I'm talking about stuff that ends up on at least 2 of the three platforms. How much stuff has been released that was 360+PS3 only, versus stuff that was released across all 3 platforms? The difference is night and day. It's not even close. All the Lego stuff, Cabela's, annual sports stuff, music games, movie-licenses, etc. It dwarfs the number of high-profile shooters, rpgs, etc, that only get a PS3+360 release. The point still stands, the number of PS3+360 only games is a very small subset of the 3rd-party output.
Somehow trying to manipulate the industry-wide 3rd-party totals to somehow correlate those totals to the very small subset of 360+PS3 games? I'm sorry, but that is pure spin.
And that's not even getting into donny's point about different budgets, different brands, different marketing, etc. that further skews the whole discussion.