REMEMBER CITADEL said:That shouldn't be very surprising, and as you said yourself, it's mostly "superfluous crap".
Kratos certainly is superfluous crap. He is also low tier & banned in tournaments.
REMEMBER CITADEL said:That shouldn't be very surprising, and as you said yourself, it's mostly "superfluous crap".
Kintaro said:<looks at that MK result, feeling a bit vindicated>
Told you doubters it would debut and sell much more than MvC3 or SSF4. =)
Sony had third party support locked last gen - to an even greater extent with third party exclusives coming out of their eyeballs. Each generation basically resets things to zero, hence why I think MS were more keen to 'expand' 360 with Kinect rather than releasing it with a new console.[Nintex] said:MS has the third party support locked if they somehow manage to not fuck up their new first party studios both Sony and Nintendo will be in big trouble next gen.
Prine said:-Wii reaching saturation point. No one left to sell it to.- Apple absorbing the Nintendogs, Brain Triaining crowd. Handheld gaming moving away from Nintendo
- MS keep getting stronger
- Rare saying "suck deez nuts" to haters. Now commercially successful. 3m + for Kinect Sports wow!
DryEyeRelief said:Not a lot of people doubted you. But you were one that stated that fighting games sell based on the quality of their netplay.
Clearly that is not the case. =P
It's a shame the board software doesn't allow you to ignore mods properly.smurfx said:You can always just ignore his posts you know instead of of asking him to stop giving his opinion.
Coolio McAwesome said:I, for one, find it much easier to judge distances in Pilotwings with the 3D turned on. Based on this observation, I think 3D can add a lot to any games that requires players to judge distances. Platformers, for example, could greatly benefit from 3D. Have you ever missed a jump in a platformer because you misjudged how far away it was? 3D clearly makes it easier to judge distances and, therefore, I think the assertion that it's completely "useless for gameplay" is a little shortsighted.
Game Guru said:Well, I believe it might be the use of motion blur that makes the 3D look fake to me. When I say fake, I, of course, mean compared to real life. I'm sorry that it is not more detailed, and I don't claim that this in particular is a huge problem, especially compared to headaches and having to fiddle with positioning. It's merely my own experience with 3D.
Thunder Monkey said:Psst!
Your platforms are looking kind of unhealthy.
Might want to do something about that.
They're busy scouring old Sony press releases for ideas. 'It's been a great month for the Nintendo family'perfectchaos007 said:Can't believe Nintendo isn't even sending a press release this month. Things haven't been this bad at Nintendo since 2005
herod said:It's a shame the board software doesn't allow you to ignore mods properly.
Graphics Horse said:They're busy scouring old Sony press releases for ideas. 'It's been a great month for the Nintendo family'
I think that it is more than 10% in America that owns a Wii, because it is usually one console per household. If the Wii has sold 30 million units in the US, then maybe something like 70-100 million (i would guess) have access to it since there are often more than one person per household. But that said, i do agree that the Wii has a chance to sell more units =)perfectchaos007 said:yeah not buying that argument. Less than 10% of Americans own a Wii, there are definitely available consumers but the popularity of the Wii has finally worn off after all these years.
Can't believe Nintendo isn't even sending a press release this month. Things haven't been this bad at Nintendo since 2005
Amir0x said:Not even once in my life have I had trouble judging any distances in any racing game, flying game or platformer. As I've said in past such debates, this benefit is for "special" gamers so I am "sad" to say I am not part of the club of "special" gamers who require a distance judging aid. Guess I'm just not so "fortunate" or something. According to Pimpbaa we've all had to suffer the damaging influence of shadows on our characters to be able to judge the gap so now we can have our shadow-free characters in 3D gaming once and for all. It's just "sad" I won't be a member of the jubilant group of gamers who will be able to tell the difference. My non-existent distance-judging problems has always been a bane to my gaming career. WHEN will it stop torturing me so!?
Prine said:- Apple absorbing the Nintendogs, Brain Triaining crowd. Handheld gaming moving away from Nintendo
Gomu Gomu said:uhh. I don't think that's the reason 3DS isn't selling. Lack of Software appears to be the major reason.
Ericsc said:But none of those could play the actual console cartridges / discs
the NEC turbo express and Sega Nomad could
Painraze said:It's nice to see gimmicky systems fail. It's all about compelling software, not hardware sideshows.
Yeah, that's what I meant actually. IIRC the DS was in the same situation in it's first year or so.Ushojax said:It's not a lack of software just a lack of killer software. People aren't willing to pay $250 for a machine that doesn't play a Mario/Wii Spors calibre title. Had they launched with Mario Kart, which I'm sure they would have done had they not decided to rush to market, the thing would be selling through the roof. Now they are in danger of repeating the GameCube situation, retailers in the UK are already slashing the price, they need to get AAA games out quickly, not N64 pseudo-remakes.
Prine said:- Wii reaching saturation point. No one left to sell it to.
I think that was precisely my point. NPD counts the ASP by taking that gift card into account. I don't know how, because that's not something they discuss, but they do give those kinds of deals consideration.bigtroyjon said:When retailers give away stuff with the console like a gift card the ASP will be artificially inflated. Bought a Kinect360 for someone at bestbuy and according to the receipt I paid 300 dollars but in my eyes I really only paid 250 because I know i will spend 50 dollars there in the future. I assume NPD would see the purchase price as 300 since the gift card is really just something bundled into the package.
MYE said:The 3DS and the NGP can join hands, drop off a building and die a horrible death as far as i'm concerned.
