass how much sales were affected by the shortages, but there apparently were shortages. So PS3 sales could've been higher by a number of 0 to ??? if the suply chain was well oiled. Whoopti-fucking-doo. Why can't people just use this information as a side note when viewing the NPD numbers, but not use them to contest the numbers?
Rapping Granny said:
The only shit that doesn't deserve to be up there is FF13, that game is a fucking joke, tried to play it and only lasted 45 minutes, I couldn't stand all that shit, which is a shame because I loved FFX and still consider it as one of my favorite games ever.



distantmantra said:
Any numbers for Yakuza 3 and/or Resonance of Fate?

Earlier in the thread someone mentioned that they usually release the full numbers with #11-20 the next day (so, today). Whether or not Yakuza 3 and Resonance of Fate are in 11-20 is anybody's guess :)


EmCeeGramr said:
It's a joke from Media Create threads. Years ago, when the DS started really taking off with software like Nintendogs and never let up, some people (I think Amir0x was one lol) tried to rationalize it as the Japanese celebrating Easter by buying games, despite people in Japan continuously explaining that Japan doesn't celebrate Easter.

LOL, got ya; thanks for the history. It's like this kid I work with. A customer asked him whats the differance betwwen a 40" 1080P Samsung and a 40" 720p Sanyo, his response was * points at Samsung and says:* "Well, this one is shiny" I hit the floor.. I still can't get over that one, over a year later mentions a tv being shiny I have ti chuckle.

Hey, our DS shelves went bare this year for Easter. Some pretty happy kids out there in the US, for real.
thcsquad said:
Earlier in the thread someone mentioned that they usually release the full numbers with #11-20 the next day (so, today). Whether or not Yakuza 3 and Resonance of Fate are in 11-20 is anybody's guess :)

I kind of doubt they're in the top 20...


Trailblaster said:
I've been looking to get a slim and sell my PS3 fatty but NONE of my local stores have them for the last few week/ month. And this is Pheonix AZ not some rinky dink small town. Anyone trying to downplay the PS3 shortage is just being an idiot right now.

Most people are like me. I don't buy online. If i can't walk into a store and buy what i want turn right around and leave empty handed.
I guess Canada is mostly exempt from this then. I've been considering picking up a PS3 and I can walk into any local store I want to (EB, Walmart, FS, BB, Costco) and pick one up.
omg rite said:
The response in the official thread was positive for a while then it turned into the same people shitting on it over and over.

Seriously... this is every single official thread no matter what game it is.
Kagari said:
Fastest selling doesn't really mean much if it doesn't outsell previous entries in the series overall. We'll see if it gets there without the holiday push; maybe a price drop in the summer will help it.

Both FFX and FFXII at least doubled their first month by the end of their sales lifespan in the US. I don't think it makes sense to form expectations of FFXIII's long-term sales in the US based on the Japanese pattern when historically the games in the series increase over their initial sales much more here.

Kusagari said:
It's still easily going to sell over a million on 360 worldwide. I don't know if Square can really pass up those kind of sales with Versus.

I'm really struck by the fundamental incoherence of the logic that a developer who doesn't port a title to PS3 to snag ~40% of the sales of the 360 version is committing an unforgivable sin for the ages, while a developer who doesn't port a title to 360 to snag ~40% of the sales of the PS3 version is following objective business logic.

(My position has been pretty much since the start of the generation that unless a console manufacturer is publishing your game or paying you an amount of money equal to or larger than your whole development budget, any game for PS3 or 360 should always be ported to the other.)

daxter01 said:
wait what?mgs is a bigger franchise than gow

Not anymore. :lol
Leondexter said:
The Wii had severe shortages for nearly 3 years while breaking every console sales record there is. It's just not that great of an "excuse" a lot of the time. In this particular case, it's hard to believe a better supply would change the numbers by a large degree, though of course it would change them.

Probably not by much. Could be that most people who bought these games would have had the system already... well most people who bought them did have the system already, but I don't think having double the supply, for instance, would change hardware numbers by much.
Souldriver said:
Why not?

The Wii shortages meant it could've sold 700k units, but it had to settle for 500k.
The PS3 shortages meant it could've sold more than 300k units, but it had to settle for 300k.

It's a shitty discussion, because we'll never know how much of a factor these shortages are. But why would people simply ignore or deny these shortages, when a lot of sources in the industry say they're real? I know this whole discussion keeps on going simply because the 360 and PS3 sold so close to each other, making it basically a fanboy war. But I think it's less honest to claim "shortages my ass!" than "the PS3 could've sold x amount if not for the shortages". In the first claim, you simply deny facts, in the second at worst you're vastly overestimating the impact of these shortages.

I could give a rats ass how much sales were affected by the shortages, but there apparently were shortages. So PS3 sales could've been higher by a number of 0 to ??? if the suply chain was well oiled. Whoopti-fucking-doo. Why can't people just use this information as a side note when viewing the NPD numbers, but not use them to contest the numbers?

