Chris1964 said:
Both hands of how many people?
I'd say it'd be fair to say that you could get all 5-million selling retail video games ever on both hands of 6 or 7 people.
... In fact, let me try
Nintendo (54 that I counted)
Wii: Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Sports Resort, Wii Fit, Wii Fit Plus, NSMB Wii, Mario Kart Wii, Galaxy, Brawl, MP8
Cube: Melee, MK DD, Sunshine
N64: SM64, Goldeneye, OOT, MK64, Smash Bros
SNES: SMW, DKC, SMK, Street Fighter II, ALTTP, DKC2... I might be missing one or two here
NES: SMB, SMB2, SMB3, Zelda, Zelda 2
DS: Nintendogs, NSMB, Brain Age, Brain Age 2, MKDS, Diamond/Pearl, HG/SS, Animal Crossing, Platinum, SM64, Big Brain Academy, Pokemon MD2 (DQ9 should make it here)
GBA: Ruby/Sapphire, FR/LG, Emerald, SMA, SMA2
GB: Tetris, Pokemon RBG, Pokemon Y, Pokemon GC, Pokemon C, Link's Awakening, SML, SML2...
Sega (1)
Genesis: Sonic 2
Sony (15)
PS1: GT, FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, Crash, Crash 2, Crash 3, Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider II
Microsoft (5)
Xbox: Halo, Halo 2
Xbox 360: Halo 3, Gears, Gears 2
Other (2)
Atari 2600: Pac-Man
PC (7)
The Sims, The Sims 2, Myst, WoW, Starcraft, Half-Life, Half-Life 2 -- I'm certain I'm missing a few Korean / Chinese games here, and maybe Diablo 2 and Warcraft 3?
Multiplat (13-ish)
GTA3, GTA3VC, GTA3SA, Guitar Hero 3, maybe GH2, MW, MW2, WaW, Namco Museum depending on how you group 'em together, Fallout 3, Force Unleashed, Mario and Sonic, Mario and Sonic 2, I'm sure I'm missing a few here
So maybe more like 10-12 people?