Always had handhelds and now i find myself disapointed with the convoluted, unnecessary shit these systems make me put up with. And the battery life on these consoles...
Its not a coincidence i bought a Gameboy this week with a bunch of old games, and sold my PSP just yesterday for 80.
To me, "real" portable gaming died with the Gameboy brand
MYE said:The 3DS and the NGP can join hands, drop off a building and die a horrible death as far as i'm concerned.
Yeahradioheadrule83 said:Gameboy pocket looks slick as fuck... I think I like that even more than the Micro
jvm said:I think that was precisely my point. NPD counts the ASP by taking that gift card into account. I don't know how, because that's not something they discuss, but they do give those kinds of deals consideration.
First gen GBA was an horrible console though, thanks to the non-backlight screen. Terrible terrible screen, to this day I refuse to buy a Nintendo handheld because of that piece of trash (not that I plan on buying a handheld console from anyone else mind you).MYE said:To me, "real" portable gaming died with the Gameboy brand
perfectchaos007 said:yeah not buying that argument. Less than 10% of Americans own a Wii, there are definitely available consumers but the popularity of the Wii has finally worn off after all these years.
Can't believe Nintendo isn't even sending a press release this month. Things haven't been this bad at Nintendo since 2005
Um, the DSL lasts like 7-9 hours on the brightest setting with no wifi (although some battery hogs like elite beat agents might be 6-6.5ish.), 5 -7 hours with wifi.MYE said:The 3DS and the NGP can join hands, drop off a building and die a horrible death as far as i'm concerned.
Always had handhelds and now i find myself disapointed with the convoluted, unnecessary shit these systems make me put up with. And the battery life on these consoles...
Its not a coincidence i bought a Gameboy pocket this week with a bunch of old games, and sold my PSP just yesterday for 80.
To me, "real" portable gaming died with the Gameboy brand
GAF A60-Rim A said:I guess this is part of an off-topic conversation, but, ermm... I've been busy at work for the past 3 days and haven't charged my 3DS in that time.
I've been playing nintendogs, Mario Kart DS and Rabbids 3D, and StreetPass Quest/Find Mii sporadically on breaks etc. On full brightness and always 3D.
It just dropped down to half battery icon.
so that means you've never played link's awakening? dude play it if you haven't! that is if you like zelda games.Blimblim said:First gen GBA was an horrible console though, thanks to the non-backlight screen. Terrible terrible screen, to this day I refuse to buy a Nintendo handheld because of that piece of trash (not that I plan on buying a handheld console from anyone else mind you).
smurfx said:so that means you've never played link's awakening? dude play it if you haven't! that is if you like zelda games.
AceBandage said:I still have my Arctic White launch GBA.
It's such a wonderful system.
why would sales results months after the NPD stopped releasing numbers have any impact on who people believe asked them to stop releasing numbers?jcm said:Do we still think Sony is the one who asked NPD to stop releasing numbers?
I still have my original Gameboy!AceBandage said:I still have my Arctic White launch GBA.
It's such a wonderful system.
SmokyDave said:No matter how early in the game it is, no matter how lackluster the launch line-up is, Nintendo have got to be sweating a little. The handheld game has changed.
I still have my original Gameboy!
I can barely see a damned thing on the screen but I love it all the same.
Gram Negative Cocci said:It's amazing how shunned the PS3 in the US is.
- exclusive character: doesn't matter [MK]
- exclusive stage: doesn't matter [MK]
- free PC game with PS3 version: doesn't fucking matter [Portal 2]
All that superfluos crap added to PS3 versions of multiplatform games doesn't make a bit of difference in the US. People still buy 360 versions!
Sony is done for this gen. Maybe they will have better luck with PS4.
in the op:BroHuffman said:Where do you see that 360 MK outsold PS3 version?
EviLore said:Top 10 Individual SKUs include: (Gamasutra And Anita Frazier Below)
-Mortal Kombat (360)
-Portal 2 (360)
-Crysis 2 (360)
-Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters (360)
-Michael Jackson: The Experience (360)
-Pokemon White (NDS)
-Pokemon Black (NDS)
-Just Dance 2 (Wii)
-SOCOM 4 (PS3)
-And Presumably Mortal Kombat (PS3)
That's the Gameboy Light actually. And yes, it's the best Gameboy.radioheadrule83 said:Gameboy pocket looks slick as fuck... I think I like that even more than the Micro
Sony was doing worse than Nintendo when they stopped releasing numbers, so...jcm said:Do we still think Sony is the one who asked NPD to stop releasing numbers?
Gram Negative Cocci said:It's amazing how shunned the PS3 in the US is.
- exclusive character: doesn't matter [MK]
- exclusive stage: doesn't matter [MK]
- free PC game with PS3 version: doesn't fucking matter [Portal 2]
All that superfluos crap added to PS3 versions of multiplatform games doesn't make a bit of difference in the US. People still buy 360 versions!
Sony is done for this gen. Maybe they will have better luck with PS4.
Top 10 Individual SKUs include: (Gamasutra And Anita Frazier Below)
-Mortal Kombat (360)
-Portal 2 (360)
-Crysis 2 (360)
-Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters (360)
-Michael Jackson: The Experience (360)
-Pokemon White (NDS)
-Pokemon Black (NDS)
-Just Dance 2 (Wii)
-SOCOM 4 (PS3)
-And Presumably Mortal Kombat (PS3)
Salacious Crumb said:in the op: