Slow npd thread is slow. We need more numbers!!!
View Profile: creamsugar
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Last Activity: Today 06:58 PM
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Slow npd thread is slow. We need more numbers!!!
View Profile: creamsugar
creamsugar's Avatar
Last Activity: Today 06:58 PM
USA, Japan and Europe = the world... The more you know.They must have sold the other 2.5 million in Europe and Japan.
So my 1500 Ouya prediction in the NPD prediction thread will count, right? RIGHT?
At least the HERE BE DRAGONS one was actually funny.
This one is trying way too hard.
What did Microsoft bring to the table? A fucking awful E3 showing while Sony brings a promising year of releases. This was their best chance to stick it to MS and I'm sure they will be disappointed they couldn't.Who really did expect it to sell that many systems? It's seventh year for PS3,It hasn't had price drop for ages and the game itself largely targets the audience that already has a PS3.
So my 1500 Ouya prediction in the NPD prediction thread will count, right? RIGHT?
Sweeeeeeeeeeet.It could be like the Vita and only count for units. -500 on you and -2K on everyone else?
No. I am not even being coy. I have no idea how Ouya did.are you a'corroborating youns varmit?
3DS sells, but not as well as the DS
Everything that has launched since wii had terrible problems though. Although i think 499 is a terrible problem but i expect great ps4 numbers
What did Microsoft bring to the table? A fucking awful E3 showing while Sony brings a promising year of releases. This was their best chance to stick it to MS and I'm sure they will be disappointed they couldn't.
What are you talking about? Zelda's release every 3 years or so regardless of the console. At worst you bump it like with Twilight Princess.
Oh god... I forgot about that. Someone should find the NeoGAF thread and bump it with the 2K figures data.. :lol
Aqua trusts him, so I'm starting to think he's legit now. Esp as he;'s been accurate for a few months now.
He is. If aqua trusts him so do i
I assume if he really wasn't accurate at all, he would have gotten banned months ago for misleading people with false information.
Wii U's sales later this year will be dependant on many factors
1)Possible 50$ cut
2)Black Friday bundles (if they're going to do them)
3)Software deals, like the SMTIV one or the European ones (btw, I hope they continue the trend)
4)How much DKC can attract people
5)Advertising: this thing needs freaking advertising
6)Absolutely lack of heat waves; otherwise, Pokémon Centers will be' empty
I fear it won't do as much as Nintendo hopes, at all, but there are still many important factors to consider.
Wii U's sales later this year will be dependant on many factors
1)Possible 50$ cut
2)Black Friday bundles (if they're going to do them)
3)Software deals, like the SMTIV one or the European ones (btw, I hope they continue the trend)
4)How much DKC can attract people
5)Advertising: this thing needs freaking advertising
6)Absolutely lack of heat waves; otherwise, Pokémon Centers will be' empty
I fear it won't do as much as Nintendo hopes, at all, but there are still many important factors to consider.
I wish a mod could tell us. I mean if they did trust him why can't we have the info in the thread title?
honestly both wiiu and vita need a bigger drop than $50 and need to cram as much "extra value" shit into their bundles as they can (wiimotes,PS+, dowload codes for e-shop/psn etc)
Wii U's sales later this year will be dependant on many factors
1)Possible 50$ cut $100 before Pikmin 3 would've made an impact. $50 always seemed too little to me.
2)Black Friday bundles (if they're going to do them) :/ Can't wait for it to sell 200K in November like Vita's great BF bundles did, then.
3)Software deals, like the SMTIV one or the European ones (btw, I hope they continue the trend) Small fraction of the userbase would even know about them. That's probably why they can be so substantial.
4)How much DKC can attract people Seriously doubt it can attract much on its own.
5)Advertising: this thing needs freaking advertising $1B advertising might make a dent.
6)Absolutely lack of heat waves; otherwise, Pokémon Centers will be' empty Get it, this time.
I fear it won't do as much as Nintendo hopes, at all, but there are still many important factors to consider.
I wish a mod could tell us. I mean if they did trust him why can't we have the info in the thread title?
NPD doesn't track digital sales as well?
Not saying that it did a lot on there, but TLOU was day and date on PSN with retail. Its how I bought mine.
NPD doesn't track digital sales as well?
Not saying that it did a lot on there, but TLOU was day and date on PSN with retail. Its how I bought mine.
6)Absolutely lack of heat waves; otherwise, Pokémon Centers will be' empty
I can't believe Nintendo learned nothing from the 3DS's problems, even thought they specifically said they did. What a disaster the Wii U has become.
Sony should have done a TLoU bundle. Missed opportunity.
I can't believe Nintendo learned nothing from the 3DS's problems, even thought they specifically said they did. What a disaster the Wii U has become.
I can't believe Nintendo learned nothing from the 3DS's problems, even thought they specifically said they did. What a disaster the Wii U has become.
Does this month add at least a little credibility to "Nintendo games sell Nintendo hardware" and give at least a glimmer of hope to the Wii U?
Saving it for holidays probably but by then a ps3 bundle isn't exactly the most wanted thing since next gen is out the same time
They absolutely did learn. That's why the Wii U launched with a Mario game. Unfortunately, they didn't learn enough to realize you need aggressive marketing and a steady stream of releases.
Wait, think about this--what if the current Wii U situation is after Nintendo course corrected after learning from the 3DS? What would it look like if they hadn't hahah.
Wii U's sales later this year will be dependant on many factors
1)Possible 50$ cut
2)Black Friday bundles (if they're going to do them)
3)Software deals, like the SMTIV one or the European ones (btw, I hope they continue the trend)
4)How much DKC can attract people
5)Advertising: this thing needs freaking advertising
6)Absolutely lack of heat waves; otherwise, Pokémon Centers will be' empty
I fear it won't do as much as Nintendo hopes, at all, but there are still many important factors to consider.
Only if you ignore what just happened in Japan.
Nintendo games sell $180-$200 handheld Nintendo hardware.
What kind of idiotic company thinks you need 1 game?
1) Price cut of $50 is mitigated by need for additional storage media. PS4 at $400 is still only slightly more expensive for 500GB than Deluxe WiiU at $300 and its small storage.
2) Black Friday deals could be interesting, though I assume that WiiU will compete with last-gen platforms and price cuts. First-party software not enough of a value proposition.
3) Fair point about software deals. That's good thinking, and yes, I hope they continue.
4) DKC is more mainstream than The Wonderful 101 and Pikmin but more niche than Mario and Zelda. Mario 3D is really the key cog for Q4 performance and interest.
5) I agree on the advertising point. Where are the mall tours, the cool commercials, and the catchy promotions? Get WiiU out into the open and make consumers want it.
6) Hopefully snowstorms and late-fall cold snaps don't keep people home, either.
Does this month add at least a little credibility to "Nintendo games sell Nintendo hardware" and give at least a glimmer of hope to the Wii U?
It indicates big Nintendo games sell Nintendo hardware by a significant amount.
Only if you ignore what just happened in Japan.
Nintendo games sell $180-$200 handheld Nintendo hardware.
Nintendo, I guess. I just remember, when 3DS launched, a constant stream of "Where's Mario?" being asked everywhere, and I believe even asked to Iwata at meetings and such, so I'm not surprised that they thought Mario was what was needed.
Hopefully, Nintendo has a team hard at work on Animal Crossing U, so it'll be out before the the end of 2015.