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Japanese Music (Pop, rock and all 'dat) |OT|


I'm super jealous :<
You guys all enjoying a Perfume concert and here I am in Brazil, which will maybe get one concert, one night, in one city (obviously not the one I live in), in maybe a decade or so and only if good will comes to the heart of the people who plan these concerts.

No No Eul

That Perfume concert was pretty awesome. Unfortunately I was sat up in the circle where the crowd and/or atmosphere was kind of muted. You guys seemed to be having a good time down below though. :D

Perfume's London concert was a huge upgrade in production values from the previous one. They spoke lots more English this time round (probably better than the man translating the Japanese spoken parts)

Yes. Quite. I can't help but feel that Mr Maeda's lack of translation skills rather cut the conversation side of the concert short. I definitely thought there was less general chitchat from the group than last year.

I think I got the gist of A-chan's anecdote though? She went sightseeing, the sun was quite low and the sun visor in her car was too small to shield her eyes? Then she started gesticulating with her hand up above her waist. I'm not sure what that was about. She mentioned a castle too? I also didn't catch why she chose those two particular words for the left and right sections of the audience. Curse you Mr Maeda.

Surprised to see One Room Disco performed and GAME, I felt all kinds of 'feels' when the lightsabers lit up. The added choreo for Spending All My Time remix stood out to me a lot. Also, how amazing was that introduction with Enter the Sphere? ah....

Yeah, that intro was just incredible. In fact all the graphical display stuff throughout the show was fantastic. Absolutely mesmerizing stuff, and that moment with the lightsabers... So good. Another random highlight for me was that little Frozen segment featuring Nocchi as Olaf. :p

Overall, I thought the set list was pretty great. I'm not a fan of Cling Cling but having the dubstep elements of that track reverberating through your ribcage at god knows how many decibels elevates it significantly.

Finally, it was heartening to see that nobody appeared to be buying any of that fake merchandise those guys were peddling outside the venue. What were they calling those laminated photos attached to the lanyards? Souvenir something-or-others? Anyway, the doors opened and the crowd flooded the official merchandise booth inside. A profound sense of schadenfreude followed.


On a separate note, a friend of mine had a spare ticket to that Hyper Japan expo at Olympia so I went along yesterday. There I saw Siro-A (who were advertised on all those flyers at the Perfume gig as "Japan's answer to the Blue Man Group") and Anna Yano.

Unfortunately for both acts, the stage they were performing on wasn't in any kind of enclosed theatre; it was just situated out in the open at one end of the hall with about a hundred chairs arranged in front. The crowd at any given time was fairly miniscule and people were drifting in and out of their seats, so the atmosphere was basically non-existant. It was a real shame because I enjoyed both performances and quite frankly, felt they all deserved much better.

I don't follow J-pop very closely so I can't say I'd heard of Anna Yano. Is she from the same label as Kyary or something? The booth where she was signing CDs afterwards rather gave that impression. Anyway, she sang live, and well, and was super cute to boot. I have to say I was quite impressed.


*Perfume review*
Oh, didn't know you went to the concert, you should have told me.

Left and right sections were PA and BU, Perfume's hilarious deconstruction of Pub. And yeah, Cling Cling was probably the buzzkill of the show. I can enjoy the song, but the crowd was dead during it.

That fake merchandise they were selling outside was pretty bad quality. All those posters that they weren't able to sell were thrown in the street 20 minutes after the concert was over.


Neo Member
They're one of my favourite bands. :)

Whoop e-high five

Of course (I don't really like their music though :lol)

Welcome, what are your favorite bands/artists?

Fair enough, they're definitely not for everyone!

And thanks! Of the Japanese variety, favourites are YMO (surprise), Buffalo Daughter (who I saw perform here in London this May - best gig I've attended to date), Pizzicato Five (more the Mamiko Sasaki sera tbh), Capsule (kinda), Ken Ishii, Loop Junktion, Cornelius, unkie and Cro-Magnon. And then there's the random stuff I find on Youtube ;D
File this under "WTF"

Momoiro Clover Z and KISS would release a collaboration single (currently untitled) on January 28, 2015. The single will be released under the name "Momoiro Clover Z vs KISS."

Reportedly, this collaboration happened as KISS was interested in Momoclo, and it will be the very first time for KISS to collaborate with Japanese artist. The title track, sang by Momoclo, and composed and played by KISS, will also be released digitally in 120 countries on the iTunes Store.