It is a shitty discussion, for sure. "What if" can be mildly entertaining, but the simple fact is, you can never know the answer, although sometimes you can guess better than others.

But yeah, the only reason anyone cares about what the PS3 might have sold is for bragging rights because they're childishly insecure about which system they own or are emotionally invested in. The truth, though, is that these short-term supply issues, or even the Wii's long stretch, don't change the big picture. All the systems have had times where supply was an issue. None of those issues would have changed the market as it stands if they hadn't occurred.
charlequin said:
I'm really struck by the fundamental incoherence of the logic that a developer who doesn't port a title to PS3 to snag ~40% of the sales of the 360 version is committing an unforgivable sin for the ages, while a developer who doesn't port a title to 360 to snag ~40% of the sales of the PS3 version is following objective business logic.

Some people put way too much stock in Japanese business pride.


cw_sasuke said:
Nah... we are still waitin for the Top 20.

Ah so we didn't get any breakdown or leaked # yet!
good to know

Those discussions are the most attention the Wii typically gets anyways.
Which is strange considering that the most interesting discussion right now would be how a hardcore game of yore managed to enter into nongame status despite being even more hardcore than before!
Then again nearly a generation to wait might do that (and I mean HUMAN generation).
Another would be how and why Nintendo pushed up the release of its other e3 09 games (and why is there no Touch Generation to entice the expanded audience for the summer, I know nsmbw is strong but still)
Then again they'll release Other M in a few month and they were working on it since 2006 on this one!
That means that people like Itagaki actually knew about it somehow!

Or also how come Pokemon is still that popular, heck it's WAY more popular than Final fantasy no question asked here (seriously it's ahead in probably ALL REGIONS and FFXIII will NEVER catch up at this point the question is more will Gold surpass FFXIII or not).
Another question would be that would impact DQIX, because Pokemon clearly shows that the DS owners are not allergic to RPG as tedious as they may be.

What do you want to discuss on the 3rd party front anyway?
Why publisher that don't release their top effort on it fail?
Leondexter said:
It is a shitty discussion, for sure. "What if" can be mildly entertaining, but the simple fact is, you can never know the answer, although sometimes you can guess better than others.

But yeah, the only reason anyone cares about what the PS3 might have sold is for bragging rights because they're childishly insecure about which system they own or are emotionally invested in. The truth, though, is that these short-term supply issues, or even the Wii's long stretch, don't change the big picture. All the systems have had times where supply was an issue. None of those issues would have changed the market as it stands if they hadn't occurred.

And that should really put this one to rest.


Leondexter said:
It is a shitty discussion, for sure. "What if" can be mildly entertaining, but the simple fact is, you can never know the answer, although sometimes you can guess better than others.

But yeah, the only reason anyone cares about what the PS3 might have sold is for bragging rights because they're childishly insecure about which system they own or are emotionally invested in. The truth, though, is that these short-term supply issues, or even the Wii's long stretch, don't change the big picture. All the systems have had times where supply was an issue. None of those issues would have changed the market as it stands if they hadn't occurred.
No... it came up because people in the thread posed the question, "Why did PS3 software sales boom through the month of March but we don't see a corresponding boom in hardware sales?" It is perfectly reasonable to address that question without being emotionally attached to any facet of the "console wars"- without referencing 360 at all, without grinding any axes- just through discussing the history of PS3 sales in a vacuum.

It's the negative response to talk about shortages- responses like yours- which are odd. The relationship between PS3's software sales and hardware shortages has little to do (potentially nothing to do) with how many units the 360 sold last month. Why do you assume it does?


listen to the mad man
charlequin said:
(My position has been pretty much since the start of the generation that unless a console manufacturer is publishing your game or paying you an amount of money equal to or larger than your whole development budget, any game for PS3 or 360 should always be ported to the other.)

I generally agree with this but with one exception.

If your game is /very very very very very/ small, say less than 100k lifetime targeted, then it might make sense to be single console. I'm thinking here of Nippon Ichi basically being PS3 exclusive despite no apparent push by Sony, or of many of the Euro PC->360 ports being 360 exclusive (Risen, Tropico 3, Divinity 2, etc.)

I already regret making this post because I don't want to justify the turd burglars who think that 500k month one isn't enough to justify a port :p
Leondexter said:
The truth, though, is that these short-term supply issues, or even the Wii's long stretch, don't change the big picture. All the systems have had times where supply was an issue. None of those issues would have changed the market as it stands if they hadn't occurred.



Can someone qualify what "bigger" mean in terms of GOW being bigger than MGS?

More units sold?

Or number of games?

Number of different systems the franchise has appeared on?

Or how old the franchise is?

Cuz, if it's any of the above, there's only one winner.
Stumpokapow said:
I generally agree with this but with one exception.

A fair and accurate exception.

I already regret making this post because I don't want to justify the turd burglars who think that 500k month one isn't enough to justify a port :p

:lol So true.

Also, check your PMs.
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