将棋 works
I guess for now cut and paste, and give MS feedback on the dictionary.
将棋 works
It doesn't suggest that either, just 玉淑. This kind of thing comes up a lot - is typing really this slow?
Anyone tried うんこ漢字ドリル - Unko Kanji Drills?
I really need a better learning routine... (I do not expect the book to solve it, don't worry).
The problem is that the only thing she does is criticize. She's just telling him he fucked up, but shes not telling him how exactly and how to improve. She's even telling him that there really is no way to improve, because his Japanese will stay unnatural after all.
Criticism is fair, if it's fair. This person just comes across as a bit of a gaping arsehole. I'm an expert without the expert.
Did you by any chance write the short text in your primary language first and then translate it into Japanese?
no doubt, this is some brutal criticism, but connecting with someone who takes the time to reply at such lengths, with that kind of effort...as long as your feelings can handle it, i'd try and stay in touch. I'd keep conversing with that person so i can keep learning more. you don't learn that kind of stuff out of a text book.
she even made an audio recording to prove her point...most people would have just told you to sod off or ignored you all together.
i dunno, i'm different i guess.
I have N3 and I'm studying for N2 but the grind is slowly becoming boring, so I thought I should sink my teeth in some Japanese novels or books and learn by reading and experiencing the language. plus it's a two bird one stone kinda thing, you learn new vocab and see it used in a meaningful sentence at the same time.
so, Can anyone recommend interesting books to read in Japanese?
I have N3 and I'm studying for N2 but the grind is slowly becoming boring, so I thought I should sink my teeth in some Japanese novels or books and learn by reading and experiencing the language. plus it's a two bird one stone kinda thing, you learn new vocab and see it used in a meaningful sentence at the same time.
so, Can anyone recommend interesting books to read in Japanese?
Is it really that strange that people will find your Japanese strange if you limit yourself to only using an arbitrary decided subsection of the language?So the first question is:
Is there a possibility that I may indeed was rude to this person without knowing it, because of my bad Japanese language skills?I know it's a hard question to answer because you don't have the context of my messages but I really tried to only use N4 stuff.
the first thing that stands out here is the huge amount of commas, in Japanese you really don't need that many.[「こんばんはきっこさん、ジムと申します。 残念ながら、今風邪を引いた、病気なのです。 夏の中に、風邪をひいったら最悪ですね。 ギリシャの気温は、今、32度で、たいへんめんどくさいです。 まあ、今のところは十分でしょう。 話し過ぎなかって分かったのですが、ちょっと恥ずかしいなのです!」]
I liked 紫色のクアリア a lotI have N3 and I'm studying for N2 but the grind is slowly becoming boring, so I thought I should sink my teeth in some Japanese novels or books and learn by reading and experiencing the language. plus it's a two bird one stone kinda thing, you learn new vocab and see it used in a meaningful sentence at the same time.
so, Can anyone recommend interesting books to read in Japanese?
Alanae going for the double kill
this is a joke post
Alanae, she probably didn't go into depth explaining how to fix what he wrote because she'd have to do so in Japanese, which IMO would be even harder for Eien to understand. and she couldn't do it in English either. so, she instead opted to write that other long ass comment...lol. sounds like there is more to the story here. dw, im sure there are plenty of other yu-gi-oh twitter girls out there.
I dunno. If someone started tweeting me every few weeks asking me inane questions about my country or home state in simple/broken English, or asking me to check their English pronunciation in this recording, I imagine it might grow old, particularly if I was busy. Maybe it would be fun at first, but as time wore on and they were still not really interacting with me as a friend, but as a resource, I imagine it might feel quite bad.Hi guys, I would like your opinion about something.
Can anyone recommend interesting books to read in Japanese?
