Your friend probably has poor nausea tolerance with high persistence (high persistance is bad).
I don't know what's going on here, if its on a game basis, RE8 and Horizon apparently seeing more blur when even moving the headset, but its not good.
What's puzzling too engineering wise is the weight of it. It weights more than a Quest 2 with standalone hardware with more complex mainboard, battery & heatsink.
The headset is full of compromises for 2023. Sony would say tomorrow that it supports the headset for PCVR and i wouldn't even buy it, not at the dawn of the wave of pancake lens headsets coming. I'm not buying a Fresnel lens headset again. Been seeing through Fresnel lenses since the SDK1, tested many headsets. I want to move on.
Only thing it got for it is eye tracking,
but for actual gameplay mechanics, not so much for actual rendering improvements. I think that's why you don't see it on PC as of now even for headsets that support it like Quest Pro. It doesn't seem worth it. Like i showed earlier in the thread, a PC with a 2070 super with modded RE8 (not even official support) at medium settings wipes the floor with the PSVR 2 official implementation, without foveated rendering. Its inevitable that we go for eye tracking foveated rendering, but there must be a reason why Oculus has been sitting on the tech for 7 years or so since
Michael Abrash talked about it. Their latest update on it was with AI assisted foveated, i guess to hide the shimmers and artifacts that just dropping resolution would create. But that adds latency and we don't want that in VR, so maybe chipsets just aren't ready.