The single will have 2 different versions which are "Momoclo Edition" and "KISS Edition." The "Momoclo Edition" will include the title track sang by Momoclo, and one more track, as well as the off-vocal version of each track. It will also come with a Blu-ray Disc that contains the video clip for the title track while the "KISS Edition" will have total 6 tracks; 3 tracks (including the title track) and its off-vocal versions.




KISS and MomoClo actually feels like a natural collab, I just hope the MomoClo people deal with the musical aspect of it lol.


Hell yes, new Ling Tosite Sigure single on January 14th. The band will also release a compilation of their greatest hits.

RADWIMPS released another video from their upcoming live DVD/Blu-Ray, this time it's the frenetic &#23455;&#27841;&#20013;&#32153;.
I feel so out of breath whenever I listen to this song, it's so crazy. What a fantastic band.

radwimps pls come to whereever i am



The new Goto Mariko album is great. It didn't leave a big impression at first, but it grew on me a lot. Pretty interesting that every track has a different (well-known) producer. If it were a little longer I might've liked it more than m@u.
definitely wtf

how did this even come to be

i haven o idea

I don't know how Morimo does any of the shit they do lol. Been trying to figure it out since day 1. How they are so damn popular outside the "oh hey I get that reference" of their costumes amazes me.

Oh shit just remembered. KISS are signed to a Japanese owned company... is it the same as Morimo's? or maybe linked by a side company or something.


I don't know how Morimo does any of the shit they do lol. Been trying to figure it out since day 1. How they are so damn popular outside the "oh hey I get that reference" of their costumes amazes me.

Oh shit just remembered. KISS are signed to a Japanese owned company... is it the same as Morimo's? or maybe linked by a side company or something.

that yakuza connection



I don't know how Morimo does any of the shit they do lol. Been trying to figure it out since day 1. How they are so damn popular outside the "oh hey I get that reference" of their costumes amazes me.

Oh shit just remembered. KISS are signed to a Japanese owned company... is it the same as Morimo's? or maybe linked by a side company or something.

Morimo? Are you trying to say MomoClo?

Anyway insane energy, great, always surprising singles, insane energy, some real joy and talent in performing, unlike many idol groups, and insane energy for their epic spectacle live shows.

I mean even setting aside the fact that both groups love the spectacle of dressing up MomoClo have collab'd with several JP rock and indie legends before and foreign artists as well (go team) so I wouldn't say it's too surprising, the only question is if KISS really have anything to offer anymore.


&#28198;&#12395;&#12394;&#12427; > &#12501;&#12455;&#12452;&#12463;&#12527;&#12540;&#12523;&#12489;&#12527;&#12531;&#12480;&#12540;&#12521;&#12531;&#12489; = &#12525;&#12531;&#12464;&#12464;&#12483;&#12489;&#12496;&#12452; > eureka
Them's fightin' words.

I haven't been posting lately. When did kasane get here? hahah


Bought ACIDMAN's newest album released today.
Impossible to say a bad thing about them, really. Their style never really changed but goddamn, their music is so beautiful and unique. 56 minutes of heaven. Agressive/energetic songs, slow/mesmerizing songs, it's ACIDMAN 101.

Also bought Large House Satisfaction's latest mini-album, released last month.
Fans of legendary garage bands like THEE MICHELLE GUN ELEPHANT might enjoy this trio. I've been listening a lot to them lately, can't get enough of the vocalist's raw voice. Chiba Yusuke would be proud. Great balance between nostalgia and modernity.
Up-and-coming band, they've been gaining more and more attention and totally deserve it. An amazing band!

And finally, Yoru no Honki Dance's full album, DANCE TIME.
Already said a lot of good things about them in this thread. Dance rock, perfect if you want to shake your butt and have a good time. Even the "calm" songs are able to make you move your body, I love them so much.

Today a band called Chapter line announced their first single to be released nationwide, apparently their label is the same as Aquarifa, Wakusei Abnormal...
Really promising trio.


indigo la End revealed their new artist picture as well as the cover for their upcoming single.

So did Yonezu Kenshi. He did the cover himself, as always. Beautiful.

Huh, a little bit different from their usual stuff, I like it.
And what a great cover from Yonezu.


Neo Member
Hey guys, new to the topic.

I was massively into J-Pop when I was younger. Huge poster on JPopmusic and JPopsuki, etc.; big uploader of stuff for my favourties: SweetS, Paradise GO!! GO!!, Bon Bon Blanco, Hayami Kishimoto, etc.

Stuff has certainly changed for J-Pop nowadays, huh haha?


Came here to post it. Hot shit! Self-made! Knew she was cool, didn't know she worked the keys like this. Somehow all the BiS members were awesome in their own way.
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