Dengeki shows Hatsune Miku and Future Stars: Project Mirai 2 (3DS) is now at 198,871, next week it'll pass 200k, as it did 1,800 last week! Famitsu last had reported it on Dec 29th at... 134k. Wow. The original was last reported on Famitsu at 180k.
I know I've already said the same thing in the past, but it's cool to see SEGA was able to establish a fanbase on the 3DS.
(Now if only they could localise this one too ;__
As for L+, it's gonna be real test. I went and looked up some articles about the game's launch, and well... looks like it was even worse than I remembered. It's not just that sales plummeted because of the game-breaking bug, Konami actually asked retailers to stop selling the game (and since there were no patches on the 3DS yet).
We'll see if this really killed the franchise (at least on handhelds), or if Konami will be able to bring it back on its feet.