Also one more thing she said and sounded interesting was about japanese people not wanting foreigners to comment on videos or streams
[streamingで雑談としてKYOTOの観光地の話をすることもあります。そういう流れの中であれば私は答えるでしょうが、日本人向けのstreamingでのほとんどの英語のcommentは嫌われるでしょう。 それはもちろん私のstreamingに限ったことではなく、例えば私はFighting gameのstreamingをよく観ますが、日本人向けの日本語のstreamingでも外国人が英語のcommentを打ち続けて日本人がcommentしなくなることや、荒らしが来たと言われることがよくあります。日本人はその時の流れを大切にするのです。空気を読む、とも言いますが、それに水を差すことは最も嫌われることの一つです。 そしてこれはジムさんへの非難ではありません。もしジムさんが日本人のCommunityに参加しようという気持ちを持っているなら、それを常に気をつける必要があるでしょう、という案内です。意図せず失礼にならないためのものです。 少し古いですが、日本では昔「半年ROMれ」という言葉がありました。これは日本人向けの言葉ですが、調べてみると少しおもしろいかもしれません。]
So it's natural that I asked her questions about Japan, her hometown(Kyoto),
I can see where she's coming from with this.
One real example would be the じょにお guilty gear stream, which is a stream of the matches played on one of the cabinets in the mikado arcade.
The comments in the stream are basically a nonstop flood of english, with the occasional japanese post being completely drowned out, vanishing off the screen in seconds, before anybody can react to it. I'd imagine that for the japanese people streaming, and those watching the stream, it'll be quite frustrating for the comments to be an ocean of posts they can't actually read or reasonably respond to.
It's probably not something people will really experience if they can understand english, though.
The asymmetry of languages is an interesting thing to think about.
@Kilrogg said for example he hates it when the Japanese act like their language is so special.Well one of her comments was that she hates/dislikes [kirai] English and doesn't want to improve it.She finds them hard and only want to use them as a tool.
Her English is not very good btw.
good stuff
I dunno. If someone started tweeting me every few weeks asking me inane questions about my country or home state in simple/broken English, or asking me to check their English pronunciation in this recording, I imagine it might grow old, particularly if I was busy. Maybe it would be fun at first, but as time wore on and they were still not really interacting with me as a friend, but as a resource, I imagine it might feel quite bad.
Her tone may have come across as harsh, but it was probably because she wanted to make sure you understood and so she completely cut out any and all roundabout formalities that you would normally use in Japanese. She was speaking blunt and direct, which is how English speakers speak all the time, right? That said, she didn't tell you to piss off, she just said "if you're gonna keep tweeting at me, tweet at me like a normal human being." So do that. React to her tweets. Comment on pictures or things she posts. Be friendly.
Twitter is not a language learning service. It's a great way to read about stuff in another language or even interact with people using another language, but that's not the reason that 99.9% of people are on there. Go on HelloTalk or one of those such things, or get a tutor if that's what you need.
コンビニ人間 is amazing and should be a good challenge for that level. I also quite enjoyed ペンギン・ハイウェイ when I was around that level. I posted about both of them at length in either this thread or the old JP learning thread. I'll try to find them.
Am I not getting something?
She's not his teacher, she didn't even agree to help with the Japanese study per se it seems like. She's a person using twitter talking about gaming in her native language. She has no obligation to want to learn English, or to speak which people learning her language. Doing anything in this regard in my opinion is being nice, and it appears like she's done tons!
It seems like massive assumptions are being made, and this person just wants to talk about what they're tweeting about.
Before I thought they were doing some sort of mutual language exchange together, but now I'm starting to think Eien1no1Yami was just creeping a little bit lol.
Am I not getting something?
She's not his teacher, she didn't even agree to help with the Japanese study per se it seems like. She's a person using twitter talking about gaming in her native language. She has no obligation to want to learn English, or to speak which people learning her language. Doing anything in this regard in my opinion is being nice, and it appears like she's done tons!
It seems like massive assumptions are being made, and this person just wants to talk about what they're tweeting about.
Do some of you just power through it?
Long story short, she got bored of her interactions with you, she unsubtly hinted through some public tweets she didn't care about your translations anymore, but didn't tell you directly (very Japanese.) Afterwards you were still like "これはペンです."
In terms of embarrassing and cringey weeb stories, I give it a 2/5. Congrats.